An 80-year-old woman married a 24-year-old man. When she passed away, she said a sad sentence. How did the young husband appear?

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The "old wife - young husband" marriage is no longer strange to public opinion because recently hot "misaligned chopsticks" love relationships have continuously appeared on social networks. They had a happy life together, becoming an example for many people to follow.
In the West, there is also a similar encounter. The main characters are Ms. Dien (64 years old, An Giang) and Mr. Sang (38 years old) - both have disabilities in their legs but still move and live normally. "After being posted on YouTube, many people knew about our love and came to our house. Some people felt sorry for us because we were disabled and couldn't make a living, so they helped us with necessities and gave money to buy medicine." cure.
In particular, the sponsor also supported Mr. Sang with a 3-wheeled vehicle so he could drive to sell lottery tickets. Thanks to that, he can work regularly, travel everywhere to invite customers to buy goods," Ms. Dien emotionally shared about life on the YouTube channel BH.
Mr. Sang excitedly boasted that he could sell 100 lottery tickets every day, making a profit of about 100,000 VND. He used that money to buy daily food as well as medicine for his elderly wife.
Ms. Dien said she has cerebral anemia, so the wind and weather causes headaches and dizziness. She went to see a doctor and was given medicine to take, but long-term treatment requires a lot of time and expense. She agreed to take medicine several times a day in the hope that she could relieve the pain a little.
When she is sick, a woman often tells her husband that she is old now and will die without knowing it. So Mr. Sang should go find a beautiful young woman to marry. But he told her she was crazy and shouldn't have such thoughts. He vowed to spend the rest of his life with his wife.
"Over the past 10 years, we rarely showed our feelings for each other, but deep down we always wished to be together for the rest of our lives, never to leave. When she said she was old, she should go find a young wife, but I only felt more sorry for her." "How could I accidentally leave her to find someone else?" the man confided.
Mrs. Dien was originally a girl with a charming beauty from the river area, and many people came to get to know her and flirt with her. There was a young man who even proposed his love and wanted to marry her, but the relationship had not yet come, and he had no feelings for anyone, so he refused everything.
"I believe I'm still young, so if I don't like anyone, I refuse so they lose all hope and stop pursuing me. Gradually, I become a fastidious person, a perfectionist in choosing a husband.
Then I was too old and without realizing it, it was difficult for me to get married. In the end, I had to stay alone, living alone in the small house my parents built for me," she said.
Living alone, Ms. Dien makes a living by doing what she hires or catching crabs and snails to sell. At this time, she accidentally met a young man old enough to be her grandson, who was considered a descendant of the family. After that, the two became close friends, often confiding about their lives and situations. After that, they got married and decided to talk to both families.
At that time, Ms. Dien's parents worried about whether their daughter would marry a young man and whether it would last long. Therefore, they advised her to think carefully so as not to regret it. Mr. Sang's family supported him, only hoping that she would take care of and love the boy with unhealthy legs.
"At that time, Mr. Sang did not tell me clearly what year he was born, only said he was more than ten years old. So I agreed to get married, made dozens of feasts to invite relatives and friends to celebrate. Later, when I became a bride, I just realized I'm almost the same age as my husband's father.
I remember that time when my husband and I argued about this very fiercely. He said he wanted to get married, but now he can't leave, so age doesn't matter anymore. And I thought he wasn't honest with me, that was cheating," Ms. Dien recalled.
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Seeing the children angry with each other, the families of both sides gathered to dissuade them. They also mentioned how the two of them overcame the rumors from the world to come together, making Mrs. Dien accept to forgive her husband.
Our grandparents have a saying "an old husband and a young wife are fairies, an old wife and a young husband are destined for three generations", the above saying speaks of a sympathetic and positive view towards couples with a large age gap.
But in terms of "old wives and young husbands", public opinion is much more likely to whisper and discuss. "He" is often considered a "gold digger" and a "young pilot flying an old lady's plane". As for "she", she is always laughed at: "An old buffalo that is eager to graze on young grass", "too springy", "big cheek"...
Psychologist Hoang Hai Van analyzed: "Being in love with the same age or different ages, in the end, it's all a personal choice stemming from the pursuit of happiness, so it should be respected, and treated equally. There is no such thing as a relationship. No marriage is perfect, whether they are of the same age or different in age, it requires a lot of effort and adjustment from both sides to be sustainable.
So if you have relatives or friends whose love is different in age, instead of hastily judging or trying to discourage them from breaking up, you can confide in them and share your thoughts and concerns. about this issue (for example, children, lifestyle... how to get along) and start from here with a sincere and open attitude.
After all, happiness is like a glass of water, only the person who drinks it knows how warm or cold it is."
The U50 lawyer left his hometown to fall in love with a 104-year-old woman, an ending that made everyone sad Bảo Nam15:17:08 24/04/2024During the past 11 years, the romantic love story between lawyer Mart Soeson, 48 years old, and Mrs. Elfriede Riit, 104 years old, has attracted a lot of public attention, causing a lot of admiration but also causing a lot of controversy.
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