The case of the CEO driving a Mercedes to threaten 'cold goods': from 'romantic' to 'non-romantic', identity revealed?

Lan ChiJan 13, 2025 at 11:32

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Nha Trang City Police, Khanh Hoa Province have identified the person who drew a sword and demanded to 'interact' with an urban environmental worker after being reminded not to pick flowers in the park.

The case of the CEO driving a Mercedes to threaten cold goods: from romantic to non-romantic, identity revealed? - Photo 1

According to Nha Trang City Police, at around 3:45 p.m. on January 11, a female worker from Nha Trang Urban Environment Company went to Loc Tho Ward Police to report that more than 30 minutes ago, while she was taking care of and decorating flowers in the park area next to Tram Huong Tower, a man driving a car stopped, got out of the car and went to pick flowers in the park.

Seeing that, the female worker reminded her and the man loudly 'referred to the parents', along with threatening them with a sword. According to the initial investigation results, the person who caused the disturbance was Mr. Nguyen Thanh Binh (commonly known as Binh Con, 53 years old, living in Nha Trang City).

The case of the CEO driving a Mercedes to threaten cold goods: from romantic to non-romantic, identity revealed? - Photo 2

Mr. Binh drove to the park next to the Tram Huong tower, then got out of the car, walked up to the sidewalk to the park area and picked flowers to give to the woman who was with him. When the female worker reminded him, Mr. Binh loudly 'reminded the parents', insulting the female worker. After that, Mr. Binh returned to the car, opened the trunk, pulled out a sword and demanded to 'interact' with the female worker.

Seeing this, the woman accompanying him came to stop him, grabbed the sword and pushed Mr. B. into the car. Mr. B. continued to take a bottle of mineral water from the car and threw it at the Company's staff, then drove the car carrying the woman away.

The entire incident was filmed by a tourist and posted on social media. Immediately after, the authorities stepped in to verify and clarify the incident. According to the leader of Nha Trang City Police, the unit is continuing to consolidate the case file to handle it according to regulations.

The case of the CEO driving a Mercedes to threaten cold goods: from romantic to non-romantic, identity revealed? - Photo 3

Regarding Mr. Binh’s behavior in this case, speaking with Ho Chi Minh City Law, lawyer Huynh Trong Nghia, Ho Chi Minh City Bar Association, said that impulsive behavior due to a hot temper like the above man is not uncommon. Although it has not caused damage to the health, life, or property of the female environmental worker, such behavior needs to be condemned and strictly handled.

In the context that the police force nationwide is taking action to suppress crime at the end of the year to maintain and ensure security and order, the act of carrying weapons to threaten and intimidate others in public places shows signs of the crime of disturbing public order as prescribed in Article 318 of the 2015 Penal Code (amended and supplemented in 2017).

The case of the CEO driving a Mercedes to threaten cold goods: from romantic to non-romantic, identity revealed? - Photo 4

Accordingly, anyone who disturbs public order, negatively affecting security, order and social safety, shall be fined from 5 to 50 million VND, sentenced to non-custodial reform for up to 02 years or imprisoned from 03 months to 02 years.

The subject of this crime is the stable, normal activities of society protected by law. In which, public order includes security order, social safety order and state management order.

The case of the CEO driving a Mercedes to threaten cold goods: from romantic to non-romantic, identity revealed? - Photo 5

Security and safety is a state of peace and stability in society, guaranteed by political measures and legal instruments... Social order and safety is the normal activities of society that are not affected by factors that cause disturbance or instability. In addition, the subject of this crime is also the state management order of state agencies.

The case of the CEO driving a Mercedes to threaten cold goods: from romantic to non-romantic, identity revealed? - Photo 6

The clip circulating on social media recorded the entire course of Mr. Binh’s behavior. He committed the act in a public place, where all activities and events are protected by law, ensuring that they take place normally. But the man’s behavior violated social order and the State’s management order in public places. He showed contempt for the law.

Therefore, after consolidating the records and investigating and verifying, the authorities in Nha Trang City need to handle the case strictly to deter and avoid similar cases from arising in the future.

The case of the CEO driving a Mercedes to threaten cold goods: from romantic to non-romantic, identity revealed? - Photo 7

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