The case of the gir.l kneeling to apologize to the council: 5 people revealed, the youngest is 2k10, has the online community been fooled?

Hoàng AnhFeb 20, 2025 at 15:27

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Regarding the case of a 17-year-old gir.l being 'interacted' at Yen So Park, Hoang Mai District Police (Hanoi) said they have detained 3 suspects to investigate the act of intentionally causing injury.

The case of the gir.l kneeling to apologize to the council: 5 people revealed, the youngest is 2k10, has the online community been fooled? - Photo 1

Two groups of teenagers who had a previous conflict made an appointment to meet to "resolve" the issue. Before being "influenced", the 17-year-old gir.l was the one who took the initiative to schedule this meeting.

According to the initial investigation, on February 16, Ms. T (residing in Cau Giay district) reported that her daughter, NVAT (born in 2008), was 'interacted' by a group of teenagers in the Set River area (Thinh Liet ward) and Yen So lake on February 15.

Hoang Mai District Police identified 5 related subjects including: QGH (2009, Ba Dinh District), NPA (2008, Hoang Mai District), MBA (2010, Dong Da District), NXNT (2008, Ha Dong District) and D.MD (2008, Hoan Kiem District).

The case of the gir.l kneeling to apologize to the council: 5 people revealed, the youngest is 2k10, has the online community been fooled? - Photo 2

The cause of the incident stemmed from a love conflict between AT and NXNT. On February 15, AT took the initiative to ask NT to go to a coffee shop on Tam Trinh Street to resolve the conflict and invited 7 friends along. When they met, one of AT's group slapped NT. Angry, NT called her friends to come and help, leading to a fight.

Asked by the restaurant owner to leave, the two groups dragged each other to the Set River bank to continue fightin.g but had to run away when discovered by local people. Afterwards, the two groups moved to the Yen So lake and the nearby pumping station to fight again.

The case of the gir.l kneeling to apologize to the council: 5 people revealed, the youngest is 2k10, has the online community been fooled? - Photo 3

Netizens were surprised to learn about the cause of the incident. Previously, many people thought AT was the victi.m and defended her. But according to the information revealed by the police, AT was the one who took the initiative to meet and call someone to bea.t the other person first? Many comments expressed frustration and disappointment with the behavior of this group of teenagers. Most hoped that the authorities would punish both groups severely as a deterrent.

The case of the gir.l kneeling to apologize to the council: 5 people revealed, the youngest is 2k10, has the online community been fooled? - Photo 4

During the fight, AT was beaten by the opposing group using combs, slippers and helmets, causing injuries. The young woman suffered a 3cm cu.t on her scalp, a cu.t on her cheekbone, right eye and many bruises on her body.

AT's mother said her daughter was forced to knee.l down and apologize to each person after being 'interacted'. That night, she did not see her daughter return, so she called and learned that her daughter was at Thanh Nhan Hospital because she was bleedin.g profusely. After receiving emergency care, AT was discharged that day and continued treatment at home.

The case of the gir.l kneeling to apologize to the council: 5 people revealed, the youngest is 2k10, has the online community been fooled? - Photo 5

"Right and wrong will be clarified by the law, whoever is at fault will have to bear the consequences, but as a mother, when I watched the video of my daughter being 'affected', I couldn't watch more than 15 seconds. How could you 'interact' so brutally with a daughter alone in a place with no one around?", the victi.m's mother shared.

According to Ms. T., her daughter is currently in a state of panic and fear, and does not dare to go out. "Her face is swollen and bruised, with scratches all over her body. Her four fingers were 'interacted' and the nails flipped over, and she was so hurt that she could not hold a pen, so she had to temporarily take a leave of absence from school," Ms. T. sobbed.

The case of the gir.l kneeling to apologize to the council: 5 people revealed, the youngest is 2k10, has the online community been fooled? - Photo 6

On the evening of February 19, the Investigation Police Agency of Hoang Mai District Police temporarily detained 3 subjects to investigate the act of intentionally causing injury. Currently, the Investigation Police Agency of Hoang Mai District Police is continuing to consolidate evidence to strictly handle the subjects according to the provisions of the law.

A few days earlier, a video of a group 'interaction' between students carrying 'cold goods' also appeared on social media. On February 14, Mr. Duong Kiem Anh - Head of the Department of Education and Training of Long Xuyen City, An Giang Province - said that after the incident of a female 6th grade student at My Thoi Secondary School (My Thoi Ward, Long Xuyen City) being beaten by a group, the school invited the students involved to handle and educate them.

The case of the gir.l kneeling to apologize to the council: 5 people revealed, the youngest is 2k10, has the online community been fooled? - Photo 7

The school has visited the student who was injured by the 'interaction'. As for the students outside the school, the My Thoi Ward Police have also invited them to the school for questioning. The school will continue to monitor and remind the students to avoid similar incidents.

Two clips recorded a femal.e studen.t being gang-raped by two older girls and a younger bo.y on a concrete bridge in My Thoi ward, Long Xuyen city. These clips have been circulating on social media for many days, causing outrage among many people.

The femal.e studen.t was grabbed by the hair, 'interacted' with by the council, and kicked in the stomach, head, and face repeatedly despite her apologies and pleas for forgiveness. At one point, the oldest femal.e studen.t in the group, not wearing a school uniform, cursed and pulled out a 'cold weapo.n' that was ready to rush at the victi.m. However, this action was quickly stopped by other female students.

The case of the gir.l kneeling to apologize to the council: 5 people revealed, the youngest is 2k10, has the online community been fooled? - Photo 8

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