Covid-19-like virus outbreak in China: will history repeat itself?

Kim OanhJan 06, 2025 at 14:02

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The WHO has not yet released official information on the epidemic situation in China and has not confirmed the accuracy and authenticity of the information spread in the press and social networks related to the virus that causes this epidemic.

Covid-19-like virus outbreak in China: will history repeat itself? - Photo 1

In recent days, the event-based surveillance system has recorded information from the press and social networks about cases of pneumonia caused by the Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) virus in China.

Mr. Hoang Minh Duc, Director of the Department of Preventive Medicine, Ministry of Health, said that on January 2, 2025, a number of international information sites reported on an outbreak of the disease in China with many cases of HMPV infection. The epidemic is said to spread quickly with symptoms similar to influenza and COVID-19.

Covid-19-like virus outbreak in China: will history repeat itself? - Photo 2

Many articles also express concern about the risk of a new health crisis after the COVID-19 pandemic. Images of overcrowding in Chinese hospitals, information about the state of emergency and an increase in activity at crematoriums also spread strongly on social media.

In response to this information, Mr. Hoang Minh Duc said that the Department of Preventive Medicine quickly contacted the World Health Organization (WHO) in Vietnam, the Asia-Pacific region, and the International Health Regulation (IHR) focal point in China (China Center for Disease Control and Prevention) to verify and update the situation.

Covid-19-like virus outbreak in China: will history repeat itself? - Photo 3

Accordingly, up to now, the World Health Organization (WHO) has not released official information about the epidemic situation in China. At the same time, the WHO has not confirmed the reliability and authenticity of the information appearing on media channels and social networks.

The report on the results of surveillance of acute respiratory infectious diseases in the week of 52 of 2024 from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows that samples collected from outpatient departments and emergency departments of hospitals mainly record agents such as influenza viruses, human metapneumovirus (HMPV) and rhovirus. As for cases of severe acute respiratory tract infections requiring hospitalization, the main agents are influenza viruses, Mycoplasma pneumoniae and human metapneumovirus (HMPV).

Covid-19-like virus outbreak in China: will history repeat itself? - Photo 4

Winter weather in China, respiratory infections tend to increase, including seasonal influenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in children, and human metapneumovirus (HMPV).

According to this report, the number of cases of respiratory infections with flu-like symptoms in week 52 of 2024 is lower than the same period last year.

Yesterday, January 4, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the respiratory tract infection spreading in the country is a normal phenomenon, not an unusual medical event. Respiratory infections usually peak at this time of year in China.

Covid-19-like virus outbreak in China: will history repeat itself? - Photo 5

Based on information from the event surveillance system, the Department of Preventive Medicine has actively monitored and monitored the development of the situation of respiratory infectious diseases in China.

The Department will also continue to update the epidemic developments, closely cooperate with the World Health Organization (WHO) and China's IHR implementation focal point to share accurate and complete information. At the same time, the Department is committed to not causing confusion and anxiety in the community, but will also maintain vigilance and not neglect the epidemic situation, especially in the current winter-spring period, when the weather is favorable for the spread of respiratory pathogens.

Covid-19-like virus outbreak in China: will history repeat itself? - Photo 6

In Vietnam, the development of the epidemic is still being closely monitored. The Department of Preventive Medicine coordinates with WHO and Chinese authorities to update information and provide accurate information, avoiding confusion for the public.

Regarding epidemic prevention and control measures: Official Letter No. 1432/DP-DT dated December 16, 2024 has been sent to the Departments of Health of provinces and cities, requesting to proactively prevent infectious diseases in winter and spring.

Covid-19-like virus outbreak in China: will history repeat itself? - Photo 7

In order to proactively prevent epidemics and protect the health of yourself and your family, the Ministry of Health recommends:

For the people:

- Take preventive measures such as washing hands frequently, wearing masks in crowded places, keeping the body warm and avoiding close contact with people with respiratory symptoms.

- Go to the nearest medical facility if suspicious symptoms such as cough, fever, shortness of breath appear for timely examination and treatment.

For Local Health Authorities:

- Strengthen surveillance and early detection of cases of respiratory diseases and implement appropriate epidemic prevention and control measures.

- Actively protect the health of yourself and the community in winter and spring, not subjective to respiratory diseases.

Covid-19-like virus outbreak in China: will history repeat itself? - Photo 8

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