The Vietnamese f.emale s.tudent accused of being gang raped, the p.erpetrator said the g.irl took off her clothes and created a fake scene

team youtuberApr 04, 2021 at 18:00

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Recently, on all fanpages, large and small groups, there was a stir about the case that a Vietnamese f.emale s.tudent in Korea named D.D on Facebook told the story of collective abuse, but she was accused of having done it herself. staged it all?

The story caused a stir when the accused asserted that they were "stuck", and because they were deported back to the country, they had to do hard manual labor, while the family was not well off. Even parents have to pledge the red book to pay compensation for D.D.

According to D.D., at that time, she had not been to Korea for a long time and had just found her first part-time job. Here, D.D knew a few colleagues, including H. On January 25, 2020, she thought that she was lured to attend a New Year's Eve party with H. and then was assaulted collectively.

The Vietnamese f.emale s.tudent accused of being gang raped, the p.erpetrator said the g.irl took off her clothes and created a fake scene - Photo 1

In a Facebook group post, D.D said that even though he was not on duty that day, because H. had a word to ask her to come help because the shop was crowded, he finally agreed. . When D.D arrived at the store, it was late and already had customers, so, H. invited the g.irl to his house to have a New Year's Eve party with friends and other colleagues. D.D came later and was picked up by L.

During the party, she drank a paper cup of wine, then she started to feel unwell. Around this time, the guests left one after another. In the end, only D.D remained with 7 young men.

The Vietnamese f.emale s.tudent accused of being gang raped, the p.erpetrator said the g.irl took off her clothes and created a fake scene - Photo 2

According to D.D., at this time, 7 young men gathered to abuse her, even her colleague was filming and cheering. It all stopped when the g.irl's private area was b.leeding a l.ot.

D wrote, after the gang sexually assaulted, a young man took the g.irl back to the motel room and continued to play tricks. She said she had "almost lost consciousness", and that "despite many pleas, the young man continued to not give up".

According to D.D., because he just came to Korea, he did not know many people, if he called a close friend, D.D was afraid that both would "finish his life". Therefore, despite breaking up with her boyfriend, this f.emale s.tudent still had to ask for help from her ex-lover.

The Vietnamese f.emale s.tudent accused of being gang raped, the p.erpetrator said the g.irl took off her clothes and created a fake scene - Photo 3

She said that her ex-lover ran to the house to rescue and called the police. According to D.D, the lawsuit lasted for 9 months and in the end, D.D won. In addition, this f.emale s.tudent also signed an agreement to acquit 3 people convicted by a Korean court to receive suspended sentences so that they could return home. According to the share, L.'s mother (1 out of 3 young men believed to have been convicted of r.ape) agreed and promised to pay 800 million VND to D.D.

However, D.D confirmed that he did not receive compensation. In addition, this female international student said that, despite w.inning the lawsuit, the abusers were deported back to her country, but she had "completely lost her ability to be a mother".

The Vietnamese f.emale s.tudent accused of being gang raped, the p.erpetrator said the g.irl took off her clothes and created a fake scene - Photo 4

Regarding this incident, a Facebook account believed to belong to L. spoke out and shared a long time on MXH, claiming that he was "set" and had to pay compensation to receive a suspended sentence to return home.

Specifically, this young man shared, in 2020, L. knew DD and the two became a couple.

L. recounts the "fate" party with brothers and friends. According to L. do people ask "why don't you call your lover?" so this young man called D.D. According to L., D.D immediately agreed. When they were tired of drinking, the two people lay together and had intimate actions that, according to this young man, had the consent of D.D.

The Vietnamese f.emale s.tudent accused of being gang raped, the p.erpetrator said the g.irl took off her clothes and created a fake scene - Photo 5

L. said that when he went to the street to catch a taxi, D. saw a camera at the intersection in front of the door, suddenly said he wanted to kiss L. so that the camera could check L. in a game where D. was the victim.

According to this young man, when he got into a taxi because his lover was still drunk, L. had to take her home. Arriving at D.D's house, she continued to drag L. to the house and then to the bathroom and then texted her lover. According to L., the f.emale s.tudent and he did not do anything, there was a third person (who is D.D's lover) interjected.

Immediately after the incident was posted on MXH, the online community broke out two opposing streams of controversy. Many people were extremely angry with the actions of the group of young men, and at the same time expressed sympathy for the female victim.

However, many people expressed skepticism about the story that f.emale s.tudent D.D posted. Before the comments that directed criticism towards her, f.emale s.tudent D.D. continued to throw a l.ot of evidence to prove her story was correct.

In addition to the written documents, D.D also posted a recording of the conversation between himself and L.'s mother. The woman repeatedly denied that her son was the "backward seal" to smear D.D. that H. and K. are the ones behind this.

However, in this recorded talk, the 2k f.emale s.tudent just kept crying and didn't accept the apology. D.D said he just wanted to be approved soon to return to Vietnam. Regarding the incident, currently, D.NH - 1 of 3 young men involved has locked Facebook because people stoned too much.

The Vietnamese f.emale s.tudent accused of being gang raped, the p.erpetrator said the g.irl took off her clothes and created a fake scene - Photo 6

The Vietnamese f.emale s.tudent accused of being gang raped, the p.erpetrator said the g.irl took off her clothes and created a fake scene - Photo 7

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