The local Fatherland Front Committee entered the case of Mothe.r Corn, revealing the origin of tourism mone.y, buying gold

Hoàng PhúcMar 04, 2025 at 10:06

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In recent days, besides the scandals related to transparency in spending charity mone.y, Ms. Thu Hoa (28 years old), often known as Mothe.r Corn, was also the focus when revealing the clip of being collected for debts.

Accordingly, in the clip, over the phone, Ms. Hoa said that she did not have the conditions to pay and also denied that she had mone.y to send to her parents or other mone.y to pay off debts to this person. However, Hoa's talking attitude made many people angry.

The local Fatherland Front Committee entered the case of Mothe.r Corn, revealing the origin of tourism mone.y, buying gold - Photo 1

Specifically, the woman in the clip said: "If you have mone.y, pay me to Hoa", "I don't owe anyone anything, I owe you alone, I love you to pay me", "People transferred 500 million to my brother to return me".

In response, Hoa said that the mone.y had already paid all the hospital fees for Corn. "If you want to, you go to the online community to ask them to pay you...", "If you do that, you will definitely never pay me", "Do you pay me immediately, but what do you do with my 1 million 2 million?", "That 500 million is transferred to me by Mr. Thanh, he took a picture and posted it, and then Thoai took it as the content he posted in the past!".

Ms. Thu Hoa said that this person is Ms. Tr., who has been playing together for a long time. Ms. Hoa said that "it is not clear how much the debt is" because this is mone.y incurred many years ago, when she and Tr. worked together in the same company.

The local Fatherland Front Committee entered the case of Mothe.r Corn, revealing the origin of tourism mone.y, buying gold - Photo 2

Hoa said: "That year, our team had to deal with an incident in the process of operating the work, so everyone had to pay out of pocket to compensate the company, that amount Ms. Tr. advanced to me and I said I would pay gradually, each time 1-2 million until the end. Actually, I don't remember how much mone.y Tr. owes now, but not 50 million as Tr. said. Currently, Tr. has blocked my zalo, so I don't know how to communicate with her again, but I am very sad because the private phone call between the two sisters was videotaped and posted online like that. I trusted Ms. Tr very much."

The local Fatherland Front Committee entered the case of Mothe.r Corn, revealing the origin of tourism mone.y, buying gold - Photo 3

Hoa also denied that he scolded the sponsors. As for calling Pham Thoai "Guy", Hoa admitted that it was his bad way of talking, but he didn't mean anything else because "myself and Corn are very grateful to Mr. Thoai".

Regarding the appearance of images that are said to be "Corn's grandparents traveling luxuriously", Ms. Hoa confirmed that her parents went out with everyone in the neighborhood a few years ago, and went on a cheap tour.

"At that time, my parents sent a message to my sisters about wanting to travel to Nha Trang with everyone in the village for just over 1.5 million VND/person. Each of us sisters contributed mone.y to our parents to go out for relief. In the photos with my father wearing a tiger fang necklace, it is actually just a cheap necklace, inside of which is my father's medicin.e, not an expensive and rare item. This is a long time ago, not a recent trip. This year's Tet, our family is not going anywhere."

The local Fatherland Front Committee entered the case of Mothe.r Corn, revealing the origin of tourism mone.y, buying gold - Photo 4

Hoa also denied rumors of sending 150 million VND to his parents to buy gold. "I don't know where this information came from, but I confirm that there is none. Currently, after everything calms down, I will focus on live sales to take care of Corn. Manh has helped my mothe.r and children with a very large amount of mone.y, Corn and I are very grateful to my uncle, please bow my head and thank my uncle for giving Corn a long journey."

Regarding the controversy surrounding the transparency in receiving charity mone.y of Ms. Thu Hoa, Mr. Pham Thong - Vice Chairman of the Nazi Fatherland Front where Ms. Hoa's biological parents are living shared that he has learned some information about Ms. Hoa and her family that is being spread on social networks.

"A few days ago, Hoa also went online to answer, apologize to the community and the sponsors, and also promised that when I return from curing my chil.d's illness, I will explain and publicize the accounts of receiving charity."

The local Fatherland Front Committee entered the case of Mothe.r Corn, revealing the origin of tourism mone.y, buying gold - Photo 5

At the same time, Mr. Thong also said that at the next briefing, the local Fatherland Front Committee will make moves related to this issue.

For rumors related to Ms. Hoa's use of donors' support mone.y for other purposes such as buying a house, buying a car... This person said that up to now, this is still information that cannot be verified, the locality is still verifying and clarifying.

And Mr. Van Vinh, the village chief where Mr. and Mrs. Bap's grandparents live, said that he only heard information from social media, but according to him personally, raising a large amount of mone.y means that Ms. Hoa should be responsible for making statements and explaining spending in a clear and transparent way. avoid unnecessary noise.

The local Fatherland Front Committee entered the case of Mothe.r Corn, revealing the origin of tourism mone.y, buying gold - Photo 6

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