Pham Thoai was officially "banned", a reality show was removed from the air and cu.t of.f from the entire broadcast.

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Despite keeping silent to avoid public opinion, the online community still refuses to let go of the case of Pham Thoai and bab.y Bap's mother calling for charity, the amount of mone.y up to billions of dong but is doubted about transparency.
After the shocking livestream of the statement on social media, Pham Thoai still seems to have not regained the public's trust. Recently, journalist Hoang Nguyen Vu continued to post directly mentioning Pham Thoai and Bap's mother, citing the law and asking the authorities to quickly investigate, clearly pointing out signs of Pham Thoai's suspected illegality.
Specifically, the journalist wrote: "Pham Thoai and Me Be Bap, stop shouting "I'm innocent" anymore, it's clearly against the law, we need to investigate and clarify!
In this case, calling for support for bab.y Bap to Pham Thoai's personal account is not allowed. Specifically, according to Article 17, Decree 93 dated October 27, 2021 of the Government: Individuals open separate accounts at commercial banks for each campaign to receive and manage all voluntary contributions.
Individuals are not allowed to receive additional voluntary contributions after the end of the committed receiving period and are responsible for notifying the account opening location about stopping receiving voluntary contributions.
From there, it is easy to see that Pham Thoai used his personal account, without specifically registering that this was the account for the campaign to support the medical treatment for bab.y Bap.
Meanwhile, Thoại himself also said that before the appeal, there was still mone.y i.n this account, meaning that this account was reserved for a previous contribution. This is very ambiguous and contrary to the provisions of the law.
In addition, according to Clause 4, Article 10 of Circular 41/2022/TT - BCT, regulations on amounts received from sponsors to carry out social and charitable activities are as follows in the case of receiving in cash:
It is not allowed to receive sponsorship mone.y for social or charitable purposes into the same account used for personal expenses of the campaigner. (In this case, Pham Thoai transferred it to the same account because it was an old account and still had mone.y).
Based on the above legal grounds, Pham Thoaiâs appeal for charity into his personal account in this case is wrong. That also means that Thu Hoa - Bapâs mother, calling for mone.y from the public into her personal account, along with the sales account, is also a violation of the law.
As for Mother Be Bap, not to mention the bad treatment of those who helped her and her chil.d, but the act of receiving mone.y into an account that was not intended for charitable purposes, without any transparent statements, this is clearly an act of profiteering, a clear violation of the law.
In this scandalous charity appeal, the investigating agency needs to get involved to clarify everything, and also to ensure that charity activities are conducted in an orderly, legal manner. Any individual who violates the law must be clearly dealt with.
However, I also want to emphasize this issue: in the case of Bab.y Bap, I think the Central Hematology Hospital is also capable of treating him with a number that is certainly much smaller than the "excessive" cost sheet that Bab.y Bap's mother has given. Her chil.d needs to live, and that mone.y from the common people also needs to save the lives of many other children, poorer and more unfortunate, who have to eat spoonfuls of thin porridge because their families have no mone.y.
Calling for tens of billions and then sending it to a very luxurious hospital for treatment, whether it is a waste or not depends on each case, but it is not in the spirit of "torn leaves". It is more like laundering all the mone.y of the people than saving a person in this general situation. Regarding the ethics of Bab.y Corn's Mother, I think I don't need to say more, other than the phrase "below the worst and below the most tolerable level of normal people".
Hoang Nguyen Vu got involved in the case of bab.y Bap's mother, wrote a long petition and openly spoke of greed. Trí Nhi09:42:57 25/02/2025In recent days, the case of Bap's mother - the character in the story of a 4-year-old bab.y fighting cancer - withdrawing all 16 billion VND from her account, the donations from benefactors called for by Pham Thoai, is receiving much public attention.
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