Shipper's wife reveals unusual thing when "relatives of Lexus driver come to visit"

JLOFeb 19, 2025 at 17:14

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Regarding the case of a male shipper being affected by a Lexus driver in Hanoi, Ms. Nguyen Thi Luong (29 years old, wife of Mr. Nguyen Xuan Hung - male shipper) shared about her husband's health situation and what happened after the incident.

Accordingly, after the incident, Mr. Hung was taken to the hospital for treatment by his family. Meanwhile, Tong Anh Tuan was prosecuted by the Investigating Police Agency of Tay Ho District Police (Hanoi).

Shippers wife reveals unusual thing when relatives of Lexus driver come to visit - Photo 1

Ms. Nguyen Thi Luong said that in the early days of hospitalization, Mr. Hung could not take a nap due to pain from bruises on his face and chest. Recently, he has only been able to sleep a little but often talks and dreams that he is affected.

Up to now, Mr. Hung's health has improved, but he still suffers from headaches, dizziness and cannot walk on his own, his spirit has not fully recovered, and he is still obsessed.

Sharing on VietNamNet newspaper, the shipper's wife told more about an unusual detail and the family encountered. That is in the past few days, someone claiming to be the parents of the Lexus driver came to the hospital to visit Mr. Hung. However, after that, she found out that they were not relatives of the driver.

Shippers wife reveals unusual thing when relatives of Lexus driver come to visit - Photo 2

Because of concerns for her husband's safety, on the evening of February 17, Ms. Luong asked the hospital to let him be discharged home for further treatment. Currently, Ms. Luong's family authorizes the entire case to a lawyer.

Ms. Luong said that before the acciden.t, her husband was a healthy person, working as a carpenter. However, in 2018, during a labor incident at a carpentry factory in his hometown, Mr. Hung lost his left hand. After the incident, he could not do heavy work and there was no suitable job in the countryside. He decided to go to Hanoi to find a job.

When he went to the capital, Mr. Hung applied for jobs in many places but were all rejected. Eventually, he was accepted to work at a bakery, where the owner understood his family situation and kindly accepted him to work as a delivery worker.

Shippers wife reveals unusual thing when relatives of Lexus driver come to visit - Photo 3

Ms. Luong shared, thanks to this job, family life is less difficult. Before that, the family only relied on her income. When they have more income from Mr. Hung, their lives gradually become more stable. "My husband and I's life was still peaceful until this heartbreaking incident happened," Ms. Luong said sadly.

Ms. Luong could not hide her surprise and frustration when she heard that her husband was affected. "He is a gentle person, never fights with anyone. He is always careful and thoughtful, even building a car for his wife does it himself so as not to affect others. However, just because he forgot his bill once, he was beaten to the point of being hospitalized."

When asked about her future plans, Ms. Luong said that her family still has many worries. Although her husband's health has shown signs of recovery, psychological obsessions still haunt him. Hopefully, he will recover soon so that he can continue to work and maintain a stable life for his family.

Shippers wife reveals unusual thing when relatives of Lexus driver come to visit - Photo 4

Previously, as reported, on the afternoon of February 10, Mr. Hung was driving a motorbike to deliver goods to a cake factory in alley 310 Nghi Tam when there was a slight collision with Tuan's car. After that, Tuan got out of the car, impacting Mr. Hung.

By 14 pm on February 11, Tuan went to the Tay Ho District Police headquarters to surrender and confess his behavior. The autops.y results showed that Mr. Hung had a concussion, the injury rate was 3%. However, with possible complications and consequences, does this shipper have the right to request additional injury assessment?

Shippers wife reveals unusual thing when relatives of Lexus driver come to visit - Photo 5

From the perspective of a person who has many years of working in procedural agencies, lawyer Duong Duc Thang (Hanoi Bar Association) said that according to the provisions of Circular 22/2019/TT-BYT of the Ministry of Health, the percentage of body injuries and injuries in the case of "concussion" is divided into 2 types. They are stable concussion treatment (injury level 1-5%) and unstable treatment brain concussion (injury level 6-10%).

In addition, concussions can also cause symptoms of mental disorders with varying degrees of health damage. Accordingly, if the shipper suffers from mental disorders after concussion, the treatment is stable, the level of health damage is determined to be 11-15%, and if it is in the case of mental disorders after concussion, the treatment is ineffective, the level of damage is 25-30%.

Regarding the assessment and request for additional expertise, Article 207 of the Criminal Procedure Code 2015 stipulates that the involved parties or their representatives have the right to request the procedure-conducting agency to solicit expertise on matters related to their legitimate rights and interests. except for cases related to the determination of penal liability of the accuse.d persons.

Shippers wife reveals unusual thing when relatives of Lexus driver come to visit - Photo 6

Article 210 of this Code stipulates that the additional expertise shall be conducted if the contents of the expertise conclusion are unclear or incomplete or new issues arise that need to be examined related to the circumstances of the case for which the expertise conclusion has been previously made. The additional assessment may be carried out by the organization or individual that has conducted the assessment or by other organizations and individuals.

Depending on the different stages of the case, the person competent to issue additional expertise decisions may be the head of the investigating agency, the chairman of the procuracy or the presiding judge of the court session.

Shippers wife reveals unusual thing when relatives of Lexus driver come to visit - Photo 7

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