Motorbike taxi driver fined 5 million VND for running a red light, sobbing because he ran a car for only 15k

T.PJan 07, 2025 at 13:54

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The case of a driver of a technology car carrying passengers in the direction of Khuat Duy Tien - Nguyen Trai was fined 5 million VND for the error of running a red light recently, causing many people to show pity and sympathy.

He himself felt that he was being handled too badly, because that hoe only brought 15 thousand VND, the value of the motorbike was only about 5-6 million VND.

In the past 1 week when Decree 168 came into effect and the fines for a series of traffic violations skyrocketed even dozens of times, in the press, I read many articles reflecting on people who make a living by driving "crying" because they don't earn much but the fines are too high. Just one mistake of running a red light can lose half of the income of the whole month.

Motorbike taxi driver fined 5 million VND for running a red light, sobbing because he ran a car for only 15k - Photo 1

He said: "No matter how much I can work all day, I am dead when I go like this. The fine is almost the same as a motorbike with 6-8 million. If you give up the car, you can't quit, you have to accept to pay the fine. How much money is there for each car, fines like this, sometimes you quit your job", this statement of a driver is also the thought of many people who work as drivers.

On social networks, there was an article immediately responding to the male driver's behavior. This person wrote: "Everyone knows, the driver's profession is the profession of "polishing the road surface". Most of their time is spent behind the wheel, so they are the ones who cause the most collisions if they drive poorly or do not obey traffic laws. According to statistics from the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, there are currently about 200,000 technology drivers in the country. Just 1% of them disregard the law is already a great danger to the health and lives of passersby.

Motorbike taxi driver fined 5 million VND for running a red light, sobbing because he ran a car for only 15k - Photo 2

Therefore, firmly grasping and complying with traffic laws and regulations is the minimum and basic requirement for people working in this profession. But sadly, for a long time, the team of motorbike taxis has been crossing red lights, encroaching on lanes, going in the opposite direction, swerving or rushing to the sidewalk the most because they want to shorten the time for each ride. Many passengers sat in the back of their cars with no drops of blood on the cross-section, when they commented, they received reassurances like: "Rest assured, I am very familiar with this road, there is no police", "If the police catch you, you will be fined, what are you afraid of"; or "I ran a red light all the time, so I have a lot of experience, I am not afraid of anything"...

Motorbike taxi driver fined 5 million VND for running a red light, sobbing because he ran a car for only 15k - Photo 3

The increase in the towering traffic violation penalty is to end this situation. If you want not to be fined and lose all your income, the driver just needs to stop violating, this is an option, not depending on conditions, circumstances and capacity. If you can't afford to follow the traffic laws, don't make a living as a driver, because they are not qualified to drive on the road, let alone make a living from this job.

Motorbike taxi driver fined 5 million VND for running a red light, sobbing because he ran a car for only 15k - Photo 4

Don't blame me inadvertently or coldly when I say that I don't sympathize with drivers who "cry" and complain that they will have to quit their jobs if the fines are high. The hardship of earning a living cannot be an excuse for violating the law and pushing others into danger and trouble. Many other people have an income less than half of a motorbike taxi, only 5-6 million VND/month. They still have to pay such a fine when violating without being able to say that "such a heavy fine, I don't bother to take my car on the road anymore".

Motorbike taxi driver fined 5 million VND for running a red light, sobbing because he ran a car for only 15k - Photo 5

On a forum of tech drivers, I saw people inciting each other to react to the new fine in the style of "such a heavy fine, it's better to leave the car, the fine is more than the car fee". Please remember that if they do so, even if they lose their car, they will still not avoid the penalty because according to the law, they will be coerced when the time limit expires and they have not yet complied with the handling decision.

Motorbike taxi driver fined 5 million VND for running a red light, sobbing because he ran a car for only 15k - Photo 6

In short, as a citizen in a civilized society, you must have a sense of respect for the law, when the penalty increases, you must adjust your behavior, if you have a negative attitude or action, it will only cause more damage to yourself.

Motorbike taxi driver fined 5 million VND for running a red light, sobbing because he ran a car for only 15k - Photo 7

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