Thanh Bui paid 2 billion to overcome the consequences for his wife, strange attitude when his wife was in prison for 17 years

Đình NhưApr 12, 2024 at 14:17

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Recently, the People's Court of Ho Chi Minh City began sentencing the case of Truong My Lan (Chairman of the Board of Directors of Van Thinh Phat Group) and 84 other defendants who committed crimes, causing damage to Saigon Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SCB).

Among the group of defendants who committed the crime of "property embezzlement", defendant Truong Hue Van (General Director of Windsor Real Estate Management Group Company - Ms. Lan's nephew) was sentenced to 17 years in prison.

Thanh Bui paid 2 billion to overcome the consequences for his wife, strange attitude when his wife was in prison for 17 years - Photo 1

Truong Hue Van was accused of carrying out Ms. Lan's instructions and at the same time taking advantage of his position and authority as General Director of Van Thinh Phat Group Investment Joint Stock Company to direct his subordinates to establish and use 52 companies. "ghost" and 4 companies with real operations created 155 loans at SCB, helping Ms. Lan appropriate more than 1,088 billion VND and causing damage of 25 billion VND.

According to the jury, the defendant repented and had many mitigating circumstances such as: a letter of gratitude from the Cuban Ambassador; certificates of merit and certificates of merit from central ministries for achievements in participating in Covid-19 prevention; mobilized the family to pay to repair part of the damage...

Thanh Bui paid 2 billion to overcome the consequences for his wife, strange attitude when his wife was in prison for 17 years - Photo 2

Regarding the case, Lao Dong newspaper reported that during the trial and his final words, defendant Van asked the court to consider leniency and reduce the penalty for her biological aunt Truong My Lan so that the defendant could use her full time. their consciousness and energy to deal with the consequences of the case.

About 1,000 billion VND that defendant Nguyen Cao Tri compensated for Ms. Truong My Lan. At the trial, Ms. Truong My Lan wanted to use this m.oney to remedy the consequences for her niece, defendant Truong Hue Van. However, the jury decided to transfer this 1,000 billion VND and all the m.oney the other defendants voluntarily remedied to SCB, to ensure Ms. Truong My Lan's obligation to execute the judgment.

Thanh Bui paid 2 billion to overcome the consequences for his wife, strange attitude when his wife was in prison for 17 years - Photo 3

Besides, Truong Hue Van's husband also continued to overcome the consequences for her. Truong Hue Van's lawyer said: "The defendant's husband has just paid an additional 2 billion VND in compensation."

Thanh Bui paid 2 billion to overcome the consequences for his wife, strange attitude when his wife was in prison for 17 years - Photo 4

While his wife was sentenced to prison, Thanh Bui's actions made people curious. Accordingly, he continued to remain silent. Previously, according to Nguoi Lao Dong newspaper, the male musician recently invited international experts to train the quality of intervention for autistic children in Vietnam. Special intervention school for autistic children Special Em's Education Group (SEEG) founded by Thanh Bui will cooperate with experts from Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) to open the training course "Understanding the disorder". autism" for the first time in Vietnam.

Sharing with the press, Thanh Bui said: "I hope to bring timely and comprehensive approaches and interventions for children with autism and create a strong and warm community of children with autism." .

Thanh Bui paid 2 billion to overcome the consequences for his wife, strange attitude when his wife was in prison for 17 years - Photo 5

Returning to the Van Thinh Phat case, the Ho Chi Minh City People's Court also sentenced Mr. Chu Lap Co, 68 years old, to 9 years in prison for violating regulations on lending in the operations of credit institutions.

Mr. Co is the main shareholder (99.26% shares), Chairman of the Board of Directors, holds the highest decision-making role at Times Square Vietnam Joint Stock Company - one of the enterprises of Van Thinh Phat Group. However, the defendant agreed to mortgage Times Square Company's assets to guarantee 73 loans because he trusted his wife, leading to disbursed cash flow not being used for the right purpose. The Hong Kong billionaire's actions caused a loss of VND 9,116 billion to SCB.

Thanh Bui paid 2 billion to overcome the consequences for his wife, strange attitude when his wife was in prison for 17 years - Photo 6

However, Mr. Co still received a lower sentence than the Procuracy proposed. According to the jury, Mr. Co is a foreigner and has a limited role because he depends on his wife; There are many extenuating circumstances such as: actively cooperating with the investigation agency, repenting, being awarded a labor medal by the State, Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee awarded many certificates of merit for active activities in preventing Covid-19 and charity; no aggravating circumstances...

Mr. Co also appeared sincere, admitting his wrongdoing, but confiding that he "did not intentionally commit a crime" during the questioning process. The defendant said he did not understand Vietnamese law, so he signed the above documents and unintentionally committed a crime.

Thanh Bui paid 2 billion to overcome the consequences for his wife, strange attitude when his wife was in prison for 17 years - Photo 7

In his last words, the defendant expressed that he felt sorry. Even though he was very calm, Mr. Co still couldn't believe "the nightmare his family had to endure". Mr. Co felt sorry for not being closer to his wife to dissuade her from participating in the merger to save the three banks.

Thanh Bui paid 2 billion to overcome the consequences for his wife, strange attitude when his wife was in prison for 17 years - Photo 8

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