Couples who take sick cats to the doctor while they are apart are sanctioned, is veterinary medicine an essential service?

Hồng HạnhJul 14, 2021 at 09:44

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Recently, social networks have mixed opinions before the case of two young people who were punished for taking a very weak cat to the doctor.

The video shows that the person in the security force (who is also the person who shared the video) requested to sanction the two young people for violating the Government's Directive as well as the decision of Long An province in the prevention of COVID-19 epidemic. -19. When asked to show documents, the couple frantically explained that because the cat's situation was too urgent, they went too fast to bring it with them.

Couples who take sick cats to the doctor while they are apart are sanctioned, is veterinary medicine an essential service? - Photo 1

The female friend is holding a very weak-looking cat in her arms, crying and begging: "Please let me take the cat to the vet, uncle, the cat is very weak". But before the couple's pleas, the person who held the latch was still adamant not to let it go:

"Is the cat very weak? Is the cat as important as the disease now? Following the Government's directive and the official dispatch of the Chairman of the Long An Provincial People's Committee to conduct social distancing, when going out, you must have adequate supplies. In particular, Long An, from 0:00 on July 13, 2021, implemented many tough and strong measures to prevent epidemics.

So where do you two take the cat out on the street? Going to the doctor? Crying because of the cat? Now, is the cat as important as a human's life, as the life of an entire community?".

Couples who take sick cats to the doctor while they are apart are sanctioned, is veterinary medicine an essential service? - Photo 2

After that, the female friend explained that because the cat was too weak, she took it to the doctor, but she did not go out on the street for a few days. However, the man still had a strict attitude: "Now I ask you two, am I for a cat or for the social community, for my own life? The government has already regulated that, at Why is the performance not good? The cat is sick, but the person is sick?".

Finally, the young couple were asked to work with the police and handle violations for no good reason. The cat's owner later also confirmed on social media that the cat did not survive.

The video then quickly spread on social media with mixed opinions. Some people agree with the way of people in the quarantine checkpoint, but others think that the person performing the task should have a softer and more flexible approach.

Besides, there are also countless social network users who have dropped criticism and insults to the traffic police soldier on duty. They searched both his personal online account and that of this traffic policeman's wife and children to insult. This has greatly affected the spirit of the soldiers who are fighting on the front lines against the epidemic.

Couples who take sick cats to the doctor while they are apart are sanctioned, is veterinary medicine an essential service? - Photo 3

Many young people in all provinces and cities, especially members of the dog and cat-breeding community, wonder if veterinary services are essential services when applying Directive 16 on epidemic prevention and control. Covid-19?

Mr. Nguyen Ba Luan, Director of Long An Department of Information and Communications had some sharing about the above case. Mr. Luan said: "The definition of essential services is that there is no list of them all. Only a few are listed such as: food, food, medicine, production facilities... In which there is no record. There is no animal care service in the document of Directive 16 of the Prime Minister as well as of Long An province, so it can be understood that this service cannot be operated."

Therefore, when a young couple takes their cat to a veterinary facility for medical examination and treatment, sometimes the place they intend to go to is not open. "In fact, in Long An, there are not many veterinary service points to take care of dogs and cats. I see them closed," Mr. Luan said.

Couples who take sick cats to the doctor while they are apart are sanctioned, is veterinary medicine an essential service? - Photo 4

Mr. Duong Minh Phi, Deputy Director of the Long An Veterinary Sub-Department, said that veterinary services are normal, not essential. He also confirmed that the service is not in the essential category.

In addition, he also expressed that during the complicated development of the Covid-19 epidemic, it is "unnecessary" to bring cats for treatment. As far as he knows, veterinary services are also banned under Directive 16, veterinary registration offices are also closed.

Besides the comments expressing sympathy for the cat, there are still opinions that when the Covid-19 epidemic is complicated, the fight against the epidemic is the most important. Especially in the context that Long An province is drastically implementing epidemic prevention solutions, applying Directive 16 of the Prime Minister to many localities, the actions of the two young people are not advisable.

Couples who take sick cats to the doctor while they are apart are sanctioned, is veterinary medicine an essential service? - Photo 5

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