A bank employee who was caught jealous in Can Tho made an appointment for a livestream to clarify the situation

Hoàng PhúcJan 04, 2025 at 16:41

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Regarding the jealous arrest of a female bank employee in Can Tho, on January 4, the Investigating Police Agency of Ninh Kieu District Police (Can Tho City) and the People's Prosecutor's Office at the same level continued to consolidate documents and evidence to consider prosecuting related subjects according to regulations.

At the police office, Ms. H.N.B.T. (living in Binh Thuy District, Can Tho City) and N.T.N.Q. (Ms. T.'s sister) admitted that there was no evidence proving the illicit relationship between her husband and Ms. N.N.N. - a female bank employee who was caught jealous by Ms. T.

A bank employee who was caught jealous in Can Tho made an appointment for a livestream to clarify the situation - Photo 1

According to Ms. T., when she found out that her husband was with Ms. N., she was jealous and angry, so she posted sensitive images and said that she had encountered 5 times which was not true. The reason why Mrs. T. said this is so that everyone around her knows and agrees to stand on her side.

After the jealousy arrest and working with the police, Ms. T. was aware that her behavior was a violation of the law and hoped to receive leniency. Ms. T. agreed to compensate for hospitalization expenses, medication and other expenses at the request of Ms. N.

A bank employee who was caught jealous in Can Tho made an appointment for a livestream to clarify the situation - Photo 2

On Ms. N.'s side, on the social network tiktok spread an article believed to be Ms. N's.

Accordingly, the account claiming to be Ms. N. declared that she would do the same thing, not accepting the apology. "Then everyone has to be strong to overcome the turbulence of life, wait, at 9 o'clock tonight I will answer everything", "There are sorrows that only I can understand... There is no evidence, but they keep slandering. I'm going to sue you all. At 9 p.m., I will livestream. Thank you to those who stayed and trusted N."

A bank employee who was caught jealous in Can Tho made an appointment for a livestream to clarify the situation - Photo 3

The above article quickly attracted the attention of netizens. However, some people suspect that this is just a fake account because in the past time, when the incident broke out, many accounts of Ms. N. were set up and put a lot of false information. Therefore, it is not excluded that this is also a fake account. Audiences should consider choosing information to avoid being led.

A bank employee who was caught jealous in Can Tho made an appointment for a livestream to clarify the situation - Photo 4

Dr. Ls. Dang Van Cuong said, according to information from the authorities, the initial verification results with what happened through the clip showed that this was a very serious incident, the behavior of the two women in this clip was in violation of the law to the point of being criminally handled.

Helpers are also dealt with

Lawyer Dang Van Cuong said that according to the law, a public place is a common place for many people. In public places, everyone is guaranteed the freedoms and basic rights of citizens recognized by the constitution and law, including the protection of life, health, honor and dignity.

A bank employee who was caught jealous in Can Tho made an appointment for a livestream to clarify the situation - Photo 5

The act of hitting or affecting guests in public places is a violation of law, and the person who commits the above act but has not caused serious injury but adversely affects the security, social order and safety, the person who commits this act shall also be examined for penal liability for the crime of intentionally disturbing public order according to the provisions of Article 318 of the Criminal Code.

Humiliating others

What is noteworthy in this case is that the two subjects not only committed acts of disturbing public order, intentionally causing injuries, but also stripped off the victim's shirt for others to record and post on social networks, this is a dangerous act for society, seriously infringing on the honor and dignity of the victim, so the subjects committed the act For other people in public, it is an act of humiliating others, the purpose of this act is to infringe upon the honor and dignity of the victim, so the investigation agency criminally handles these subjects for the crime of insulting others according to the provisions of Article 155 of the Criminal Code is grounded.

"The law to protect health, honor and dignity will have a very strict penalty. The act of beating people, stripping off the victim's shirt in public is infringing on many objects protected by criminal law, the subject of this act can be prosecuted for criminal liability with many crimes, combined penalties

A bank employee who was caught jealous in Can Tho made an appointment for a livestream to clarify the situation - Photo 6

Whatever the cause of the incident, the act of physically affecting others in public, infringing on the honor and dignity of others, and reaching such public order is also condemnable, and the person who commits the act will be strictly dealt with in accordance with the law.

On the side of the victim in this case, there is also a lack of life skills, the behavior of challenging the subject puts himself in a dangerous situation, this will be a lesson for many people about behavior in life," lawyer Cuong shared.

A bank employee who was caught jealous in Can Tho made an appointment for a livestream to clarify the situation - Photo 7

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