District 12: Pig-tailed monkeys continuously escape their cages and bite people, causing injuries

Phi ĐứcFeb 23, 2024 at 17:51

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On February 23, the Ho Chi Minh City Forest Protection Department was still coordinating with the authorities of Thanh Loc ward, District 12 to catch the monkey that was mischievous and attacked people in the area, causing injuries.

On February 23, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thoan (selling fruit on TL29 Street, Thanh Loc Ward, District 12) said that on February 9 (ie the 30th of Giap Thin Lunar New Year), she saw a monkey appear on the roof.

District 12: Pig-tailed monkeys continuously escape their cages and bite people, causing injuries - Photo 1

On January 8, Mrs. Thoan opened a fruit sale when she saw a monkey climbing down from the tree to the sidewalk. Thinking that the monkey was hungry, she threw an apple to it.

The apple rolled into the middle of the road. Mrs. Thoan went out to pick up the apple with the intention of feeding it to the monkey, but the monkey jumped and bit her leg. After being bitten by a monkey, Ms. Thoan had to get vaccinated.

District 12: Pig-tailed monkeys continuously escape their cages and bite people, causing injuries - Photo 2

According to Ms. Thoan, in addition to her, the monkey also bit another person and scratched two other people's skin. "I haven't seen the monkey in the past two days. I want to find it so the rangers can catch it" - Ms. Thoan said.

Among the people attacked by the above monkey was the wife of Mr. Hoang Nghia Canh (selling rice rolls on TL29 street, Thanh Loc ward). Mr. Canh said the monkey came into his house looking for food, his wife chased it out and the monkey scratched her hand and made it bleed, his children were afraid to climb into bed.

District 12: Pig-tailed monkeys continuously escape their cages and bite people, causing injuries - Photo 3

According to Ms. Thoan, the monkey has not been seen in the area for the past two days, and it is unclear where it went.

After receiving information that monkeys were harassing and biting people, on February 21, the Ho Chi Minh City Forest Protection Department sent officers to the scene to search and capture them. However, forest rangers coordinated a secret search for a day but could not find it.

"Everyone in this area wants to find a monkey so that the rangers can take it away and release it back into the wild so that it will stop causing trouble" - Ms. Thoan said.

After receiving information that monkeys were harassing and biting people, on February 21, the Ho Chi Minh City Forest Protection Department sent officers to the scene to search and capture them. However, forest rangers coordinated a secret search for a day but could not find it.

District 12: Pig-tailed monkeys continuously escape their cages and bite people, causing injuries - Photo 4

"Everyone in this area wants to find a monkey so that the rangers can take it away and release it back into the wild so that it will stop causing trouble" - Ms. Thoan said.

Accordingly, this is a pig-tailed monkey, male, weighing about 11.5 kg, scientific name is Macaca leonina, belongs to group IIB on the list of rare and endangered forest animals.

An official of the Ho Chi Minh City Forest Protection Department said that in reality, some people arbitrarily keep monkeys or other wild animals at home.

The pig-tailed macaque's scientific name is Macaca leonina. Its name comes from the tail shape similar to that of a pig, this is one of the largest species in the Cercopithecidae family. The pig-tailed macaque (Macaca leonina) is an endangered and rare animal, ranked in group IIB, Decree 06/2019/ND-CP and Decree 84/2021/ND-CP of the Government on management of forest plants and animals. endangered, precious and rare forest animals and implementing the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

District 12: Pig-tailed monkeys continuously escape their cages and bite people, causing injuries - Photo 5

According to this forest ranger, if people raise monkeys or other endangered and rare animals, those animals must have records, have a legal origin and be registered with the rangers. If people arbitrarily keep animals in captivity illegally, they will be handled according to the provisions of law.

In case rangers or authorities detect people illegally keeping rare wild animals in captivity, they will encourage people to hand them over according to regulations. In case people do not cooperate, the rangers will coordinate with relevant agencies to confiscate and prepare a penalty record according to Decree 35/2019/ND-CP.

District 12: Pig-tailed monkeys continuously escape their cages and bite people, causing injuries - Photo 6

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