Ho Chi Minh City fines more than 6 billion VND for traffic violations every day

KengJan 10, 2025 at 17:05

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At the city's economic and social press conference, when answering about the implementation of Decree 168/2024 regulating fines for traffic violations, Lieutenant Colonel Le Van Hai said the total fines for traffic violations are 42.5 billion VND/week.

Since Decree 168 took effect, from January 1 to 7, Ho Chi Minh City Traffic Police detected 11,830 violations, temporarily detained more than 4,300 vehicles including 11 cars, 4,220 motorbikes, 102 other vehicles, and revoked nearly 2,100 driving licenses. The total fine amounted to about 42.5 billion VND, an average of more than 6 billion VND per day and an increase of 11 billion VND compared to the previous period.

Ho Chi Minh City fines more than 6 billion VND for traffic violations every day - Photo 1

Lieutenant Colonel Hai said the behaviors include alcohol concentration, speeding, driving in the wrong lane, driving on the sidewalk, stopping and parking in violation of regulations, not obeying traffic lights, not wearing helmets...

According to the new regulations, drivers of cars or similar vehicles will be fined VND18-20 million if they commit one of the following acts: not obeying traffic lights or signals, instructions of traffic controllers; driving in the wrong direction on a one-way street, or driving in the wrong direction on a street with a "no entry" sign. In addition to the fine, violators will also have 3 points deducted from their driving license.

Ho Chi Minh City fines more than 6 billion VND for traffic violations every day - Photo 2

This fine is more than three times higher than the previous regulation. Currently, drivers who run red lights or commit the above acts will be fined 4-6 million VND. Drivers will also have their driving licenses revoked for one to three months.

For motorcyclists, the fine for running a red light is 4-6 million VND (previously 800,000-1 million VND); driving in the wrong direction is 4-6 million VND (previously 1-2 million); weaving or swerving is 8-10 million VND (previously 6-8 million VND)...

Many localities also recorded an increase in fines when Decree 168 was applied. After one week of applying the new law, Hanoi handled more than 5,600 violations, collecting more than 14 billion VND.

Ho Chi Minh City fines more than 6 billion VND for traffic violations every day - Photo 3

Regarding the reception of traffic violation information and financial support for informants, Lieutenant Colonel Hai added that since the middle of last year, Ho Chi Minh City Police have launched a campaign for people to report traffic violations to the zalo account of the Traffic Police Department. After 6 months, people have sent more than 1,880 information and images. From this basis, the units have reviewed and decided to fine 128 cases with a total amount of nearly 500 million VND, and revoked 61 driving licenses.

When the new decree took effect, 87 reports were received and are being processed. Lieutenant Colonel Hai said that up to now, the Ministry of Public Security has not yet provided guidance on supporting individuals and organizations providing information, so the unit has not implemented it.

Ho Chi Minh City fines more than 6 billion VND for traffic violations every day - Photo 4

Lieutenant Colonel Hai said that after more than a week of implementing Decree 168, the traffic situation in the area has had many positive changes as people have raised their awareness and sense of responsibility in strictly complying with traffic laws. During rush hours on key routes, drivers have stopped at traffic lights seriously, stopped at the right line, and in an orderly manner. There are no longer situations of people driving on the sidewalk, driving on the wrong side of the road, or driving in the wrong direction...

Ho Chi Minh City fines more than 6 billion VND for traffic violations every day - Photo 5

It can be seen that Decree 168 has been in effect for 10 days. Many violations in the field of road traffic, which were "everyday affairs" before, have clearly decreased. However, more conditions are still needed for traffic order to change more quickly.

Common mistakes such as running red lights, going the wrong way, riding motorbikes on the sidewalk and even stopping at intersections on pedestrian crossings have decreased significantly.

There is no leniency, no compromise, no indulgence in violations, which is what makes the community give much praise to law enforcement.

Ho Chi Minh City fines more than 6 billion VND for traffic violations every day - Photo 6

There were tears shed, eyes suddenly "red" after being informed of the fine for running a red light by the officer. And there was a sense of self-discipline to follow the law whether there was a patrol force or not because no one expected to receive a notice of a fine.

On the evening of January 2, after the victory of the Vietnamese football team over Thailand (both the first and second leg), crowds of people and vehicles poured into the streets to celebrate but still maintained the necessary order.

Ho Chi Minh City fines more than 6 billion VND for traffic violations every day - Photo 7

Many people encourage each other: "If you go out and follow the law, don't worry even if the fine increases tenfold." Correct perception will lead to correct action.

The most exciting change is at intersections and roundabouts. The situation of "blocking intersections" has clearly decreased, there is no longer a scene where the red light is on but the cars still calmly follow each other, regardless of the direction with the green light.

Lunar New Year is approaching, I hope this year's spring days will be more peaceful with fewer "drunk" drivers, and more people choosing public transportation instead of driving drunk.

Ho Chi Minh City fines more than 6 billion VND for traffic violations every day - Photo 8

However, there are still cases of parents taking their children to school without wearing helmets. There is also the issue of giving motorbikes to children who are not old enough to drive. If adults do not set a good example, all the teachings at school will have less effect on students.

Ho Chi Minh City fines more than 6 billion VND for traffic violations every day - Photo 9

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