Wife swings repeatedly slaps, grabs her hair to push down "little tam" in a cafe: "You robbed my son's father"

Nhu01b0 u00ddNov 25, 2021 at 14:58

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Recently, on social networks, sharing a clip of a jealous fight in a cafe caused many people to stir.

According to the share, the above incident was recorded by a security camera on November 22 at a cafe.

Wife swings repeatedly slaps, grabs her hair to push down "little tam" in a cafe: "You robbed my son's father" - Photo 1

Watching the image in the clip shows that, after sitting and talking, a woman wearing a black coat believed to be the "right house" stood up and questioned, "Is that normal? What else do you want? more. Having an affair with another man's husband". At this time, the g.irl who is said to be "small tam" intruding to destroy the happiness of other people's families still appeared indifferent, using paper towels to wipe her face and smooth her hair. Perhaps annoyed by her mistress's attitude, the wife couldn't help but jump up and hit the g.irl in the head and body.

While hitting, the wife expressed her frustration, "I've talked to you kindly once. I've said it once, it can't be twice". Each scolding is a direct slap in the face of the trio. At this time, a g.irl intervened, but the wife was still very angry and thought that she was the one here and that she would take responsibility if something happened. The g.irl who is said to be a minor also waved her hand to indicate that it was okay and stood up from her seat.

Wife swings repeatedly slaps, grabs her hair to push down "little tam" in a cafe: "You robbed my son's father" - Photo 2

But still not stopping, the wife continued to chase, pull her hair, pull her "love rival" to the floor and continue to beat her. "You robbed other people's husbands, robbed the father of my children. Do you guys sleep together like that", the wife scolded while b.eating. From beginning to end, despite being beaten, the g.irl who is said to be "small tam" did not make any protest movements, but only covered her face with her hands and sat silently in battle.

Some people think that maybe she couldn't stand it any longer when she found out that her husband was having an affair, so the wife acted out of nowhere, venting her anger on such a minor. But some people think that assaulting others like that is not advisable and needs to sit down to "3 sides 1 word" because in this case the husband is also at fault. The incident is still causing a stir on social media.

A few days ago, the incident where the female owner of a clothing shop in Nam Dinh caught her husband having an affair with an employee caused a stir in public opinion. Recently, on her personal page, the wife officially clarified this story.

Wife swings repeatedly slaps, grabs her hair to push down "little tam" in a cafe: "You robbed my son's father" - Photo 3

Accordingly, the wife's sister said that she was not the one to spread the clip on social networks. Before that, she only sent it to her close friends and some family members to see, the fact that the clip was taken advantage of and spread on social networks was beyond her control. Besides, the sister-in-law also said that recently, she was treated very badly by her husband even though she did nothing wrong, causing her to think negatively.

When she shared an article that implied "give her husband" to someone else, "tieu tam" also liked and dropped her heart enthusiastically. According to her sister-in-law, she and the female staff at the bar have a very close relationship, often confiding in each other. She even let the female employee sleep in the same house.

Wife swings repeatedly slaps, grabs her hair to push down "little tam" in a cafe: "You robbed my son's father" - Photo 4

"When she first came to work, the employee slept under the shop. After a short time, she said she was afraid of the dark alone, so I also loved her and let her sleep upstairs with her. Since the day she had her, my husband and I have been together. No more sleeping together. My husband went to the next room to sleep, which is also the couple's wedding room, "sister-in-law wrote on her personal Facebook. Regarding the incident of being caught in the act of adultery, she detailed the incident that happened at 5 am when the power went out at home and she got up to go to the bathroom.

"That night my husband came home late from drinking, so I didn't know when he came back. Who knew that at 5 am, because the house was out of power, I turned on the light to go to my husband's room to go to the bathroom and saw that she was having s.ex with her husband. When I saw that scene, I still couldn't believe it, the staff member even clasped her hands together and said, "Sister, save me, so I still think it's her husband's fault. after.

The next day, I told her to tell her all the truth to get proof of divorce. She told me that her husband had been in a relationship with her for almost a year. They expressed it so much that I was dumbfounded and never paid attention," said the sister-in-law. Currently, the story is still attracting great attention from the online community.

Wife swings repeatedly slaps, grabs her hair to push down "little tam" in a cafe: "You robbed my son's father" - Photo 5

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