The case of the technology driver who adjusted the traffic lights: opened the cabinet several times without anyone asking

Lan ChiJan 21, 2025 at 14:46

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Thu Duc City Police coordinated with the Traffic Police Department, Ho Chi Minh City Police and related units to clarify the details of the clip of a person wearing GrabBike clothes adjusting traffic lights in Ho Chi Minh City that is spreading on social networks.

The case of the technology driver who adjusted the traffic lights: opened the cabinet several times without anyone asking - Photo 1

The authorities have issued an administrative decision against Mr. NVT (50 years old, residing in Thu Duc City). It is known that he is a GrabBike motorbike taxi driver. Accordingly, when the clip was spread, causing a stir on social networks with conflicting opinions, the Board of Directors of the Ho Chi Minh City Police Department directed relevant units to investigate and clarify, Mr. T. voluntarily came to the police station to present himself and work.

The case of the technology driver who adjusted the traffic lights: opened the cabinet several times without anyone asking - Photo 2

According to Mr. T., while working as a GrabBike driver, he often passed by the intersection of Vo Nguyen Giap - Do Xuan Hop, Phuoc Long A Ward, Thu Duc City. He noticed the Youth Volunteer Force and Traffic Police adjusting traffic lights.

Since the beginning of 2025, Mr. T. has opened the cabinet several times to adjust the traffic lights at the above intersection. Mr. T. clearly stated that the motive and purpose was to regulate the traffic flow to help clear the way and avoid traffic jams.

The case of the technology driver who adjusted the traffic lights: opened the cabinet several times without anyone asking - Photo 3

According to Mr. T., he did not adjust the traffic lights for his own benefit or without anyone's request or guidance. Mr. T. realized that he did not have a duty to adjust the traffic lights without permission, which was wrong, and he pledged not to repeat the offense.

Based on the declaration and professional measures to clarify the details, and at the same time determine that Mr. T's behavior has not caused any major consequences, the authorities have considered administratively handling him.

The case of the technology driver who adjusted the traffic lights: opened the cabinet several times without anyone asking - Photo 4

Previously, a similar video was circulated on social media. According to the investigation, at the end of December 2024, a 42-second clip posted by the account "Dai Duong Xanh" on the social network talked about a person in plain clothes adjusting a traffic light.

This account said that the incident took place on the morning of June 25, 2024 at the intersection of Vo Tran Chi - Tran Dai Nghia (vehicles traveling on Vo Tran Chi route). In front was a special vehicle of the Traffic Police force. The person who filmed this clip also commented that the fine for running a red light will soon increase by 330% and predicted that... the model of comrades in plain clothes standing and pressing to change traffic lights will be widely replicated.

The case of the technology driver who adjusted the traffic lights: opened the cabinet several times without anyone asking - Photo 5

The reporter's source said that, after verification, the person in plain clothes adjusting the traffic light was Mr. HVT, a Youth Volunteer Orderly Officer of the Youth Volunteer Service Company.

From 6am to 10am on June 25, Ms. VTMM, a Youth Volunteer Orderly Officer, was assigned to regulate traffic at the intersection of Vo Tran Chi and Tran Dai Nghia. At around 9:45am, due to not having breakfast, Ms. M. suffered from hypoglycemia, dizziness, and was unable to continue her duties.

The case of the technology driver who adjusted the traffic lights: opened the cabinet several times without anyone asking - Photo 6

At that time, Mr. T. (who worked at the TNXP Public Service Company with Ms. M.) passed by the checkpoint, so Ms. M. asked him to help. Ms. M. asked Mr. T. to help adjust the traffic lights while she sat nearby to rest and recover. The police are currently continuing to investigate the case.

The case of the technology driver who adjusted the traffic lights: opened the cabinet several times without anyone asking - Photo 7

Since the implementation of Decree 168/2024/ND-CP, the traffic density has increased as the Lunar New Year approaches due to the high demand for travel for shopping and the increased demand for transporting goods and passengers. This has caused traffic jams and local congestion on some routes.

Through traffic coordination, the authorities discovered some shortcomings, for example, if motorbikes are not allowed to turn right (or go straight) when the light is red at some intersections, it will increase traffic congestion.

The case of the technology driver who adjusted the traffic lights: opened the cabinet several times without anyone asking - Photo 8

Based on the above actual situation, Lieutenant Colonel Le Manh Ha said that the Ho Chi Minh City Police have coordinated with the Department of Transport to implement a number of solutions to reduce the traffic volume at intersections, such as: adding more traffic lights to allow two-wheeled vehicles to turn right (or go straight) when the light is red; adjusting the light cycle duration to be most reasonable between the directions of the road; checking and repairing damaged lights.... And the effectiveness has been shown when the local congestion situation shows signs of decreasing day by day.

The case of the technology driver who adjusted the traffic lights: opened the cabinet several times without anyone asking - Photo 9

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