The case of catching her husband jealous.y through the camera with NV: the grandmothe.r and grandmothe.r were present to clarify the problem

Kim OanhMar 02, 2025 at 12:39

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According to the video shared by the wif.e, it is known that due to her deat.h, she called her husband to take her to the wedding, but because he refused to come back, she went to work to find a wedding photography studio when she came across him and a female makeup artist flirting.

The case of catching her husband jealous.y through the camera with NV: the grandmothe.r and grandmothe.r were present to clarify the problem - Photo 1

The wif.e then questioned the question of "why are unmarried girls and married boys working but close to each other doing?". Surprised and heartbroken after witnessing this scene with her own eyes, the wif.e immediately turned on the camera at this studio and discovered that this is not the first time her husband and the staff in the restaurant have had an illicit relationship that has lasted for the past 5 months.

Although it was difficult to calm down, the wif.e still decided to sit down and talk, and at the same time be present on both sides of the family to clarify the problem.

According to the wif.e, it is known that she herself is the one who spent mone.y to buy a house, buy a car and even invest 400 million VND to help him open a business studio. However, everything only changed about her husband's wealth, which made her choke.

The case of catching her husband jealous.y through the camera with NV: the grandmothe.r and grandmothe.r were present to clarify the problem - Photo 2

The husband when he was present and witnessed everything also couldn't help but be disappointed and said: "My wif.e struggles to take care of business, I myself am the breadwinner of the family, but I can't do anything anywhere. The most valuable human being is honor, living with your wif.e must be so that she can raise her face, be majestic for herself, let her be honored, but why do things that make her suffer and suffer her children?"

The case of catching her husband jealous.y through the camera with NV: the grandmothe.r and grandmothe.r were present to clarify the problem - Photo 3

Immediately after this clip was shared, many people expressed their outrage at this action of the husband. "Things that are easy to get are often not appreciated", "Well, it's best for women to choose a rich and faithful husband to take, but if you are poor, you lă.ng only suffer", "See you off".

Also immediately after this incident, fans also traced the identity of his wif.e. Through some images found by netizens, the wif.e has a beautiful beauty and a standard physique that does not need to be adjusted. Meanwhile, 'ti.ou ta.m' is the makeup artist of her studio. Many people judge that the wif.e is much more beautiful than 't.ieu t.a.m', but the husband still goes to love.

The case of catching her husband jealous.y through the camera with NV: the grandmothe.r and grandmothe.r were present to clarify the problem - Photo 4

Although they do not know the exact story behind it, they all agree that being unfaithful in love and infidelity in marriage for any reason is something á.ng to blame. Currently, the incident is still attracting the attention of the community.

According to psychologist Trinh Trung Hoa, when a husband has an affair, women should absolutely not be jealous. Jealous.y can only make the wif.e lose more. "Kickin.g is always associated with behaviors such as intentional, using difficult words... This is a violation of the law.

When a third person is involved with her husband, whether there is evidence or not, the wif.e, if she wants to intervene, should notify the authorities, should not take action herself or hire someone else to be jealous," said this expert.

The case of catching her husband jealous.y through the camera with NV: the grandmothe.r and grandmothe.r were present to clarify the problem - Photo 5

According to expert Trinh Trung Hoa, jealous.y cannot save marriage, on the contrary, it destroys marriage. From decades of experience in psychology, he found that about 70% of customers said that after being jealous, their marriage broke up.

Many wives when going to the gym are jealous and argue that they are acting for family happiness. But in fact, the action of kickin.g the gir.l made their already unstable marriage fall into an irreparable situation.

To the question "What should I do when I find out that my husband is cheating on me?", expert Trinh Trung Hoa gave advice: "Strength cannot win affection, only affection can win affection. The use of a third person or husband makes couples enemies. Marriage, even if it can be kept, is no longer happy.

The case of catching her husband jealous.y through the camera with NV: the grandmothe.r and grandmothe.r were present to clarify the problem - Photo 6

When love has died, the husband who lives with his wif.e sooner or later will also fall in love with others. Jealous.y also has a bad effect on children. When images of parents appear everywhere, the family's turbulent story becomes the topic of discussion for many people, children will feel embarrassed, hurt, and live a closed life," said this expert.

Love is due to the fault of the person who betrayed his partner. However, from falling in love, many couples have discovered marital loopholes, seriously repairing them to resume their relationship.

"Many customers shared that they have readjusted their inner self, appearance, and career to enhance their attractiveness to their partners. These are wise ways to do instead of being puffy, rushing to fight jealous.y to take the hurt and face the risk of violating the law," said expert Trinh Trung Hoa.

The case of catching her husband jealous.y through the camera with NV: the grandmothe.r and grandmothe.r were present to clarify the problem - Photo 7

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