A young girl falls in love with 7 old men at the same time: They all know each other, and whoever provides the most gets a reward

Đình NhưJun 19, 2024 at 12:05

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Recently, a girl named Lina, living in the city of Barranquilla (Colombia), became a national topic of discussion after admitting that she was dating 7 elderly men at the same time just to take advantage of money. silver.

Accordingly, after many failed relationships with boys her own age, the young girl discovered that she could achieve emotional and financial balance most easily by dating men. older men.

A young girl falls in love with 7 old men at the same time: They all know each other, and whoever provides the most gets a reward - Photo 1

Previously, Lina was flirted with by an old neighbor who had a wife. Through stories she witnessed, heard or read in the press, Lina also realized that older men are often willing to spend money to be with young girls like her. Therefore, Lina started spending a lot of time hanging out in parks or places frequented by retired people.

To date, she is in a relationship with seven pensioners, all of whom support her financially.

"After analyzing my relationships, I began to think, I don't need to ask for anything because they are always willing to give everything. At their age, it will not be easy for them to meet a woman same age as me. That's why I decided to only find older people as boyfriends. They will always make me happy," Lina told Colombian newspaper Ultima Hora Valle.

A young girl falls in love with 7 old men at the same time: They all know each other, and whoever provides the most gets a reward - Photo 2

Lina's seven boyfriends - Carlos, Simon, Jesus, Pablo, Manuel and two whose names were not revealed - all knew each other. They are also said to feel comfortable having the same girlfriend. They are all responsible for covering Lina's living expenses and helping her with housework such as cleaning, laundry, and cooking. At the same time, these old men also compete with each other to receive more of Lina's love.

Young girls also consider having multiple boyfriends at the same time more like business than a romantic relationship. Lina revealed that whoever is generous and spends more money on her will be "rewarded" by sleeping in the same bed with her more often.

Lina's story is currently receiving mixed reactions. Some people think she should be sent to prison for taking advantage of the elderly. Some others were surprised by Lina's wisdom and congratulated her for finding an easy way to stabilize her finances.

A young girl falls in love with 7 old men at the same time: They all know each other, and whoever provides the most gets a reward - Photo 3

Meanwhile, Lina herself doesn't care what people think. She declared that as long as she and her partners felt okay, nothing else mattered.

It can be said that understanding women is really not easy. Even though a girl may make you believe she has a crush on you, the truth may be that she's just using you for her own gain. And one day, when they show their true self, you will feel extremely hurt. Therefore, according to Mensxp, it is best to stay away from girls who show the following signs, before you get deeper into a relationship:

1. She calls you in the middle of the night if she needs you but somehow when you need someone to talk to she is always busy.

2. She never seems excited to hang out with you often but if she's bored, you're the one who gets called.

A young girl falls in love with 7 old men at the same time: They all know each other, and whoever provides the most gets a reward - Photo 4

3. She expects you to listen patiently to her problems but never pays attention when you speak. She is easily distracted, turns to play on her phone or changes the topic she wants to talk about.

4. She never answers your calls or texts unless it benefits her. She always gives excuses like "Oh, I forgot" and "I'm sorry, I was just about to text you back but...". However, she will get mad if you do the same.

5. She never apologizes for her mistakes. She will turn the situation around by crying, forcing you to comfort and console her, even if she is the one in the wrong.

A young girl falls in love with 7 old men at the same time: They all know each other, and whoever provides the most gets a reward - Photo 5

6. Even though she always wants you to do everything for her like a boyfriend would do for his girlfriend, she always repeats that "we're just friends".

7. She uses you to make her boyfriend or ex jealous. She suddenly flirts with you in front of her friends or ex. Although this makes you feel confident and flattered, you should know that she is just using you as a tool to achieve her own goals.

8. She's always looking for your sympathy. She's mostly with you just to feel better about herself.

A young girl falls in love with 7 old men at the same time: They all know each other, and whoever provides the most gets a reward - Photo 6

9. She cares more about how high you studied, what company you work at, the type of people you hang out with, and the restaurants you go to than she does about you as a person.

10. Even though she hangs out with you often and makes you believe that she is interested in you, she never introduces you to any of her relatives or friends.

A young girl falls in love with 7 old men at the same time: They all know each other, and whoever provides the most gets a reward - Photo 7

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