Hanoi police prosecuted Trung Kinh boarding house fire case, how was the owner handled?

Bút MàuMay 26, 2024 at 11:55

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Recently, the Police Investigation Agency of Hanoi City Police decided to prosecute a criminal case of a boarding house fire on Trung Kinh street that killed 14 people to clarify the violation of regulations on fire prevention and fighting according to the law. Article 313 of the Penal Code.

Hanoi police prosecuted Trung Kinh boarding house fire case, how was the owner handled? - Photo 1

Accordingly, the police will verify 2 contents, consider the responsibilities of the landlord renting a house in Trung Kinh ward, Cau Giay district and the responsibilities of the state management group, to strictly handle according to legal regulations. the law. The Hanoi City Police Investigation Police Department is expanding the investigation to clarify the entire content of the case.

According to lawyer Dang Van Cuong of the Hanoi Bar Association, the investigation results from the police will be the basis for determining the responsibility of the parties in the particularly serious fire mentioned above.

Hanoi police prosecuted Trung Kinh boarding house fire case, how was the owner handled? - Photo 2

Accordingly, the authorities will clarify who the owner and manager of this building is, and whether the rental business ensures fire safety or not. Another content is checking the construction permit, determining the time of construction to compare with the regulations on fire prevention and fighting, security and order, to determine the responsibilities of the investor and the management unit. manage this house.

Hanoi police prosecuted Trung Kinh boarding house fire case, how was the owner handled? - Photo 3

In case a violation of safety regulations on fire prevention and fighting is the cause of the fire, the violator shows signs of violating fire prevention and fighting regulations, according to the provisions of article 313 of the Ministry of Health. Criminal law.

If the verification results show that there is no violation of Fire Prevention and Fighting but there are grounds to determine that there is an individual's fault in the preservation and use of power sources, heat sources or agents that cause the fire, Violators may also be punished according to the provisions of Article 128 of the Penal Code.

Hanoi police prosecuted Trung Kinh boarding house fire case, how was the owner handled? - Photo 4

According to the lawyer, in case it is determined that an organization or individual committed a violation that led to a fire, the violator will have to compensate all damages to the victims and the victims' families.

Damages include treatment costs, caregiver wages, lost or reduced income of the injured person, compensation for mental damage, property damage... Particularly for victims, no After surviving, the scope of compensation also includes funeral expenses and support obligations to the person to whom the victim is obligated to support.

Hanoi police prosecuted Trung Kinh boarding house fire case, how was the owner handled? - Photo 5

Before that, at about 0:30 on May 24, a 5-story boarding house at alley 119 Trung Kinh, Trung Hoa ward, Cau Giay district caught fire fiercely. Witnesses at the scene said the fire broke out very quickly with many explosions. The house that caught fire is being rented out with the first floor being used for business and repair of electric bicycles.

About 10 minutes later, the Fire Prevention and Rescue Police Team of Area No. 2 - Department 07 arrived at the scene. Because the alley was small, the burning house was about 200 meters from Trung Kinh street, so Hoai An quickly ran out to lead the way for firefighters to pull water pipes to put out the fire.

Hanoi police prosecuted Trung Kinh boarding house fire case, how was the owner handled? - Photo 6

When the fire police approached the scene, the fire burned motorbikes, bicycles, and electric bicycles left on the field; The steel frame and corrugated iron roof covering the front yard have collapsed. The fire spread and developed strongly along the vertical axis from the 1st floor to the 3rd floor and horizontally along the first floor rooms. Black smoke and toxic gases covered the entire roof, stairs and corridors on all floors. .

Hanoi police prosecuted Trung Kinh boarding house fire case, how was the owner handled? - Photo 7

At around 3:00 a.m., records at the scene showed that the authorities had taken many victims out on stretchers. At 4:30 a.m. on the same day, a representative of the Fire Prevention and Rescue Police Department of Hanoi City Police said that the rescue work had been completed.

By 5 o'clock the same day, according to initial statistics, 14 people who did not survive the scene were taken out of the burned house to the Transport Hospital.

Hanoi police prosecuted Trung Kinh boarding house fire case, how was the owner handled? - Photo 8

Hanoi city leaders directed relevant departments and branches to coordinate with the People's Committee of Cau Giay district to organize visits and encouragement for the families of victims and overcome the consequences after the fire with the amount of 50 million VND for victims. those who did not survive, 30 million VND for the injured.

Hanoi police prosecuted Trung Kinh boarding house fire case, how was the owner handled? - Photo 9

In addition, Chairman of the Hanoi People's Committee Tran Sy Thanh signed a telegram sent to the Directors of the city's departments and branches and the Chairman of the People's Committees of the districts and towns on strengthening prevention work. Fire fighting and rescue for boarding houses in the area. The dispatch from the leaders of Hanoi City requires the People's Committees of localities to proactively establish working groups to review and inspect 100% of boarding houses in the area.

Hanoi police prosecuted Trung Kinh boarding house fire case, how was the owner handled? - Photo 10

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