Tinh That Bong Lai was personally "e.xposed" by an expert of the Ministry of Public Security, and Phuong Hang was also named

Duyên TrầnNov 26, 2021 at 12:14

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Recently, the program "Tea talk" of VTC16 aired. As usual, hot issues became the topic of discussion between the MC and the guests.

In particular, in this episode, there are the participation of Lieutenant Colonel Dao Trung Hieu (criminology expert of the Ministry of Public Security), businessman Ngo The Vinh (Chairman of the Board of Directors of Minh Gia Pharmaceutical Company) instead of poets, writer as usual.

Tinh That Bong Lai (Zen Am on the Edge of the Universe) became the first name mentioned because of the noises entangled in the past time. Editor-in-Chief Thu Huyen said: "Up to now, the Long An Provincial Police and other functional agencies have also investigated, verified and have enough grounds to determine that this is a facility to take advantage of Buddhism to fake teachers and take the name of the Buddha. raising orphans but are actually biological descendants to profit from charity money".

Tinh That Bong Lai was personally "e.xposed" by an expert of the Ministry of Public Security, and Phuong Hang was also named - Photo 1

The Buddhist Church of Long An province also confirmed that Tinh That Bong Lai is not a legal monastery. Those who live here are also said to be impersonating monks, affecting the image of Buddhism. Sharing about Tinh That Bong Lai, Lieutenant Colonel Dao Trung Hieu once again confirmed the results of the investigation and verification by the Long An Police. He recalled the story of 5 children living here who went to the Comedy Challenge to declare themselves orphans and then called for donations and m.oney support.

"In my view, this behavior shows signs of fraud, appropriation of property, specified in Article 174 of the Penal Code. These children are like a tool used by the heads of this monastery. The sign of fraud is a very typical sign in the objective side of the crime of fraud and appropriation. These children are used and used as a tool to communicate. 3/5 the b.aby is living with his biological mother.In addition, according to the testimony of Le Thanh Minh Tung, who appeared in the livestream of Mrs. Nguyen Phuong Hang, it was determined that the people in that monastery all had false information. He has a b.lood relationship with Mr. Le Tung Van. This will be clarified by the investigating agency, I know that currently law enforcement agencies are conducting an investigation and verification," said Mr. Dao Trung Hieu.

Meanwhile, businessman Ngo The Vinh compared this "fake monk" story with the situation of fake goods on the market. BTV Viet Cuong said that he himself feels very bewildered when now everything is real - fake, even religion can be "plagiarized".

Notably, Lieutenant Colonel Dao Trung Hieu was involved in "fake charity". He said that the most dangerous consequence that it leaves is the "erosion of trust" in public opinion. "For example, next year there is a flood like that, and there are individuals calling for charity, but will we as compassionate people dare to withdraw m.oney to give it to that person? Or do we wonder if our m.oney will reach the people in need?", Lieutenant Colonel Dao Trung Hieu shared.

About Tinh That Bong Lai, during the past time, social networks have also spread images of "monks" at this facility exercising at the gym, having their own recording studio to serve singing. According to "monk" Nhi Nguyen at Bong Lai Tinh Vi, the people in this household have a special way of "practicing" towards the "good" things in life.

Talking to PV, Mr. Nhi Nguyen said: "Since childhood, the orphans in the Bong Lai Pure House were taught subjects by Mr. Le Tung Van to suit their talents. Male teachers followed the martial arts path. , go to the gym to train the body. I practice to aim for the good, the beautiful, the good in life. For example, going to the gym in addition to training the body, it also gives us perseverance. , patience. This is a very difficult subject to practice, it requires perseverance to pursue. In the practice of holding heavy weights, we will be very discouraged. Having a beautiful body is not a problem. ,2 days that go from year to month, we think practice is to make ourselves progress, not that after practicing it is "don't know anything".

Tinh That Bong Lai was personally "e.xposed" by an expert of the Ministry of Public Security, and Phuong Hang was also named - Photo 2

According to Mr. Nguyen, the "monks" here were given by Mr. Le Tung Van to develop their talents in singing, drawing, writing poetry, bodybuilding...

For example, Mr. Nhat Nguyen is said to be a good painter, has a talent for singing, and 5 young boys who participated in the Comedy Challenge program are gifted in comedy acting. All the "monks" participate in bodybuilding and have medals. Bong Lai Tinh Vi has equipped gym, recording studio... to serve the "gift development". "We buy used exercise machines to save costs. The rest, the teachers practice at home," added Mr. Nguyen.

Recently, Tinh That Bong Lai has demolished the entire residential area to rebuild. In this regard, Mr. Nguyen said: "This house was built by the previous owner 10 years ago, now there are many places that have deteriorated. In terms of funding, we have saved many years ago. so they can rebuild. Since the children are all grown up now, they also need a decent room to live in." "We try to build in 3 months so that we can have a new house for the children to celebrate Tet. In the near future, if there is a suitable artistic program, I will still let the children participate. All these " The children" here are taught by "grandfather teachers" very properly and kindly. The children are very obedient", Mr. Nguyen shared more about the life of the Bong Lai Pure House.

Tinh That Bong Lai was personally "e.xposed" by an expert of the Ministry of Public Security, and Phuong Hang was also named - Photo 3

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