Mr Pips Pho Duc Nam was prosecuted, "detained" 5000 billion, did the victim get his money back?

KengDec 07, 2024 at 14:17

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Recently, the Hanoi People's Army said that the unit is actively coordinating with the Hanoi Police Investigative Agency to continue to expand the investigation of the scam and asset appropriation line in cyberspace.

Currently, the total amount of assets that the Investigation Agency has seized and blocked from the subjects is about more than 5000 billion VND.

Mr Pips Pho Duc Nam was prosecuted, detained 5000 billion, did the victim get his money back? - Photo 1

In particular, in the case, the functional forces have issued a decision to prosecute the case, prosecuting the accused against Pho Duc Nam (i.e. Tiktoker Mr Pips; SN 1994, residing in Ward 8, Vung Tau City, Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province). Immediately after the information that this tiktoker was prosecuted, it caused a stir in the online community.

Dr. Dang Van Cuong, lawyer of the Hanoi Bar Association, said that TikToker Mr Pips is famous for posting videos about his lavish life, teaching how to get rich, with hundreds of thousands of followers on TikTok and YouTube. However, this subject was prosecuted for money fraud once again, showing that the "canvas", flashy, having a lot of assets, and getting rich unusually fast is due to the crime.

Mr Pips Pho Duc Nam was prosecuted, detained 5000 billion, did the victim get his money back? - Photo 2

The investigating agency will expand the investigation to clarify the line of money fraud and appropriation of this property. In addition to the masterminds who lead the scenario to commit acts of deceiving and appropriating property that are criminally handled, other subjects in the line who know that these are deceitful tricks to appropriate property but still carry out the act, the same will for the leader is also identified as an accomplice with the role of helper or practitioner, directly committing the criminal act, so he will be handled together with the crime of deceiving and appropriating property.

For those who know that this is a line of deception and appropriation of property but do not denounce will also be criminally handled for the crime of failing to denounce the crime According to the provisions of Article 390 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of up to 3 years in prison.

Mr Pips Pho Duc Nam was prosecuted, detained 5000 billion, did the victim get his money back? - Photo 3

In addition, those who know the amount of money and property obtained from committing the crime but still receive it to include in transactions to conceal the origin of the criminal property will be criminally handled for the crime of "money laundering" according to the provisions of Article 324 of the Criminal Code with the maximum possible penalty of up to 15 years in prison.

In the above case, for hired employees, limited awareness, only performing part of the work without knowing that the subjects are committing acts of deception and appropriation of property, they are not criminally handled. As for the subjects who play the role of leaders, organizers and managers of the enterprise, are discussed, participate in building the system, know well that such investment tricks are deceiving and appropriating assets, but because of the desire for profit, they still carry out the act, they are determined to be accomplices in the crime of deceiving and appropriating assets.

Mr Pips Pho Duc Nam was prosecuted, detained 5000 billion, did the victim get his money back? - Photo 4

The investigating agency will clarify perceptions, behaviors, profits and other factors to determine who are accomplices and who are just employees to differentiate, classify and handle the right people, the right crimes, and the law.

Lawyer Cuong said that this is one of the cases in which the agency conducting the blockade proceedings seized the largest number of assets. The seized assets worth up to more than 5000 billion VND are a very large amount.

Investors who lose money from investment activities of these subjects will become victims, so they should urgently contact the investigating agency, provide information and documents about the criminal methods and tricks of the subjects, about the transfer of money and other relevant documentary evidence for the procedural agency to include in the list of people were harmed.

Mr Pips Pho Duc Nam was prosecuted, detained 5000 billion, did the victim get his money back? - Photo 5

The victims are entitled to present documents, objects and requests to be entitled to propose the penalty level for the offender and request compensation for damages, remedy the consequences, participate in the proceedings and be presented at the court hearing. Distant victims can also authorize their relatives or lawyers to participate in the proceedings to protect their legitimate rights and interests.

The investigating agency will also continue to clarify the origin of assets and the path of cash flows to continue arriving, blocking, and enforcing assets to avoid the dispersal of assets and handle subjects who commit acts of money laundering in accordance with the law.

Mr Pips Pho Duc Nam was prosecuted, detained 5000 billion, did the victim get his money back? - Photo 6

This case will have a lot of victims and the money appropriated by the subjects will also be wasted and can be converted into other types of assets that cannot be recovered. Therefore, not all victims have the opportunity to get their money back even though the seized amount is particularly large.

The case is a lesson for many young people when they want to get rich quickly, despite being in cyberspace. At the same time, it will be a lesson for many victims when they lack investment knowledge, lack of understanding of the law, and want to get rich quickly and easily in cyberspace.

Mr Pips Pho Duc Nam was prosecuted, detained 5000 billion, did the victim get his money back? - Photo 7

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