Nu Village revives: People start a new life, flowers bloom, and many trees decorate

Châu AnhOct 16, 2024 at 14:32

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One month after the tragic flash flood in Lang Nu village, Phuc Khanh commune (Bao Yen), up to now, there are still 7 bodies lying under deep mud, leaving lingering pain for many people.

Many people here lost all their loved ones, their entire homes and their entire life's assets overnight. However, the people here have gradually overcome the pain and returned to their daily lives.

In mid-October, the people of Lang Nu Village resumed their normal activities after the devastating storm and flood. Despite having to face the loss of their homes and fields, the people here still patiently waited for the day they could return to their solid homes.

Nu Village revives: People start a new life, flowers bloom, and many trees decorate - Photo 1

While waiting for the resettlement area to be completed, the people of Lang Nu are temporarily residing in arranged houses. In this small space, many households with similar circumstances have lived together, forming a close-knit community. Daily activities are gradually returning to normal, people encourage and support each other in cooking, especially with young children.

Nu Village revives: People start a new life, flowers bloom, and many trees decorate - Photo 2

Nu Village revives: People start a new life, flowers bloom, and many trees decorate - Photo 3

In Lang Nu, clean vegetable beds have begun to grow on land that once suffered much pain. Green vegetables not only provide food but also bring hope to souls still haunted by loss.

Mr. Hoang Van Vo, one of the villagers who lost his family and home, shared: "It has been more than a month since my wife and children passed away due to the flash flood. The pain has not yet subsided, but I have to put it aside to live a better life for the remaining people." Mr. Vo also said that the villagers helped each other in arranging funerals for the deceased.

Nu Village revives: People start a new life, flowers bloom, and many trees decorate - Photo 4

At the temporary shelter, Nguyen Van Tuan - who lost his home, parents and a chil.d after the flood - said that the process of rebuilding his life would be very difficult, but he was determined to become a support for his remaining relatives. "I survived the terrible flood and have been out of the hospital for more than 2 weeks. My family will continue farming to stabilize our lives soon," said Tuan.

Mr. Hoang Ngoc Xu, Secretary of Lang Nu village, shared: "The lives of the villagers have stabilized. They have temporary shelters and children have returned to school." Mr. Xu emphasized that the local government always encourages and shares the pain of the villagers to help them overcome difficulties.

Chairman of the People's Committee of Phuc Khanh Commune, Nong The Manh, said: "After a month since the flood, people's lives have begun to recover. The temporary shelter has been completed, providing shelter for those who lost their homes. The resettlement area is currently under construction, with plans to build the first house in the next few days." Mr. Manh affirmed that support policies from the State will be given priority to Lang Nu village.

Nu Village revives: People start a new life, flowers bloom, and many trees decorate - Photo 5

Witnessing these images, many people were moved:

"Congratulations for the revival of life in Nu village, congratulations for the remaining people of Nu village who have enough strength to cross the painfu.l boundary and rebuild their lives!!!" - a person with Facebook KC shared.

"The pain will never go away, but seeing this image makes people happy. I hope everyone will have a better new life."

According to Lao Cai newspaper, on October 15, the first houses of the reconstruction area were erected. There were always 160 officers, engineers, and workers on site, including management and command departments, digging foundations, pouring concrete, constructing and installing columns, beams, floors, and gathering walls, components, materials, steel, etc. to ensure the set progress.

Nu Village revives: People start a new life, flowers bloom, and many trees decorate - Photo 6

Colonel Nguyen The Luc, Deputy Commander of the 12th Corps, Truong Son Construction Corporation, has determined that by November 30, the unit will basically complete the construction of 40 houses. Along with that, schools and community centers will be built... After that, the remaining month of the year will complete the infrastructure and internal roads, the unit will work day and night to meet the schedule.

Nu Village revives: People start a new life, flowers bloom, and many trees decorate - Photo 7

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