In the case of writer Da Thao Phuong being raped at work, Deputy Editor of Van Nghe Newspaper spoke out?

Nam PhươngApr 07, 2022 at 16:13

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Answering to Infonet, Deputy Editor of Van Nghe Newspaper had his first share before the allegation of writer Da Thao Phuong.

On the evening of April 6, the press and literature village was shocked by Da Thao Phuong's denunciation letter on her personal page. In her sharing, the female writer recounted being raped while working at the Youth Arts Department, under the Van Nghe Newspaper, under the Vietnam Writers' Association 20 years ago. The behavior of the p.erpetrator, who is currently holding the position of Deputy TBT Secretary of Van Nghe Newspaper at that time, had many witnesses, ready to denounce. Notably, writer Da Thao Phuong revealed that she suffered a pretty b.ig psychological s.hock because she was pregnant and died soon after. In 2000, she stood up to sue the opponent with the support of friends. Unfortunately, the case that year changed its nature from r.ape to a scuffle. The reason why, when she was caused by a colleague's depraved behavior, she did not dare to share for fear of public gossip, unmarried, an inexperienced 20-year-old g.irl who did not have the courage to overcome all. chief.

In conclusion, writer Da Thao Phuong declared a confrontation in the presence of the Writers' Association, the p.erpetrator, the lawyer and her husband. Even if you think that this is a baseless fabrication, Deputy TBT Newspaper Van Nghe can sue her to court.

In the case of writer Da Thao Phuong being raped at work, Deputy Editor of Van Nghe Newspaper spoke out? - Photo 1

"At noon on April 14, 2000, when I was alone in the editing room of Youth Arts, LNA rushed in and raped me. While resisting panic, I called for help, many colleagues ran over and caught Luong red-handed. Ngoc An was lying on top of me, strangling me, while I was struggling to resist, my clothes were torn, my fingers were b.leeding.Thanks to the intervention of colleagues, his r.ape behavior was not timely. success.

This incident was reported by witnesses in a report sent to Van Nghe newspaper on April 20, 2000 (with accompanying document). But this is just the one time I was lucky enough to get rid of LNA's infamous behavior

Before that, from July 1999 to April 2000, LNA repeatedly manipulated, controlled, abused and forced me as a s.ex slave.

When the incident happened, I was a young g.irl in her 20s, unmarried, just graduated from university, and immediately returned to Van Nghe Newspaper to work. At that time, I only had book knowledge and a passion for composing, but not much life experience and social bravery. I was born into a traditional northern family that was very afraid of gossiping around. When I was attacked, the thing I was most worried about was not myself, but my family. I was afraid that if I was talked about in relation to the opposite s.ex, my parents would die of h.umiliation. Faced with the depraved actions of the LNA, the immature young g.irl I was at that time only knew how to fight vehemently to the point of exhaustion, but did not dare to call for help, did not dare to denounce the culprit, and was even afraid of revealing myself. was raped.

In the case of writer Da Thao Phuong being raped at work, Deputy Editor of Van Nghe Newspaper spoke out? - Photo 2

Also because of these fears, I never dared to say it out, even to my mother, as well as to the agency, to the public: Due to being raped by the LNA, I became pregnant, and could not keep the b.aby. his first c.hild. It was an indescribable pain, an inconsolable obsession that I had to hold alone until today.

After the events of April 14, 2000 mentioned above, because there were many witnesses, I dared to write a complaint against Luong Ngoc An. However, he was not only unafraid, repentant, but turned around and blatantly slandered me. Luong Ngoc An made up a story in which he and I had a romantic relationship, he wanted to leave me, so I caused tension. The incident on April 14, 2000 was changed by him from the fact of r.ape to "a fight"!

This fabrication is completely blatant and absurd. I have never been in a consensual or sexual relationship with him. Every sexual act he had with me was because of him b.eating, threatening, r.aping me.

He wrote a fake report that he wanted to leave me and "deliberately avoid contact" with me, so why stormed into the editing room when I was alone and forced me down?

As a result of it, I used to struggle through years of fear of communication, there were times when even talking normally with my husband and children was very difficult. I lost my connection to the language, avoiding reappearing in the literary world. As a writer who loves life and identifies herself through her creative work, this is a deeply destructive pain for me."

In the case of writer Da Thao Phuong being raped at work, Deputy Editor of Van Nghe Newspaper spoke out? - Photo 3

In the case of writer Da Thao Phuong being raped at work, Deputy Editor of Van Nghe Newspaper spoke out? - Photo 4

On the morning of April 7, the person accused of being Mr. LNA (Deputy TBT Press Secretary of Van Nghe Newspaper) spoke out about the incident. Answering Infonet, he said: "I have no opinion, because I do not know where this will go and how. Therefore, I have no opinion at all."

However, facing the accusations of poet Da Thao Phuong, the Deputy TBT also added: "In my personal opinion, these words are not completely correct" but "however, we have not said it yet." .

Regarding the incident, the chairman of the Vietnam Writers' Association, Mr. Nguyen Quang Thieu, has not yet given a specific response. He shared with Infonet: "The association will soon have an opinion".

In the case of writer Da Thao Phuong being raped at work, Deputy Editor of Van Nghe Newspaper spoke out? - Photo 5

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