Ms. Zhang My Lan's husband caused $39,000 billion in damages, indictment translated into English

Thanh PhúcMar 07, 2024 at 10:38

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New developments in the Van Thinh Phat incident recently continued to confuse people when they learned that Ms. Truong My Lan's husband caused a loss of up to 39 trillion billion. The indictment must also be translated into English.

In the afternoon of March 6, representatives of the Procuracy (VKS) completed the publication of the indictment related to the criminal acts of Truong My Lan and his accomplices in the Van Thinh Phat case.

After the VKS representative completed the announcement of the entire indictment, the VKS asked the interpreter to translate the part of the indictment related to defendant Zhou Lapco for this defendant to listen to in English.

Defendant Zhou Lijie was charged with violating regulations on banking operations and other activities related to banking activities.

Ms. Zhang My Lans husband caused ,000 billion in damages, indictment translated into English - Photo 1

According to the indictment, Mr. Co's actions caused losses of more than VND39,000 billion, including principal and interest, of SCB Bank. Regarding damages to SCB, authorities determined that the total obligation of debts signed by Mr. Co was more than VND 39,000 billion. After deducting the value of collateral valued by a 3rd party and accepted by SCB, the remaining joint loss is more than VND 9,100 billion.

During the investigation, Zhou Lap Co sincerely declared, the accused paid VND 1 billion to overcome the consequences.

Ms. Zhang My Lans husband caused ,000 billion in damages, indictment translated into English - Photo 2

Also at the trial, the Presiding Officer announced that in the next day, questioning will begin about the criminal acts of the defendant Truong My Lan (Chairman of Van Thinh Phat Group) and his accomplices related to groups of acts, except for the act of Abuse of trust and misappropriation of assets (in which, Nguyen Cao Tri, chairman of Capella Company, is the defendant, while Truong My Lan is the victim).

Since defendant Tri's conduct was irrelevant, considering the petition of counsel for defendant Tri's rights, considering the defendant's medical condition, the Board decided to allow defendant to be absent. When the jury considers the offence committed by the accused, it will request that the accused be escorted to the trial.

Ms. Zhang My Lans husband caused ,000 billion in damages, indictment translated into English - Photo 3

The accused also said he cooperated with the investigating agency and remediated the consequences. At the same time, defendant Tri applied for authorization to a lawyer who, because of his bad health, suffered a spinal injury, could not go to court.

Earlier, the prosecution agency announced the misconduct of the defendant Truong My Lan and his accomplices who were officials at the State Bank of Vietnam and SCB.

The indictment determined that, between 2012 and October 2022, Truong My Lan acquired and held practically a near-absolute number of shares of SCB Bank (from 85% to 91.5% of the shares), thereby manipulating SCB's entire operations, serving its various purposes.

Ms. Zhang My Lans husband caused ,000 billion in damages, indictment translated into English - Photo 4

As a result of the investigation, from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2017, Truong My Lan directed to make 368 loan documents to withdraw money from SCB Bank for different purposes, causing losses to SCB in the amount of VND 64,600 billion.

From February 9, 2018 to October 7, 2022, Truong My Lan directed to make 916 loan applications, misappropriating VND 304,000 billion from SCB, causing losses of VND 129,400 billion in interest incurred. Thus, the behavior of Truong My Lan and his co-conspirators has cost SCB VND 498,000 billion.

In the same case, the defendant Do Thi Nhan - former Director General of the Banking Inspection and Supervision Department II, State Bank of Vietnam was indicted on charges of receiving bribes.

With the assigned role and responsibility as the head of the inspection team, Ms. Nhan did not honestly report to the State Bank and the Government about violations and violations of SCB Bank in projects, restructuring plans compared to the inspection results, but proposed in the direction of mitigating violations and recommendations to create conditions for this bank to continue to be renewed Structure.

Ms. Zhang My Lans husband caused ,000 billion in damages, indictment translated into English - Photo 5

Former Director Do Thi Nhan as the head of the inspection team accepted a bribe of $5.2 million to cover up for wrongdoings committed by Ms. Truong My Lan and SCB Bank.

The dishonest reporting of this defendant caused the State Bank and the Government not to have enough information and documents to direct the handling of violations of SCB Bank, preventing the criminal acts of Ms. Truong My Lan and her accomplices from occurring at SCB.

Acts of violating official duties, contrary to the inspection law of the defendant Do Thi Nhan to help Truong My Lan, creating conditions for Van Thinh Phat and SCB Bank to commit misdeeds after violations.

Ms. Zhang My Lans husband caused ,000 billion in damages, indictment translated into English - Photo 6

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