The case of losing a chil.d at the Central Maternity Hospital: the family has a bitter accusation?

Bảo YếnFeb 23, 2025 at 14:52

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On the afternoon of February 22, the Department of Maternal and Chil.d Health (Ministry of Health) said it had received information about a medical incident involving Ms. QA (28 years old, Bac Giang) during medical examination and treatment at the Central Maternity Hospital.

The case of losing a chil.d at the Central Maternity Hospital: the family has a bitter accusation? - Photo 1

The Department of Maternal and Chil.d Health requested the hospital to check and verify information about medical incidents at the hospital. At the same time, review the medical examination and treatment process for QA patients and review the issuance and implementation of professional regulations in medical examination and treatment at the hospital, promptly correct any existing problems or shortcomings, if any.

Previously, on the evening of February 21, social networks shared the story of a pregnant woman named QA who was 25 weeks pregnant and was treated at the Central Maternity Hospital but had to be transferred to another hospital because she believed the medical staff there were "irresponsible". The bab.y was later born prematurely and died of infectio.n and kidney failure.

According to a post by QA’s family on her personal page on January 27 (ie 28th of Lunar New Year), when she was 20 weeks pregnant, she had a short cervix and had to have a cerclage. At 24 weeks, she had abdominal pain and was admitted to Bac Giang Provincial Hospital, then transferred to the Central Maternity Hospital for treatment.

This person shared that during the treatment at the Central Maternity Hospital, Ms. QA's condition became complicated but she did not receive support from doctors.

The case of losing a chil.d at the Central Maternity Hospital: the family has a bitter accusation? - Photo 2

During the treatment, the family was suggested to use Tractocile (a drug used to slow down premature birth), 9 IV tubes for 2 days costing 22 million VND.

After 8 days of treatment at the hospital, on February 3, Ms. QA was re-examined by the doctor and concluded that there were unclear signs of premature birth, and that she could be discharged after 1-2 days in the hospital. However, that same evening, she experienced pain again, accompanied by mucus discharge and pink bloo.d. The doctor continued to prescribe intravenous medication to stabilize her condition.

On the morning of February 4, the doctor went to the ward and saw the medicine being given. He said, "Why are you still giving medicine? The condition is not serious enough to be given medicine. Over-infusing is costly." The family then asked for a medical examination, but the doctor refused to examine them. The family explained, but they were still not examined and were only given medicine to swallow instead of the medicine.

That night, Ms. QA continuously experienced unbearable contractions. However, when examined, the doctor only concluded that it was "vaginal discharge" and continued to monitor.

The case of losing a chil.d at the Central Maternity Hospital: the family has a bitter accusation? - Photo 3

The next day, the pain subsided, but the pregnant woman still had bleedin.g. At this time, the doctor went to the room and suspected amniotic fluid leakage and took a bloo.d test. Because the situation was not good, Ms. QA's family asked to transfer to another hospital.

On the afternoon of February 12, right after being transferred to Hanoi Obstetrics Hospital, the doctor concluded that Ms. QA had low amniotic fluid, the amniotic fluid was cloudy, and if it was any later, the uterus would be damaged. At 9:00 p.m. the same day, although the doctor tried his best to save the bab.y, Ms. QA still gave birth prematurely. The bab.y was infected with the mother's bacteria and had to be placed in an incubator. In the early morning of February 20, the bab.y did not survive.

After the bab.y passed away, the family's post from February 9 was widely shared and received much attention from the public.

The case of losing a chil.d at the Central Maternity Hospital: the family has a bitter accusation? - Photo 4

Speaking to the press on the morning of February 22, Mr. Nguyen Duy Anh, director of the Central Maternity Hospital, said that upon receiving information reflected on social networks, the hospital reviewed the medical records and confirmed that it had received treatment for pregnant woman QA.

"According to the medical records, the pregnant woman was transferred from a lower level in a very serious condition at 24 weeks pregnant, with threatened premature birth, abdominal pain, bleedin.g, and amniotic fluid leakage. The doctors determined that this was a very difficult case and gave the pregnant woman the best medicine to maintain the pregnancy. The doctors followed the correct treatment regimen," said Mr. Anh.

The case of losing a chil.d at the Central Maternity Hospital: the family has a bitter accusation? - Photo 5

The mother's family then requested to transfer her to the Hanoi Obstetrics Hospital for further treatment. However, the chil.d did not survive. "We sympathize with the family's loss. When receiving feedback, the hospital also accepted the comments. At the same time, the hospital will hold a meeting and thoroughly educate and discipline the hospital's medical staff about their spirit and attitude when examining and treating patients," said Mr. Anh.

The case of losing a chil.d at the Central Maternity Hospital: the family has a bitter accusation? - Photo 6

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