The "trend" of confectionery waste in La Phu: "Doing business" but "discharging" without anyone cleaning up?

Đông NguyễnFeb 05, 2025 at 15:30

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In La Phu industrial park (Hoai Duc, Hanoi), a huge garbage dump filled with confectionery is causing serious pollution. The amount of waste in this area is overloaded, especially food products that are thrown away during the Lunar New Year 2025.

On the morning of February 5, 2025, Tien Phong's reporter noted at the landfill area of La Phu commune, Hoai Duc district, where confectionery, mainly biscuits, was dumped in large piles, along with other types of waste. This situation causes serious pollution not only in the gathering area but also spreads to the road, affecting people's lives.

The trend of confectionery waste in La Phu: Doing business but discharging without anyone cleaning up? - Photo 1

According to some people living near this area, the situation of excessive waste has lasted since before the Lunar New Year. A resident shared: "Before Tet, the amount of waste was very large, however, until today, part of it has been cleaned up, but there is still a lot." In particular, confectionery dumped in the landfill is not simply discarded packaging, but also unused products, with many types of unspoiled, unspoiled biscuits.

The trend of confectionery waste in La Phu: Doing business but discharging without anyone cleaning up? - Photo 2

Mr. Nguyen Dinh Tien, Vice Chairman of La Phu Commune People's Committee, said that the overload of waste in this area is mainly due to the large production volume of more than 100 food, confectionery and knitting production facilities in the industrial park. These facilities generate a huge amount of waste every day, especially during the Lunar New Year, when the demand for the production and consumption of confectionery is higher than usual. The commune authorities have made efforts to mobilize forces to clean up but still cannot handle it in time.

The trend of confectionery waste in La Phu: Doing business but discharging without anyone cleaning up? - Photo 3

According to Mr. Tien, food products such as confectionery are discarded because units no longer need to consume and have to dispose of large quantities in landfills. This leads to waste congestion, not to mention that the collection units cannot handle it in time due to the large volume.

The trend of confectionery waste in La Phu: Doing business but discharging without anyone cleaning up? - Photo 4

La Phu Village is famous as one of the major confectionery production capitals of the North, supplying products to the whole country, especially on the occasion of the Lunar New Year. According to statistics of the People's Committee of La Phu commune, in this locality, there are more than 500 households producing and trading cakes, jams and candies, not to mention the establishments that have been converted into companies. Business households here not only directly produce but also purchase confectionery from different sources to distribute throughout wholesale centers and retail stores across the country.

The trend of confectionery waste in La Phu: Doing business but discharging without anyone cleaning up? - Photo 5

However, one of the major problems currently in the La Phu area is the treatment of overloaded waste, especially garbage from confectionery production facilities. This has led to a situation where the landfill is full of food and confectionery, directly affecting the environment and people's lives. The commune authorities are trying to coordinate with the collection units to solve this problem, but the incident has not shown any signs of abating.

According to environmental experts, discharging large quantities of unused confectionery and food into landfills not only pollutes the environment but also poses many potential risks to food safety. Many types of discarded confectionery and food are of foreign origin, especially products with counterfeit packaging of well-known domestic brands. This shows the lack of control in the production and consumption of food products in this area.

The trend of confectionery waste in La Phu: Doing business but discharging without anyone cleaning up? - Photo 6

In addition, local authorities also need to strengthen the inspection and supervision of confectionery and food production and consumption facilities, ensure that products meet the requirements and properly dispose of waste. Along with that, it is very important to propagate the awareness of environmental protection for production facilities and people.

The trend of confectionery waste in La Phu: Doing business but discharging without anyone cleaning up? - Photo 7

The giant confectionery landfill in La Phu industrial park, Hanoi, is a good example of environmental pollution caused by waste from food production facilities. However, handling this situation is not a simple matter. Local authorities and collection units need to coordinate closely to thoroughly solve the backlog of waste, and at the same time ensure a healthy living environment for people.

The trend of confectionery waste in La Phu: Doing business but discharging without anyone cleaning up? - Photo 8

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