Technology car driver snatched a traffic violation ticket from the traffic police and was immediately restrained and dealt with.

Gia NhiFeb 11, 2025 at 15:55

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On the evening of February 10, Ho Chi Minh City Police informed about the results of the verification of the case of a technology taxi driver who snatched an administrative violation ticket from the traffic police.

According to Ho Chi Minh City Police, on the morning of February 10, a clip recording the scene of traffic police restraining, taking back the administrative violation record and arguing with the violator spread on social media. After checking, the authorities determined that the incident occurred at 4:55 p.m. on February 9 at the intersection of Nguyen Thi Thap - Tan My, Tan Thuan Ward, District 7.

Technology car driver snatched a traffic violation ticket from the traffic police and was immediately restrained and dealt with. - Photo 1

At that time, the working group of the Traffic Police and Order Team (District 7 Police) was performing the task of patrolling, controlling and making a record of administrative violations at the above intersection when they discovered Mr. TVP (born in 1986, residing in An Giang, a technology taxi driver) driving a car making a left turn in violation of regulations. The traffic police stopped the vehicle, checked and handled it according to regulations.

However, after the working group drew up a record of administrative violations, driver P. did not sign the record of administrative violations, but argued and suddenly snatched the record from the traffic police officer's hand.

Technology car driver snatched a traffic violation ticket from the traffic police and was immediately restrained and dealt with. - Photo 2

The traffic police officer asked TVP to return the ticket, but the person did not cooperate. To prevent the violator from destroying the ticket, the traffic police officer restrained P. to get it back, reported to the unit and asked for support from Binh Thuan Ward Police.

When taken to the Binh Thuan Ward Police Station, driver P. calmed down, realized that his actions were wrong, and wrote a statement admitting his actions.

"Worried because he knew the penalty for his violation was high and because of the pressure of life, the TVP driver did not sign the ticket and acted without restraint, behaving inappropriately towards the traffic police," Ho Chi Minh City Police informed.

Technology car driver snatched a traffic violation ticket from the traffic police and was immediately restrained and dealt with. - Photo 3

In addition, driver P. apologized and hoped for the sympathy of the traffic police, and signed the administrative violation report and complied with the penalty. District 7 police agreed to allow the driver to sign an additional administrative violation report, creating favorable conditions for driver P. to comply with the regulations.

According to Ho Chi Minh City Police, administrative violation records are used in law enforcement and play an important role in determining administrative violations of organizations or individuals. This is also one of the bases for deciding on administrative sanctions. Administrative violation records and some related documents (records of temporary detention of exhibits and means, decisions on administrative sanctions, decisions on returning exhibits and means, etc.) will be given to violators or relevant responsible persons for implementation in accordance with the Law on Handling of Administrative Violations.

Technology car driver snatched a traffic violation ticket from the traffic police and was immediately restrained and dealt with. - Photo 4

Ho Chi Minh City police said that the act of snatching these types of documents from law enforcement officers on duty is an act of disregard, obstructing law enforcement officers and showing signs of violating the law.

In addition, documents destroyed or damaged by violators will cause difficulties in handling and enforcing the law by the authorities. Therefore, this behavior needs to be promptly prevented and strongly condemned to ensure the dignity of the law.

Technology car driver snatched a traffic violation ticket from the traffic police and was immediately restrained and dealt with. - Photo 5

Minutes of administrative violations are used in law enforcement and play an important role in determining administrative violations of organizations or individuals; this is also one of the bases for deciding on administrative sanctions.

The administrative violation record (a copy of the administrative violation record) along with a number of related documents (record of temporary detention of exhibits and means, decision on administrative penalty, decision on return of exhibits and means...) will be given to the violator or the relevant responsible person for implementation in accordance with the Law on Handling of Administrative Violations.

Technology car driver snatched a traffic violation ticket from the traffic police and was immediately restrained and dealt with. - Photo 6

The act of snatching these types of documents from the authorities while performing their duties is an act of disregard, obstructing the performance of official duties and showing signs of violating the law. In addition, the types of documents destroyed or damaged by violators will cause difficulties in handling and enforcing the law by the authorities.

Therefore, this behavior needs to be stopped promptly and strongly condemned to ensure the dignity of the law.

Technology car driver snatched a traffic violation ticket from the traffic police and was immediately restrained and dealt with. - Photo 7

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