Truong My Lan needs to pay 280 trillion to escape the death penalty, how much is the compensation money now?

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To be able to manipulate SCB for such a long time, the prosecution agency identified 10 tricks that Ms. Truong My Lan - Chairman of Van Thinh Phat Group used to commit crimes.
Acquiring SCB shares
In order to have capital to maintain the operation of the Van Thinh Phat "ecosystem" including more than 1,000 subsidiaries, Ms. Truong My Lan sought to acquire, dominate and run all activities of SCB.
By purchasing shares and asking someone else to sign her name, Ms. Lan owns more than 91.5% of the charter capital at SCB. These shares are held by 27 domestic and foreign legal entities and individuals to help Ms. Lan. Ms. Lan herself did not appear, but only directly owned nearly 5% of the charter capital.
Install trusted personnel
In parallel with the acquisition of shares, Ms. Truong My Lan selected and placed trusted individuals into key positions at SCB; Pay high salary from 200 - 500 million VND/month or give money, bonus, SCB shares. Through these individuals, Ms. Lan manages all SCB activities, including lending activities.
3 units were established just to lend money to Van Thinh Phat
To "escape" the control of the State Bank of Ho Chi Minh City branch, from 2020, Ms. Truong My Lan directed SCB senior leaders to establish 3 lending units, with the sole purpose of serving customers. for loans at the request of Chairman of Van Thinh Phat Group.
All three above units have the same lending function as branches but are directly under the management and operation of SCB Head Office. They do not have their own treasury department and seal but use the seal of another unit.
"Director" of hundreds of "ghost" companies
Chairman of Van Thinh Phat Group directed his subordinates to establish a series of "ghost" companies or hire individuals to sign loan applications, shares, collateral, and legally sign withdrawal and deposit documents. money. The purpose is to create false loan documents and withdraw money from SCB.
Husband and niece helped
Ms. Truong My Lan also colluded and directed subjects who were owners, legal representatives or assigned to manage actual companies with business activities to borrow capital in their names or establish more companies. ma", creating documents, plans to borrow money, withdraw money from SCB.
Among the above, we can mention defendant Truong Hue Van, Ms. Truong My Lan's niece and defendant Chu Lap Co, Ms. Lan's husband, Chairman of Times Square Investment Joint Stock Company...
Disbursement first and validation later
Every time she needs to withdraw money, Ms. Truong My Lan instructs her subordinates at the "ecosystem" Van Thinh Phat and SCB to coordinate with each other to create documents and plans for fake loans.
The indictment shows that, at each loan application, individuals were hired, asked to represent or represent the called "ghost" companies, and signed blank sheets of paper with the location to be signed pre-marked, in order to loan validation. These people were not allowed to benefit or use the money, and did not know that they borrowed and owed SCB a particularly large amount of money.
More boldly, most of the loans of Ms. Truong My Lan and the "ecosystem" Van Thinh Phat were disbursed first and then legally implemented later.
Collaborate with valuation
A powerful "arm" helping Ms. Truong My Lan's criminal behavior is appraisal companies.
Among the assets used by Ms. Lan and her accomplices to secure the loan, many assets were determined to not meet legal conditions. In particular, when it was necessary to withdraw valuable assets to sell or use for other purposes, Ms. Lan blatantly directed the withdrawal of these assets and replaced them with other assets of lower value.
Cut off cash flow after disbursement
To legally withdraw money from SCB, Ms. Truong My Lan directed staff to make a plan to "disburse funds" by drawing up a contract promising to transfer fake shares.
The purpose of this trick is to cut off and hide the cash flow, avoid detection and handling by the authorities, and avoid paying taxes according to the law.
Sell bad debt to continue appropriating money
When the false loans at SCB were overdue and had to be accounted for as group 5 bad debts, while the credit growth rate was limited, Ms. Truong My Lan not only did not repay the debt but also directed her accomplices to carry out the trick of selling. bad debt to the Asset Management Company (VAMC) and selling deferred debt to "ghost" companies established by the Van Thinh Phat group.
Bribing officials
More seriously, in order to conceal the crime, Ms. Truong My Lan directed key leaders of SCB to bribe officials, leaders of the Banking Supervision and Inspection Agency (State Bank), and leaders of the Bank. State Bank Ho Chi Minh City branch, head of Enhanced Supervision Team at SCB...
However, defendant Truong My Lan was still recognized for circumstances mitigating criminal liability because of her active participation in charity activities, epidemic prevention, and contributions to the community.
Van Thinh Phat case: It is difficult for Truong My Lan to escape the death sentence, what will happen to Thanh Bui's wife? Bảo Nam17:18:01 10/04/2024After more than a month of trial and deliberation, on April 11, the jury will pronounce sentence on defendant Truong My Lan and 85 other defendants in the case that occurred at Van Thinh Phat Group and Joint Stock Commercial Bank. Saigon (SCB) and related organizations.
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