Uniquely, 7 elephants took turns 'lowering their knees' before the funeral, the truth made fans shed tears

Kim OanhNov 02, 2024 at 16:53

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Many people were touched by the image of a herd of elephants marching, kneeling in the theater to say goodbye to the man who owns the most elephants in Vietnam.

Uniquely, 7 elephants took turns lowering their knees before the funeral, the truth made fans shed tears - Photo 1

On the morning of November 1, relatives took Mr. Dang Van Long (Cham's name is Dang Nang Long), to Lien Son town (Lak district, Dak Lak) to say goodbye to the people. Previously, the family held a funeral for him in Buon Ma Thuot city. Lak district is where Mr. Long was born, grew up, and is attached to the journey of domesticating, caring for and preserving elephants.

Mr. Dang Nang Long is known as the person who owns the most elephants in the country (at one time up to 7 elephants). However, on the afternoon of October 27, he died suddenly at the age of 63. His passing is not only the pain and loss of his family but also the grief and mourning for the person who has devoted his whole life to the cause of domestic elephant conservation.

Uniquely, 7 elephants took turns lowering their knees before the funeral, the truth made fans shed tears - Photo 2

Early in the morning, many people from all over the country were present in his hometown to say goodbye to him for the last time. In particular, this time there was also the appearance of 7 elephants, including elephants of households in the area. Many elephant owners, elephant handlers, are far away but still try to bring elephants to say goodbye to Mr. Dang Nang Long for the last time.

Mr. Y Vinh E Ung (Lien Son town) shared that since the morning, he has gathered and instructed elephant beggars to carry out the parade ceremony and say goodbye to Mr. Dang Nang Long. This is a special affection that the people here give to people who have a lot of enthusiasm and dedication to the care and conservation of domestic elephants.

Uniquely, 7 elephants took turns lowering their knees before the funeral, the truth made fans shed tears - Photo 3

According to the notice from the family, after the cremation, the family took Mr. Long back to his home in Lak district to hold a visit. In the process of organizing the visit, the family did not receive cigarettes or wreaths. The family will distribute charity gifts to support some disadvantaged households in the area according to Mr. Long's will.

Many years ago, Mr. Dang Nang Long was famous as the owner of the largest number of domestic elephants in the Central Highlands (at one time nearly 10 - PV). Mr. Long's name is also associated with the family that has a tradition of raising and developing elephants in Dak Lak. Mr. Long's father used to trade elephants, supplying elephants to celebrities and many localities in the Central Highlands.

Uniquely, 7 elephants took turns lowering their knees before the funeral, the truth made fans shed tears - Photo 4

Inheriting family traditions, Mr. Long is a person with a lot of experience and knowledge in health care, treating elephants, and using elephants reasonably in tourism activities.

Mr. Long is also an active collaborator with elephant conservation agencies and international organizations for wildlife protection in helping elephants breed but has not achieved full results. Mr. Long himself also declared his willingness to award prizes to elephant owners who have pregnant elephants.

During his contacts with the press, Mr. Long also said that he always supports the conversion of elephants to transport tourists to an elephant-friendly tourism model, in order to ensure the welfare of elephants and help elephants increase their reproductive opportunities.

Uniquely, 7 elephants took turns lowering their knees before the funeral, the truth made fans shed tears - Photo 5

Taking care of elephants is not easy. Elephant caretakers said that it is quite a feat to train elephants to eat. According to an officer with experience in caring for elephants, in the forest, wild elephant cubs must be accompanied by a mother elephant to learn to eat, first of all, it must know how to eat... feces of mother elephants. Many studies on elephants show that eating mother elephant feces is a mandatory behavior, because this "food" still has nutrients because the mother elephant has not fully digested it and provides intestinal probiotics for the baby elephant before eating hard things such as grass, bamboo, etc forest leaves.

Uniquely, 7 elephants took turns lowering their knees before the funeral, the truth made fans shed tears - Photo 6

This person also added that the brothers collected fresh feces from some female elephants in the Buon Don area, put them in the cubs' quarters before they learned to eat, and when they watched, they saw that the baby elephants were also sipping on them. Many elephant keepers in Buon Don are not only surprised but also admire when the elephant conservation staff has done the vocation of wild mother elephants. They think that in the past, the region only hunted and raised wild elephants that were both large and able to eat; and raising baby elephants from the place of suckling to eating has never happened.

Uniquely, 7 elephants took turns lowering their knees before the funeral, the truth made fans shed tears - Photo 7

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