The m.ale s.tudent confessed his love in the middle of the schoolyard, thought the love language and the e.nding was surprised

Duyên TrầnSep 18, 2021 at 15:23

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School-age love is always the most beautiful and unforgettable memory, even profoundly affecting the future of each person.

With the first vibes of life, students will have many ways to "confess" to people that are both naive and lovely. If you grow up and remember it later, these fluffy love stories will become good memories.

Recently, on social networks appeared a clip that received more than 350k likes. The video recorded the scene during the closing ceremony at the school, a m.ale s.tudent held a bouquet of roses to give, and at the same time confessed to his friend in the middle of the schoolyard.

The m.ale s.tudent confessed his love in the middle of the schoolyard, thought the love language and the e.nding was surprised - Photo 1

Everyone's attention turned to that f.emale s.tudent. It was surprising that even the female lead didn't know that she was the one who received the gift, and carelessly took out her phone to record the scene. Looking at her friend's face when she knew she was the main character of the confession, both bewildered and nervous made everyone laugh along. As can be seen in the video, the pair of students received enthusiastic support from everyone at school. But suddenly, a certain student suddenly shouted: "He has a lover", causing both the m.ale s.tudent and the people around him to skip a beat.

Perhaps this is the last closing ceremony of his student life, so he was determined to confess to the person he likes. Although I don't know if the two of them will become a couple in the future, this will certainly be a memorable school age memory.

Some comments below the video:

- "She was still filming to see who he gave it to. Who would have thought it was me."

- "I faintly heard that she has a lover. If not, she would refuse."

- "I thought I could film the male lead, but I thought it would become the female lead. It's like going to have a good time but I didn't expect it to hit my head".

In another development, not long ago, a clip of 12th graders confessing their love to each other on the occasion of the end of the year was passed around non-stop by netizens. Accordingly, a f.emale s.tudent confessed her love in class on the last day of school with a trembling but determined voice: "Today is the last class, can you give me a chance, please? Whether you say yes or no, I'll still be you!" Although very sincere, the friend did not get the answer he wanted when his friend replied, "For the past 3 years, I only consider you as a friend, but love cannot!"

The m.ale s.tudent confessed his love in the middle of the schoolyard, thought the love language and the e.nding was surprised - Photo 2

After that, another m.ale s.tudent also came to confess that he has had feelings for this g.irl since 12th grade, he did not hesitate to ask directly: "Will you be my lover!". But the e.nding this time of the red shirt m.ale s.tudent is completely different from the white shirt friend when the f.emale s.tudent also confesses that she also has feelings and agrees with the lovely confession. The two then gave each other a hug, with friends cheering. It can be seen that both male students are very brave because they dared to say what they have hidden for a long time, dared to express their own feelings even though they do not know how they will receive an answer. For the m.ale s.tudent in white, although there is no happy e.nding, this moment will definitely help him have something to remember about his school days as an adult.

Contrary to the cherished sentiments about school-age love, not long ago, on social networks, a clip of more than a minute and a half appeared on social media with the content "My c.hild went to Luong Trung Secondary School when outsiders entered. hit, everyone give me a way to handle it". In the video, a f.emale s.tudent was brought an electric bicycle by a friend to the schoolyard, then a young man grabbed her hair and slapped her in the face. This young man also called another f.emale s.tudent to slap the victim's face in front of many people around. The young man also slapped the f.emale s.tudent in the face and made her kneel on the schoolyard to apologize.

Regarding the above incident, Mr. Le Ba Nghi - principal of Luong Trung Secondary School, Ba Thuoc district - said that at that time, CTTr., a student of class 7A, was bullied by Bui Van Noi and his sister, BTPh.Th. (student of class 7B) assaulted and beaten at the school yard due to personal conflicts and conflicts. "The school management board reported the incident to the authorities and Luong Trung Commune Police for verification and clarification. At the same time, the school asked the concerned students to write a report and invite their parents to the school. to work, in order to protect the legitimate interests of the victims," Mr. Nghi added.

Ha Tu Nhien - head of the Ba Thuoc district's Department of Education and Training - said he had directed the management board of Luong Trung Secondary School to coordinate with the police of this commune to verify and clarify the case. At the same time, clarify the responsibility of the school when a young man enters the school to beat students and cause disorder at the school. "The Department of Education and Training will convene a meeting with all school principals to direct the strengthening of student management to ensure the safety of students and teachers in the educational environment. transmitted to parents and students to prevent school v.iolence," said Ha Tu Nhien.

The m.ale s.tudent confessed his love in the middle of the schoolyard, thought the love language and the e.nding was surprised - Photo 3

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