The identity of the "jealous" university beauty queen will help you: Admitting that she is a lawyer, the school speaks up

KengMay 15, 2024 at 15:20

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Regarding the case of a university beauty queen in Ho Chi Minh City "catching jealousy" for her friend at an apartment in Binh Thanh district that caused a stir in public opinion in 2023, the police have just been prosecuted for the act of "Causing trouble". public order".

Specifically, on May 14, the Police Investigation Agency of Binh Thanh District (HCMC) decided to prosecute the case, prosecuting the accused Phan Ngoc Quy (24 years old, from Binh Duong) and Trinh Dinh Thanh Tu (26 years old, from Quang Ngai) to investigate the act of "Disturbing public order" after a collision in an apartment building.

The identity of the jealous university beauty queen will help you: Admitting that she is a lawyer, the school speaks up - Photo 1

The decisions were approved by the People's Procuracy at the same level and the two defendants were released on bail and banned from leaving their residence during the investigation period.

Among them, defendant Quy is a student at Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF), class of 2018, majoring in Economic Law and was crowned UEF student beauty queen in 2019.

According to the investigation, at 9:00 a.m. on November 19, 2023, Ms. VTL (65 years old) called Ms. NTTH (31 years old, from Dak Lak, living in District 7) to talk about her son NHA (27 years old, H.)'s lover took 2 strange women to stay overnight at the apartment on the 17th floor of an apartment building on Nguyen Gia Tri Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District.

Hearing the news, Ms. H. was jealous, but because she was in the hospital, she called her two friends, Quy and Tu, to come see the situation and "resolve" it for her.

The identity of the jealous university beauty queen will help you: Admitting that she is a lawyer, the school speaks up - Photo 2

More than 10 o'clock on the same day, the two arrived at the apartment and were taken by Mrs. L. to the 17th floor to meet and talk with two strange women, Ms. TVM (28 years old, from Tien Giang, living in District 8) and TTHT (32 years old, friend of M.). After that, Quy and Tu went down to the apartment lobby to wait.

About 30 minutes later, Ms. M. and her friend went down to the apartment lobby and were physically attacked by the beauty queen and her friend. The incident was recorded by cameras and people using their phones and posted on social networks, making people angry.

The identity of the jealous university beauty queen will help you: Admitting that she is a lawyer, the school speaks up - Photo 3

In the clip, the young man attacked the woman in the yellow shirt and said: "Are you hitting my brother? Do you like to f.ight? I'll call the police. Are you playing with toys? I'll send you to the police station." Now".

Meanwhile, Quy also came down to me and said: "Let me tell you, do you know what I do? I'm a lawyer?". As for Tu, he threatened, "I'll send you on your way...".

The identity of the jealous university beauty queen will help you: Admitting that she is a lawyer, the school speaks up - Photo 4

During the investigation, the police invited relevant people to the headquarters to work. Through the struggle, Quy and Tu admitted their actions.

After the incident, Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance - UEF coordinated with the authorities to determine your violations and if you violated ethical factors. or violate the law, the school will revoke the f.emale s.tudent's beauty queen title.

A representative of Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance said that a disciplinary council meeting is currently being held with Phan Ngoc Quy (24 years old, beauty queen of the school in 2019) after this beauty queen was dismissed by the Department. Police investigation officer of Binh Thanh District Police prosecuted the act of Disturbing Public Order.

The identity of the jealous university beauty queen will help you: Admitting that she is a lawyer, the school speaks up - Photo 5

"In principle, a disciplinary council meeting will be held to consider and handle the matter. The results of the disciplinary meeting will be announced," the school representative said.

A representative of Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance added: "If a decision or conclusion is received from the investigation agency on the case, the school's Disciplinary Council will meet and handle it according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training at the highest level. suitability," said a school representative.

The identity of the jealous university beauty queen will help you: Admitting that she is a lawyer, the school speaks up - Photo 6

The school's representative also informed that student Phan Ngoc Quy has been crowned beauty queen since 2019, and the school's newest beauty queen was crowned in 2022. The incident may lead to the mistaken belief that Quy is a beauty queen, which is somewhat influential. affects the current beauty queen.

The identity of the jealous university beauty queen will help you: Admitting that she is a lawyer, the school speaks up - Photo 7

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