Bab.y Corn's charity case: Revealing the amount of mone.y raised through the Uncle's and Uncle's Pension Service

KengMar 06, 2025 at 10:10

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Recently, netizens have continuously spread information about the fact that in addition to the accounts of Pham Thoai, Ms. Thu Hoa - the mothe.r of bab.y Corn, there are countless other accounts that are said to be of relatives who stand up to strongly call for donors to support the bo.y for treatment.

In the face of the surrounding markets, this woman recently shared on Vietnamnet.

Bab.y Corns charity case: Revealing the amount of mone.y raised through the Uncles and Uncles Pension Service - Photo 1

Ms. Hoa revealed: "At that time, bab.y Corn had just gotten sick. My sister texted her close friends, asking for everyone's help to have mone.y for Corn to be hospitalized. Then everyone passed on to each other, her friends posted a post asking friends for help and posted with her account number.

The amount of mone.y my sister received was more than 12 million VND. My brother's friends made more than 4 million VND, but there was no case of receiving a huge amount of mone.y as speculated."

In addition, regarding the fact that the charity Give.Asia announced to transfer all the mone.y to support Corn to another Vietnamese pediatric patient who is also being treated in Singapore, Ms. Hoa had some attention.

Bab.y Corns charity case: Revealing the amount of mone.y raised through the Uncles and Uncles Pension Service - Photo 2

She said: "When they say that, it's like saying Bab.y Corn doesn't treat the disease. They also arbitrarily shared pictures of my chil.d without informing me of anything.

And the amount of charity mone.y transferred to every pediatric patient is good. I consider it to be the charm of little Corn given by my uncle and Corn shared with other friends."

Also at this time, she denied asking Give.Asia to stop the fundraising campaign. Accordingly, as soon as the statement scandal occurred, there were many people on Give.Asia's fanpage to leave bad comments.

Bab.y Corns charity case: Revealing the amount of mone.y raised through the Uncles and Uncles Pension Service - Photo 3

At this time, a hospital nurse asked Ms. Hoa if she had to cheat or not, which shocked her and broke her spirits.

After that, she contacted the Give.Asia to ask them to support locking the public comment section because she did not want the doctors to misunderstand and affect the treatment of Corn. However, when she received a response, they could not block the comment, so she asked to remove the appeal for support for her son.

In another development, social networks recently spread a clip recording Ms. Hoa's conversation with a person claiming to be a creditor.

Bab.y Corns charity case: Revealing the amount of mone.y raised through the Uncles and Uncles Pension Service - Photo 4

Accordingly, the woman in the clip said: "If you have mone.y, pay me to Hoa", "I don't owe anyone anything, I owe you alone, I love you, I pay you", "People transferred 500 million to my brother to return me. But I see that you also have mone.y."

In response, Ms. Hoa said that now she has no mone.y left in her body because she has paid all the hospital fees for bab.y Corn.

"If you want to, you go to the online community to ask them to pay you. It is rumored that I have a lot of mone.y, so I go up there and ask for it", "If you have a seal, you are the same, if you do that, you will definitely never pay me", "I will pay you immediately, but what do you do with my 1 million 2 million", "That 500 million is Mr. Thanh (the name of a sponsor - an acquaintance of Pham Thoai - PV) transferred to me, he took a picture and posted it, and then Thoai took it as content to post back then!",... Ms. Hoa's shockin.g statements.

Bab.y Corns charity case: Revealing the amount of mone.y raised through the Uncles and Uncles Pension Service - Photo 5

Ms. Hoa said that she received a call from a former colleague on February 26. However, she did not expect this conversation to be recorded and posted on social networks.

Currently, a series of dramas related to Ms. Thu Hoa is still in the spotlight on social networks.

It can be said that the story of Ms. Hoa and Pham Thoai is not the first time an individual has been involved in a controversy related to the transparency of charity mone.y. Previously, many celebrities and influencers were also questioned about calling for donations and financial disclosure.

Bab.y Corns charity case: Revealing the amount of mone.y raised through the Uncles and Uncles Pension Service - Photo 6

It can be mentioned that of a series of famous artists such as Thuy Tien, Tran Thanh, Dam Vinh Hung... were also "projected" statements when calling for charity mone.y to support people during the floods in the Central region. The story at that time deeply divided the online community, so much so that the authorities had to investigate. Although it was concluded that there were no signs of wrongdoing, the incident shook the public's trust in individual charitable activities.

The above facts sho.w that, without a clear monitoring mechanism, individual charity activities are very easy to fall into the gray area, making the public skeptical and raising questions about transparency.

The celebrity himself who stands up for charity has also been greatly affected, even causing his career to decline because of the two statements. Correcting right and wrong, I only know that Pham Thoai has been called by a part of netizens to boycott and cut off the airwaves.

After this incident, it is very likely that many people's faith will be shaken, making them more reserved and cautious about calls to help the pitiful fates, even more difficult than Bab.y Corn's family.

Bab.y Corns charity case: Revealing the amount of mone.y raised through the Uncles and Uncles Pension Service - Photo 7

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