Truong My Lan was sentenced to life in prison, Thanh Bui's wife had mitigating circumstances, remaining 5 years.

Nguyễn TuyếtOct 17, 2024 at 21:56

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The Van Thinh Phat case continues to have remarkable developments, Truong My Lan will "serve the rest of her life" because the panel of judges assessed that an indefinite prison sentence was needed to be commensurate with her role and the consequences of her crime.

On the afternoon of October 17, the Ho Chi Minh City People's Court concluded sentencing 34 defendants in the major case involving Van Thinh Phat Group Joint Stock Company, Saigon Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SCB) and related organizations (phase 2). The sentencing lasted from the morning of the same day.

Truong My Lan was sentenced to life in prison, Thanh Buis wife had mitigating circumstances, remaining 5 years. - Photo 1

Accordingly, the panel of judges determined that defendant Truong My Lan, former Chairwoman of Van Thinh Phat Group, had a controlling role in SCB, agreeing with Nguyen Phuong Hong's proposal to lend mone.y to Van Thinh Phat Group's subsidiaries to issue bonds. The defendant advocated many fraudulent tricks, appropriating VND30,081 billion from more than 35,000 victims; establishing fake transactions, and transferring mone.y across borders. Therefore, the defendant must bear the highest responsibility.

Truong My Lan was sentenced to life in prison, Thanh Buis wife had mitigating circumstances, remaining 5 years. - Photo 2

Considering the seriousness of the case, the People's Court sentenced the defendant Truong My Lan to life in prison for Fraudulent appropriation of property, 12 years in prison for Mone.y Laundering, and 8 years in prison for Illegally transporting currency across the border. The total sentence is life in prison.

Former SCB leaders were sentenced to the following terms:

- Vo Tan Hoang Van (former general director of SCB) 17 years in prison. Of which, the crime of Fraudulent appropriation of property is 12 years, the crime of Illegally transporting currency across the border is 5 years.

Truong My Lan was sentenced to life in prison, Thanh Buis wife had mitigating circumstances, remaining 5 years. - Photo 3

- Truong Khanh Hoang (former acting general director of SCB) 23 years in prison for the crimes of "Fraudulent appropriation of property" (9 years), "Mone.y laundering" (8 years) and "Illegal transportation of currency across borders" (6 years).

- Tran Thi My Dung (former deputy general director of SCB) 14 years in prison for 2 crimes of Fraudulent appropriation of property and Mone.y laundering.

- Bui Anh Dung (former Chairman of the Board of Directors of SCB) 10 years in prison for fraud and illegal transportation of currency across the border.

- Thai Thi Thanh Thao (former Wholesale customer service director, SCB, Saigon Branch) 5 years in prison for fraud and appropriation of property.

Truong My Lan was sentenced to life in prison, Thanh Buis wife had mitigating circumstances, remaining 5 years. - Photo 4

The defendants who are relatives of defendant Lan were recommended to be sentenced from 24 months to 8 years in prison. Specifically:

- Chu Lap Co - Ms. Lan's husband received 2 years in prison for "Mone.y laundering"

- Truong Hue Van - Ms. Lan's niece received 5 years in prison for "Fraudulent appropriation of property".

- For the same crime, defendant Ngo Thanh Nha - Ms. Lan's sister-in-law, received 5 years in prison.

Other defendants sentenced to high sentences include:

- Nguyen Phuong Anh (former deputy general director of SPG Company): 16 years in prison for the crimes of Fraudulent appropriation of property, Mone.y laundering, and Illegal transportation of currency across the border. This is the defendant who received the second highest sentence after defendant Lan.

Truong My Lan was sentenced to life in prison, Thanh Buis wife had mitigating circumstances, remaining 5 years. - Photo 5

- Along with the charges of Fraudulent appropriation of property and Illegal transportation of currency across the border, defendant Trinh Quang Cong (former general director of Acumen Management Group Corporation) received 15 years in prison.

- Nguyen Huu Hieu (former deputy general director of Square Vietnam Investment Joint Stock Company) received 12 years in prison.

- Nguyen Vu Anh Thi (former general director of Vietnam Infrastructure and Real Estate Development Corporation) received 9 years in prison.

Regarding civil liability, the court ordered defendant Truong My Lan to compensate for all the consequences of the case with a total amount of more than 30,000 billion VND. This is determined to be the amount of mone.y that the defendants appropriated from more than 35,000 victims who invested in "fake" bonds in the case.

Truong My Lan was sentenced to life in prison, Thanh Buis wife had mitigating circumstances, remaining 5 years. - Photo 6

Speaking more about Truong Hue Van, 5 years is the sentence that the panel of judges stated, considering the aggravating and mitigating circumstances for the defendant. The panel of judges believes that the defendant has many mitigating circumstances, such as mobilizing her family to overcome the consequences, having the role of an employee, following the instructions of Truong My Lan, the defendant has repented of her mistakes... However, Truong Hue Van's mistakes caused great consequences, helping Ms. Lan embezzl.e 13,000 billion VND.

Truong My Lan was sentenced to life in prison, Thanh Buis wife had mitigating circumstances, remaining 5 years. - Photo 7

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