Revealing important details in the Fat Cat case, the transfer application completely exposed

Trí NhiMay 21, 2024 at 11:35

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Continue to update more about the Fat Cat and Dam Truc g.irl case, after the g.irl was proven clean and innocent by Chinese authorities, important details in the m.oney transfer e-wallet application are also available. public.

According to the investigation results, the police confirmed that the two have been in love with each other using their real identities for the past 2 years and that there is no such thing as a love scam or m.oney scam like what was posted on social networks. The two love each other openly and voluntarily. Both sides have introduced each other and met their parents many times, not twice a year like what is shared online.

Revealing important details in the Fat Cat case, the transfer application completely exposed - Photo 1

In addition, the amounts of m.oney that Fat Meo transferred to Dam Truc from November 2021 to April 11, 2024 totaled 799,000 yuan (about 2.8 billion VND). However, Dam Truc also transferred 463,000 yuan (about 1.5 billion VND) to Fat Cat and relatives of Fat Cat's family during this process. After Fat Cat passed away, Dam Truc returned all the difference in m.oney during their relationship to Fat Cat's parents. Therefore, the police investigation agency of Chongqing, China announced "No case file" against Ms. Dam Truc.

Revealing important details in the Fat Cat case, the transfer application completely exposed - Photo 2

In fact, one of the details that helps clarify the Fat Cat gamer case comes from the Alipay e-wallet application, which is very popular in China. In the announcement of the Chongqing investigation agency, gamer "Fat Cat" transferred more than 799,000 yuan to Dam Truc while still alive. In contrast, Dam Truc also transferred more than 297,000 yuan back to gamer Fat Cat.

Revealing important details in the Fat Cat case, the transfer application completely exposed - Photo 3

At the same time, during their relationship, the two opened couple savings accounts "Alipay Small Purse" and "Love Note" on Alipay for both parties to deposit and withdraw m.oney at any time. From January 5, 2022 to April 8, 2024, Dam Truc sent a total of more than 236,000 yuan and withdrew more than 165,000 yuan (used for the couple to open a flower shop, common living expenses and personal expenses of the couple). Dam Truc, etc.). ) Gamer Fat Cat also deposited more than 173,000 yuan and withdrew more than 248,000 yuan from their joint savings account.

Revealing important details in the Fat Cat case, the transfer application completely exposed - Photo 4

This is the feature of Alipay's split wallets known as a new generation of electronic wallets that automatically save m.oney. Users can put m.oney into different "mini-wallets" for dedicated and categorized fund management. For example: "only for cooking", "only for feeding cats", "only for exercising", etc

In addition, users can also invite others to join their "mini wallet" to share bills and income. For example, it can be used by couples to save m.oney together or manage shared expenses.

Revealing important details in the Fat Cat case, the transfer application completely exposed - Photo 5

In the Fat Cat case, it can be seen that the two people's shared small wallet account is an important evidence that this couple has a certain financial integrity and there is no deception in the bad Fat Cat gamer case. number with Dam Truc's girlfriend.

Through investigation, it was confirmed that Fat Cat's sister was the one who actively led the online community to attack Dam Truc. Fat Cat's sister took her brother's phone, selected the content and edited it into a tragic love story, turning Dam Truc into the "villain" in the bad brother's story. your number.

Revealing important details in the Fat Cat case, the transfer application completely exposed - Photo 6

The sister even created a fake account to spam, buy interactions, comments, and shares to push the incident to a c.limax. After the incident gradually became h.ot, the anonymous sister posted Dam Truc's personal information on social networks, leading netizens to commit v.iolence against Dam Truc.

The story is that after receiving attraction, the sister "shakes hands" with many parties to create communication campaigns from posting statuses, letters, etc. The team behind also builds the image of a crying and emaciated sister to gain sympathy from the online community.

From his sister's words, Dam Truc became a gold digger who harmed Fat Cat. Public opinion remained angry on Fat Cat's behalf and blamed Dam Truc, which led to online v.iolence. Currently, Fat Cat's sister has admitted her actions of leading netizens.

Revealing important details in the Fat Cat case, the transfer application completely exposed - Photo 7

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