Lodging fire in Hanoi left 14 people injured: Neighbors recounted moments of life and d.eath

Bút MựcMay 24, 2024 at 09:01

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At around 0:30 on May 24, a 5-story boarding house at alley 119 Trung Kinh, Trung Hoa ward, Cau Giay district caught fire fiercely. Witnesses at the scene said the fire broke out very quickly with many explosions. The house that caught fire is being rented out with the first floor being used for business and repair of electric bicycles.

Ms. Vo Thi Hoai An, a neighbor next door, said that right at the time of the fire, she was awakened by the sound of "fire, fire" and explosions. She and her roommate rushed down with two fire extinguishers. At this time, the fierce fire covered the entire yard of the 5-storey house, fire also broke out from the doors of the rooms on the upper floor. Many people tried to put out the fire with a fire extinguisher but were unsuccessful. "At that time, inside the house was completely on fire and there was no cry for help," Hoai An said.

Lodging fire in Hanoi left 14 people injured: Neighbors recounted moments of life and d.eath - Photo 1

About 10 minutes later, the Fire Fighting and Rescue Police Team of Area 2 - Room PC07 arrived at the scene. Because the alley was small, the burning house was about 200m from Trung Kinh street, so Hoai An quickly ran out to lead the way for firefighters to pull the water pipe in to put out the fire.

When the fire police approached the scene, the fire burned motorbikes, bicycles, and electric bicycles left on the field; The steel frame and corrugated iron roof covering the front yard have collapsed. The fire spread and developed strongly along the vertical axis from the 1st floor to the 3rd floor and horizontally along the first floor rooms. Black smoke and toxic gases covered the entire roof, stairs and corridors on all floors. .

Lodging fire in Hanoi left 14 people injured: Neighbors recounted moments of life and d.eath - Photo 2

At around 1:05 a.m., the firefighting force of Cau Giay District Police was deployed to support the ward's firefighting force and search and rescue. Firefighting and rescue police cut and unlocked the main gate to deploy forces and vehicles to access the fire area through the main yard and entrances to rooms on all floors of the house. 3 people were saved by this approach. The rescue team also simultaneously broke open the window on the outside wall of the second floor of the family's house, used the rescue rope ladder provided by the house, and saved 4 people.

After 10 minutes of firefighting, the fire was basically controlled, preventing the fire from spreading to adjacent households. The Fire and Rescue Police force continued to organize water spraying, cooling structures, searching for victims and rescuing victims.

Lodging fire in Hanoi left 14 people injured: Neighbors recounted moments of life and d.eath - Photo 3

At around 3:00 a.m., records at the scene showed that the authorities had taken many victims out on stretchers. At 4:30 a.m. on the same day, a representative of the Fire Prevention and Rescue Police Department of Hanoi City Police said that the rescue work had been completed.

At 5:00 a.m. on the same day, according to initial statistics, 14 people who did not survive the scene were taken out of the burned house to the Transport Hospital.

Early on the morning of May 24, talking to the press, the leader of Cau Giay District People's Committee said that immediately after receiving the information, the district mobilized fire prevention, fighting, rescue and relief forces.

Lodging fire in Hanoi left 14 people injured: Neighbors recounted moments of life and d.eath - Photo 4

Chairman of the People's Committee of Trung Hoa ward directed the ward police force, the ward fire prevention and rescue team, and the grassroots fire protection and civil defense team to immediately be present at the fire location; Use firefighting equipment from public firefighting points and surrounding households to coordinate fire handling. The surrounding people and the homeowner broke the window of the 2nd floor of the 2-story house to let 4 people escape.

According to initial information, the fire originated in the yard, the electric bicycle storage area of the electric bicycle repair shop on the first floor, then spread to the upper floors of the house. Authorities are still blocking the street to serve the initial investigation and coordinate remediation.

The house that caught fire at number 1, corner 43/98/31 Trung Kinh, this is a family house, rented for living and repairing electric bicycles. The house is about 200m from Trung Kinh street. The house has a scale of 1 2-story house, 1 penthouse, with an open drying yard and 1 3-story row of houses, each floor has 4 rooms, with an open hallway in front.

Lodging fire in Hanoi left 14 people injured: Neighbors recounted moments of life and d.eath - Photo 5

The house was built with an area of about 150m2 on a total construction land area of 205m2, the remaining area of about 55m2 is an empty yard, arranged for parking. The house is equipped with fire extinguishers located in the yard and hallways of each floor.

Lodging fire in Hanoi left 14 people injured: Neighbors recounted moments of life and d.eath - Photo 6

The total number of members in the host family is 7 people and there are 17 people registered to rent to stay, a total of 12 rooms for rent (10 rooms for rent and 2 rooms for the host). Family members participated in propaganda and training classes on fire prevention and rescue organized by the local ward People's Committee.

Lodging fire in Hanoi left 14 people injured: Neighbors recounted moments of life and d.eath - Photo 7

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