The case of a wife being influenced by her husband in front of her 2 children and biological mother: a status line of 'awakening' stirs

Lan ChiFeb 24, 2025 at 13:34

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Recently, on social networks, a video recording images inside a family has been continuously shared, making many people feel heartbroken. The husband kept hitting his wife in front of his two young children.

The case of a wife being influenced by her husband in front of her 2 children and biological mother: a status line of awakening stirs - Photo 1

According to a Facebook account named BP, from the footage recorded by the camera in the room, it can be seen that a man - believed to be Ms. P.'s husband - for unknown reasons suddenly rushed into the room where the mother and her three children were lying inside. At the time they saw their father, Ms. P.'s two daughters kept crying and hugging their mother tightly.

Another woman came in and advised Ms. P.'s husband to go downstairs to talk, so she left. However, a short while later, when she did not see Ms. P. come down, he returned and continuously scolded her, even grabbed her hair and bea.t her, even though her two children tried to stop him. The chaotic scene inside the room made many people feel sorry, especially for the wife and two children who had to face an abusive husband and father.

The case of a wife being influenced by her husband in front of her 2 children and biological mother: a status line of awakening stirs - Photo 2

"I'm sorry, my children, for letting you witnes.s this scene. I don't know what caption to write anymore. Because now I've come to my senses and understand everything. Thank you, my two angels, for always being by my side. I always want you two to be together. But maybe I can't do that for you. SORRY, my two younger siblings." - The lines shared with the video by Ms. BP are even more heartbreaking.

The case of a wife being influenced by her husband in front of her 2 children and biological mother: a status line of awakening stirs - Photo 3

The video immediately attracted the attention of many people after being shared. Viewers not only felt sorry for the fate of the wife and two children but also expressed anger at the man's behavior, demanding specific action from the authorities.

The case of a wife being influenced by her husband in front of her 2 children and biological mother: a status line of awakening stirs - Photo 4

"I feel so sorry for the mother and the children. I hope the lives of the three of them will be peaceful in the future", "After watching the video, my heart feels suffocated. How can a mother and two children have to suffer like that", "There is nothing more painfu.l than seeing violenc.e coming from family members. I hope the three of them can receive help from relatives, the community and the government to overcome this difficult period".

The article is still attracting the attention of many people.

The case of a wife being influenced by her husband in front of her 2 children and biological mother: a status line of awakening stirs - Photo 5

Many girls are disillusioned after marriage. Like the case of a 39-week pregnant wife whose husband hit her and broke her orbital floor, and behind that is the story of 5 months of hellish marriage. The wife in the story is NQ (Thuong Tin, Hanoi), 25 years old, married for 5 months and just gave birth.

"Living in constant anxiety, many nights my hands and feet trembled because of receiving rud.e messages, I really couldn't stand it anymore. I guarantee that everything I write is true, with witnesses and legal evidence, if wrong I will take responsibility before the law", those are the tense and painfu.l opening lines of an unfortunate wife.

The case of a wife being influenced by her husband in front of her 2 children and biological mother: a status line of awakening stirs - Photo 6

She affirmed: "This is an expensive lesson for disobeying parents to marry the person you love". "When we were in love, S. treated me very well, like a dream boyfriend. I trusted him 100%, loved him and had no reservations. But everything changed 180 degrees as soon as I found out I was pregnant. S. changed her attitude completely and revealed her true nature. From "I'll give you whatever you want" to "You have to listen to everything I say, no arguing". Even though I was pregnant, seeing S.'s attitude like that, my parents didn't allow us to get married anymore. I called S. out to talk and cancel the wedding. S. said it was her choice. I was okay! The next day, S. came to my house and begged me all day to apologize. At that time, I still loved her and felt sorry for her. Plus, I wanted my chil.d to have both parents and so we got married", Q. said. Her tragedy also began from that stubborn decision.

The case of a wife being influenced by her husband in front of her 2 children and biological mother: a status line of awakening stirs - Photo 7

After the wedding, her patriarchal husband forced her to sell all her goods and give him 1 billion to buy land. Although Q. had her own job, S. wanted to control all the finances. When his wife did not listen, S. showed an attitude of "marrying a wife is useless". When Q. was heavily pregnant, her mother-in-law encouraged her to stay home and rest, so she agreed. Unexpectedly, S. blamed her for "being useless". In the end, she still had to carry her heavy body with a 6-month pregnant belly to work until she gave birth so that her husband would not scol.d her. Because of their joint business, S. constantly made things difficult for his wife.

The case of a wife being influenced by her husband in front of her 2 children and biological mother: a status line of awakening stirs - Photo 8

After only 1 month of marriage, she discovered that her husband had "booked girls" when he went to China to get goods. But Q. was still gullible and chose to give her husband a chance. Although they didn't live together for long, Q. and her husband argued countless times. The pain was even worse when his wife was about to give birth, S. constantly criticized his wife for being "fat, having a big belly, big legs, and smelling of pregnancy".

The case of a wife being influenced by her husband in front of her 2 children and biological mother: a status line of awakening stirs - Photo 9

The incident reached its clima.x when the abusive husband acted out of jealous.y and repeatedly 'attacke.d' his pregnant wife. The results from the hospital showed that Q. had a fractured right orbital floor. The doctor ordered surgery, but because she was breastfeeding, Q. was unable to undergo it. Q. and her family have also filed a complaint with the authorities to seek justice, but things may not be over yet.

The case of a wife being influenced by her husband in front of her 2 children and biological mother: a status line of awakening stirs - Photo 10

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