Ms. Truong My Lan bought a series of real estate abroad, her husband still asked for piercin.g

Gia NhiOct 02, 2024 at 11:27

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On the afternoon of October 1, the trial of the defendant Truong My Lan (Chairman of the Board of Directors of Van Thinh Phat) and 33 other defendants continued with the interrogation related to the assets in the case.

At previous trials, the Judicial Council questioned Ms. Lan about a number of projects and real estate that were distrained, blocked. However, Ms. Lan said that there were many projects that she did not remember, so she asked to be rechecked.

In Appendix 6 showing the investigation process, the defendants paid 224 billion VND to overcome the consequences. At the court hearing this afternoon, Ms. Lan said that the mone.y of all the defendants in the case, minus the part of the accomplices, the rest will be used to pay the victims in the case.

Ms. Truong My Lan bought a series of real estate abroad, her husband still asked for piercin.g - Photo 1

Appendix 7 shows a number of accounts of companies related to Van Thinh Phat that are being blocked and blocked. Answering to the Judicial Council, the defendant Truong My Lan asked the court to release and ask for 25% again so that the above organizations can ensure their operations, and 75% will be used to overcome the consequences.

Regarding the assets listed in Appendix 8, the defendant Lan testified that the people who helped her at Tan Viet Securities Company, would use these assets to overcome the consequences. For the building at 29 Lieu Giai in Hanoi, the defendant Lan agreed to sell to pay off the debt and the rest would be used to remedy the consequences.

Ms. Truong My Lan bought a series of real estate abroad, her husband still asked for piercin.g - Photo 2

For the Ngoc Vien Dong project, the defendant Lan declared that the price was more than 4,500 billion VND, which had been cleared and compensation was almost completed, so she asked the Board of Directors to create conditions for her company to continue implementing the project.

For the assets mentioned in Appendix 9, the defendant Lan said that there were many properties that were difficult to sell, but agreed to use them as assets to overcome the consequences in the case.

Ms. Truong My Lan bought a series of real estate abroad, her husband still asked for piercin.g - Photo 3

Appendix 10 Ms. Lan presented related to many assets, including a house in District 3 bought for 300 billion VND, but encountered legal problems (which was coerced in another case). Presenting in court, defendant Lan said that he hoped the court would recover the above amount to overcome the consequences.

For some assets in District 1 with a value of more than VND 33,000 billion, defendant Lan said that it could not be valued and was not related to Van Thinh Phat, asking the Board of Directors to reconsider.

For dozens of assets in the UK and China, the defendant Lan said that he was not involved in the case, waiting for the results of the judicial mandate. The above real estate, the owner of Van Thinh Phat, said that her daughter studied in England and China, so she should buy it for her children to live and rent for mone.y to serve her daily needs.

Ms. Truong My Lan bought a series of real estate abroad, her husband still asked for piercin.g - Photo 4

In addition, the defendant Truong My Lan testified that there was an organization that borrowed 1,000 billion VND, if the debt was recovered, the above amount would be used to compensate the victims in the case.

In addition, for assets not related to Ms. Truong My Lan, this defendant requested the Board of Directors to return them to the owner. The trial has ended the questioning and will continue to work on October 4.

Ms. Truong My Lan bought a series of real estate abroad, her husband still asked for piercin.g - Photo 5

In the trial of phase 1 of the case, the People's Court of Ho Chi Minh City sentenced Ms. Truong My Lan to 20 years in prison for the crime of giving bribes; 20 years in prison for violating regulations on lending in the operation of credit institutions and dramatizing the crime of embezzlement of assets. Summing up the penalty, the defendant must serve the deat.h penalty.

At this trial, the defendant Truong My Lan also faces charges and the sentence will certainly be heavy. But there is a very "strange" thing, that is that the defendant Truong My Lan still asked the court to return a set of diamond jewelry of more than 30 carats and 2 bags of Hermes albinism.

Ms. Truong My Lan bought a series of real estate abroad, her husband still asked for piercin.g - Photo 6

According to the defendant Truong My Lan, those two Hermes bags "cannot be bought even if they have mone.y"; "The name Truong My Lan, Zhou Lico, if not prestigious enough in the world, cannot be bought." It is true that with some special products of major fashion brands in the world, it is difficult to buy even if you have mone.y. Ms. Truong My Lan did not exaggerate.

Ms. Truong My Lan bought a series of real estate abroad, her husband still asked for piercin.g - Photo 7

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