The case of 4 groups of strange milk sellers of 2.5 million: targeting the elderly, responding when chased

Bảo YếnMar 03, 2025 at 15:04

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The police of Nghia Dung commune, Tan Ky district, Nghe An province stepped in to clarify that a group of strangers sold milk to people in the area at high prices.

The case of 4 groups of strange milk sellers of 2.5 million: targeting the elderly, responding when chased - Photo 1

Talking to reporters, Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Hien, Head of Nghia Dung Commune Police, said that the unit is sending forces to verify the fact that a group of strangers sells milk at high prices to the people of Truong Tho village in this locality. "We have assigned officials to clarify the above contents and see if this is a civil transaction or an act of deceivin.g customers, deceivin.g people and appropriating property.

Besides, it is also necessary to consider whether the origin of the goods is counterfeit or not. Recently, our brothers have propagated this issue to people quite a lot," Mr. Hien said.

Regarding the above case, Mr. N.Q.V. (born in 1936, residing in Truong Tho hamlet, Nghia Dung commune, Tan Ky district) made a complaint to the commune police. In the application, Mr. V. said that at about 8 a.m. on February 27, at the cultural house in Truong Tho village, a person claiming to be a salesperson of a dairy company with a partner in Ho Chi Minh City, came to consult on selling milk. The woman introduced Nutrition-Mk7 colostrum to help increase calcium and improve bones and joints.

The case of 4 groups of strange milk sellers of 2.5 million: targeting the elderly, responding when chased - Photo 2

"After listening to the advice, I trusted and ordered two boxes for 2.5 million VND. After that, this group of people gave me 2 more boxes of milk from the same company, 2 jars of fish oil to help brighten the eyes and 3 packages of seasonings.

When I got home, I found that this milk did not work as they had planned. After that, I brought out the milk to return it, but these 2 people got into the car and fled," Mr. V. presented in the application to the authorities.

In the application, Mr. V. expressed his desire for the authorities to investigate, clarify, restore justice to the people and handle the right people for the right crimes, in accordance with the law.

The case of 4 groups of strange milk sellers of 2.5 million: targeting the elderly, responding when chased - Photo 3

Mr. Y.'s mothe.r is one of the cases who bought milk and other products from a group of strangers. After hearing the news, Mr. Y. came to verify, then this group of people got into a car and left.

The source also said that Mr. Y. was also the one who brought milk to chase a group of strangers. When Mr. Y. chased to the field, he stopped the group of strangers and called the police to deal with it.

At this time, the man drove Mr. Y.'s milk to the car. The woman sitting in the car asked for the name of Mr. Y.'s mothe.r. After Mr. Y. read the name, the woman gave Mr. Y. 5 bills with a face value of 500,000 VND. The woman said to return the mone.y that Mr. Y.'s mothe.r had bought milk. Mr. Y. asked the driver to stop to wait for the police to come and deal with it. However, the driver of the car "hi.t" Mr. Y. to run. Fortunately, Mr. Y. was able to avoid it in time. After that, these 2 people left the locality.

The case of 4 groups of strange milk sellers of 2.5 million: targeting the elderly, responding when chased - Photo 4

As reported by the press, on February 27, in Nghia Dung commune, Tan Ky district, there were 4 groups of strangers returning to the commune, traveling in many cars, 2 people in each car. This group of people went to the hall of 4 villages including: Tan Van, Truong Tho, Tan Thuan and Dong Thai (Nghia Dung commune) to gather people, mainly old grandparents, and then gave each person a package of seasoning seeds.

After that, this group of people introduced the sale of milk of unknown origin, accompanied by a lucky draw, "buy 1 get 2 or 3 free". Here, this group of people used the guise of buying calcium - bone and joint nutrition - Mk7 milk and was given many gifts, so people bought a lot. People who don't have mone.y go to borrow to buy. When people found out, this group of strangers got into a car and fled. People recorded a live video on social networks, attracting the attention of the public.

The case of 4 groups of strange milk sellers of 2.5 million: targeting the elderly, responding when chased - Photo 5

In September 2023, in Tan Ky town, Tan Ky district, a group of strangers came to the locality to rent a hotel to give promotional gifts and sell household goods at high prices, but the price has not been verified. A group of strangers gave hundreds of invitations to attend the seminar and asked people to distribute them to each other. They use the trick of enticing customers with gifts. If you invite a guest to attend the seminar, you will be given a package of seasoning seeds.

This group of people uses a trick if people pay 2 million VND to receive a "good" rice cooker, then they will also be refunded.

The case of 4 groups of strange milk sellers of 2.5 million: targeting the elderly, responding when chased - Photo 6

After the people trusted, the group of people continued to launch high-priced products. This group is still committed to people paying mone.y to buy products, then they will be refunded. People thought they really paid 5-10 million VND per person to receive the product but were not refunded. After taking the mone.y, the group got into the car and fled. There are more than 100 million people who are deceived by this group of people to buy high-priced goods. The Tan Ky district police have investigated and prosecuted the accused Nguyen Thi Lanh (born 1976, residing in Thai Binh province) for the crime of deceivin.g customers.

The case of 4 groups of strange milk sellers of 2.5 million: targeting the elderly, responding when chased - Photo 7

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