Truong My Lan needs to pay 280 trillion to escape the death penalty, how much is the compensation money now?

Hoàng PhúcNov 25, 2024 at 17:41

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On November 25, a representative of the High People's Procuracy in Ho Chi Minh City responded to the defense of Ms. Truong My Lan (Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Van Thinh Phat) and her accomplices.

The representative of the High-level People's Procuracy in Ho Chi Minh City responded and maintained the proposed sentence for defendant Truong My Lan: 16-18 years in prison for the crime of Violating regulations on lending in the activities of credit institutions, 20 years in prison for the crime of Bribery and the highest penalty for the crime of Embezzlement of property.

Truong My Lan needs to pay 280 trillion to escape the death penalty, how much is the compensation money now? - Photo 1

In her defense, the lawyer argued that Ms. Truong My Lan committed one act throughout, but when prosecuted and tried, it was separated into two crimes, which was disadvantageous to the defendant.

In response to the above viewpoint, the People's Procuracy stated that, based on the results of the investigation and interrogation at the two trials, it was shown that defendant Truong My Lan, as a major shareholder holding 91.5% of shares and having the highest authority at SCB, directed and arranged other defendants such as Dinh Van Thanh, Vo Tan Hoang Van, Tran Thi My Dung... to operate SCB and withdraw SCB's money for personal use, causing damage to SCB.

Truong My Lan needs to pay 280 trillion to escape the death penalty, how much is the compensation money now? - Photo 2

The defendant's actions occurred over a long period of time during which legal policies had many changes, including the time before January 1, 2018 (when the 2015 Penal Code took effect), which did not stipulate the crime of Embezzlement of property in private enterprises, but had sufficient signs to constitute the crime of Violating regulations on lending in the operations of credit institutions.

Regarding the acts occurring after January 1, 2018, the People's Procuracy believes that the defendant Lan was determined to have authority while directing a number of other defendants to transport part of the disbursed money to the defendant's residence and workplace for use, so the actions of the owner of Van Thinh Phat Group were sufficient to constitute the crime of embezzlement of property.

Truong My Lan needs to pay 280 trillion to escape the death penalty, how much is the compensation money now? - Photo 3

According to the representative of the People's Procuracy, the verdict found that defendant Truong My Lan embezzled 304,000 billion VND. If calculated at a ratio of 3/4, the defendant must pay 280,000 billion VND to have a basis to request a reduction in the sentence.

"Therefore, the consideration will depend on the enforcement phase, the enforcement agency and related prosecution agencies to sell the assets as quickly as possible to remedy the consequences, then there will be a basis for consideration," the representative of the People's Procuracy argued.

In addition, the Procuracy requested the panel of judges to acknowledge the defendant Lan’s efforts in putting the projects into action to remedy the consequences, honestly confessing, making positive changes by not claiming injustice, and proactively applying for execution of the judgment. However, the prosecution agency said that the consequences of the case were particularly large, the amount of embezzled money was unprecedented and it was unknown when it would be remedied, affecting many aspects of society, the financial market, and the economy.

Truong My Lan needs to pay 280 trillion to escape the death penalty, how much is the compensation money now? - Photo 4

From the above analysis, the representative of the People's Procuracy reserved his opinion and requested the People's Court to sentence Ms. Truong My Lan to the highest sentence.

During the appeal trial of defendant Truong My Lan and 47 accomplices, defendant Lan did not plead guilty, only asked for a reduced sentence.

To show his desire to remedy the consequences, in addition to the series of assets that are being seized and frozen, the defendant also brought 658 property codes that are currently not mortgaged anywhere to remedy.

Truong My Lan needs to pay 280 trillion to escape the death penalty, how much is the compensation money now? - Photo 5

With the hope that the People's Court will consider reducing the sentences for the defendants, relatives of the defendants Truong My Lan, Chu Lap Co and Truong Hue Van have paid more than 95 billion VND to remedy the consequences into the enforcement agency's account at the State Treasury.

Up to now, defendant Lan has recovered an additional 3,000 billion VND.

In the previous trial, when hearing the sentence proposed by the prosecutor, defendant Lan could not keep calm, showed signs of shock, could not stand firmly and asked the panel of judges to present.

Truong My Lan needs to pay 280 trillion to escape the death penalty, how much is the compensation money now? - Photo 6

"If I had not been allowed to speak, I would have fainted on the spot. Today, if the People's Procuracy continues to impose the same penalty, I will no longer have any mind and will be mentally disturbed. I respectfully ask the Court and the People's Procuracy to consider carefully for me. I only wish to find a way to repay my debt to the State Bank.

Truong My Lan needs to pay 280 trillion to escape the death penalty, how much is the compensation money now? - Photo 7

The defendant is a person who dares to do and take responsibility. Over the past 10 years, the defendant has contributed a lot to SCB Bank. The defendant does not know what to say, only asking the People's Court and the People's Procuracy to carefully review the data and once again allow it to be compared with SCB Bank" - defendant Lan said with a trembling voice.

Truong My Lan needs to pay 280 trillion to escape the death penalty, how much is the compensation money now? - Photo 8

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