Ms. Truong My Lan cried, did not admit guilt, and was called mother by Thanh Bui's wife, revealing one thing

JLOMar 11, 2024 at 16:31

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On March 11, the jury continued the trial of the Van Thinh Phat case with questioning of defendants Truong My Lan (former Chairman of Van Thinh Phat Group) and Nguyen Cao Tri - former Chairman of Capella Group.

As the first person to step up to the podium to testify on the morning of March 11, defendant Truong My Lan (former Chairman of Van Thinh Phat Group) burst into tears before the jury and said that he did not commit a crime as concluded by the indictment.

According to the indictment, defendant Truong My Lan acquired and held practically an absolute majority of SCB's shares (91.5% of shares) and dominated and manipulated all of SCB's operations.

Ms. Truong My Lan cried, did not admit guilt, and was called mother by Thanh Buis wife, revealing one thing - Photo 1

For 10 consecutive years (2012-2022), SCB has disbursed more than 2,500 loans worth about 1,066,000 billion VND to the group of defendants Truong My Lan. Defendant Lan appropriated and caused damage to SCB of more than 498,000 billion VND. Accordingly, defendant Truong My Lan was charged with three crimes at the same time: "Embezzlement of assets", "Bribing", and "Violating regulations on lending in the operations of credit institutions".

In court, defendant Lan said that he did not own 91.5% of SCB shares as stated in the indictment, but only owned about 4.9% of SCB shares, the rest belonged to relatives and friends in the court. and abroad.

Ms. Truong My Lan cried, did not admit guilt, and was called mother by Thanh Buis wife, revealing one thing - Photo 2

According to the chairman, the indictment based on collected documents and evidence determined that the defendant owned that much (ie 91.5% of SCB's shares). Defendant Lan held less than 5% of the shares on paper, but in fact other people held the shares in her name to help defendant Lan.

Defendant Truong My Lan explained that, when invited to join the merger of SCB from 3 previous banks, the defendant called on friends to participate in buying shares to save the bank from bankruptcy so as not to affect the market. monetary market as called for by the State Bank at that time. In addition, defendant Lan declared that he did not know the people who signed on his behalf and only managed the shares as requested.

However, the chairman said that there is no formula that requires knowing Truong My Lan to stand for him. The shareholders, during the investigation, all confirmed that they stood for Truong My Lan, while foreign shareholders have Whether the shares must be in the defendant's name or not, the court will evaluate later.

Ms. Truong My Lan cried, did not admit guilt, and was called mother by Thanh Buis wife, revealing one thing - Photo 3

The chairman continued to ask defendant Lan about the past few days, when the defendant sat and listened to the other defendants answer at the trial, all the defendants and former SCB Bank employees testified and confirmed that everything they did was done. According to Truong My Lan, because of Truong My Lan's direction, the management ability is weak, so everything should be done according to Truong My Lan... what does the defendant think?.

Defendant Lan said that the other defendants testified incorrectly.

Ms. Truong My Lan cried, did not admit guilt, and was called mother by Thanh Buis wife, revealing one thing - Photo 4

In addition, defendant Truong My Lan also declared that the defendant was only the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Van Thinh Phat Group, and 5-6 subsidiaries in the group. The defendant did not direct the establishment of thousands of subsidiaries, never direct and establish "ghost companies"; create false contracts and loan documents.

Previously, the jury had also finished questioning Mr. Chu Lap Co, Truong Hue Van and 77 defendants who were former subordinates of Ms. Truong My Lan at SCB Bank and Van Thinh Phat Group.

Ms. Truong My Lan cried, did not admit guilt, and was called mother by Thanh Buis wife, revealing one thing - Photo 5

All 79 defendants admitted to committing crimes as charged in the indictment and expressed remorse.

Testifying to the jury, defendant Truong Hue Van said he lived and grew up with Ms. Lan and often called her mother. She was raised by Ms. Lan, educated and allowed to work at the corporation.

Defendant Van also admitted that he knew that Ms. Lan was the largest shareholder of SCB and admitted to setting up ghost companies as directed. Defendant Van himself did not share and had a property relationship with Ms. Lan.

Ms. Truong My Lan cried, did not admit guilt, and was called mother by Thanh Buis wife, revealing one thing - Photo 6

When asked if he had any further opinions or comments, defendant Van asked if this was the last word and tearfully said that Ms. Lan had taught the defendant how to be a human being.

Ms. Truong My Lan cried, did not admit guilt, and was called mother by Thanh Buis wife, revealing one thing - Photo 7

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