The case of 'magically' turning soybeans and additives into coffee: only hiring relatives to roast and grind

Kim OanhFeb 22, 2025 at 16:04

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The Economic Police Department of Dak Lak Province Police continues to investigate, consolidate records, and handle subjects related to 2 cases of production and trade of counterfeit goods (fake coffee) of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Phat Hai Production, Trade and Service Company.

The case of magically turning soybeans and additives into coffee: only hiring relatives to roast and grind - Photo 1

Previously, through the work of grasping the area, the Economic Police Department of Dak Lak Province Police discovered a grocery store in Buon Ma Thuot City selling more than 100kg of ground coffee with the brands: Phat Hai Ground Coffee, Weasel Coffee, Coffee Phat Hai.

These products are manufactured by Phat Hai Production, Trade and Service Company (headquartered in Thuan An City, Binh Duong) and has a branch in Ho Chi Minh City.

Realizing that the above coffee products showed signs of not meeting quality standards, the Economic Police Department took samples for testing. The test showed that the caffeine content was only 0.41-0.46%, much lower than the content stated on the packaging of ≥1%.

Afterwards, the police force conducted a search at the headquarters of Phat Hai Production, Trade and Service Company, seizing more than 2,800 packages of ground coffee weighing nearly 1,330kg and 7,500kg of soybeans, 5,500kg of crushed coffee husks, 2,000kg of mixed roasted soybeans mixed with crushed coffee husks and many flavorings and packaging.

The case of magically turning soybeans and additives into coffee: only hiring relatives to roast and grind - Photo 2

As a result of the investigation, the police determined that Nguyen Thanh Hai, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Phat Hai Production, Trade and Service Company, used 10% coffee beans and additives, 70% soybeans, and 20% coffee husks to produce fake coffee. The caffeine content was only 0.39-0.41% compared to the packaging stating 1%.

To avoid being expose.d, Nguyen Thanh Hai only hired relatives to do the roasting and grinding and frequently changed the packaging design.

Data from the seized books show that in the first 11 months of 2024, Phat Hai Production, Trade and Service Company branch produced and sold 7 types of ground coffee that did not meet quality standards in terms of caffeine content. A total of 344 tons, worth about 20 billion VND.

The case of magically turning soybeans and additives into coffee: only hiring relatives to roast and grind - Photo 3

The Economic Police Department of Dak Lak Province Police has issued a decision to prosecute and temporarily detain Nguyen Thanh Hai (Chairman of the Board of Directors of Phat Hai Production, Trade and Service Company) and Le Thi Thanh Tam (Branch Director) for the crime of "Producing and trading counterfeit goods".

In February 2025, Dak Lak Provincial Police also prosecuted Luong Dinh De (born in 1999, residing in Buon Ho town) for the crime of Manufacturing and trading counterfeit goods (fake coffee).

The case of magically turning soybeans and additives into coffee: only hiring relatives to roast and grind - Photo 4

Previously, the police discovered De driving a car carrying 890kg of Coffee HLP HUYNH LONG PHAT brand ground coffee to sell to several coffee shops in Ea H'leo district (Dak Lak).

At the time of inspection, subject De could not provide invoices or documents proving the legal origin of the above coffee. Through the struggle, this subject confessed that all of this ground coffee was produced by himself at his factory.

The results of testing 1,500kg of Coffee HLP Huynh Long Phat brand ground coffee produced by De showed that the caffeine content was only 0.5% (not as stated on the packaging). At De's production facility, the police also seized 500kg of soybeans and 2 bags of roasted soybeans with additives.

At the police station, De confessed that when the coffee price was low, he still produced the right amount. Now that the price is high, De has increased the soybean content and reduced the coffee content to reduce production costs in order to make illegal profits.

From the end of 2022 to now, the Economic Police Department of Dak Lak Police has discovered 12 cases of fake coffee powder production, seizing more than 20 tons of fake coffee powder that had not yet been sold to the market.

The case of magically turning soybeans and additives into coffee: only hiring relatives to roast and grind - Photo 5

Previously, a famous coffee shop in Gia Lai was arrested for soaking coffee with chemicals and selling fake brands. Gia Lai Provincial Police said that the Investigation Police Agency has initiated a case and prosecuted Nguyen Hoang Vu (born in 1993, residing in Pleiku City, Gia Lai) for organizing and directing the mixing and production of fake coffee under the brand name "Uyen Coffee" to sell on the market in large quantities.

According to initial information, on December 21, 2024, the Department of Police Investigation of Crimes on Corruption, Economy, and Environment simultaneously inspected many locations in Pleiku City.

The case of magically turning soybeans and additives into coffee: only hiring relatives to roast and grind - Photo 6

Thereby, the authorities discovered 3 establishments producing and trading fake ground coffee with the brand name "Uyen Coffee" in alley 03 Nguyen Thiep (Pleiku City) that were soaking, marinating, and mixing additives and chemicals of unknown origin into coffee to bring to the market for consumption.

To prevent violations and protect consumers' health, the police have drawn up a record of temporarily confiscating 802.5 kg of packaged coffee at the production facility and at a number of grocery stores (purchased for retail sale) in Duc Co, Chu Prong, Krong Pa districts, Pleiku city (all in Gia Lai province); Dak Ha district (Kon Tum).

In addition, the police temporarily seized an additional 426 kg of coffee mixed with additives and chemicals but not yet packaged; requested the facility to immediately stop marinating and mixing chemicals of unknown origin into coffee products.

The case of magically turning soybeans and additives into coffee: only hiring relatives to roast and grind - Photo 7

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