The case of the gir.l in the mini apartment in Hanoi: People smelled an unpleasant smell 4 days ago

Thiên DiOct 21, 2024 at 13:51

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On the morning of October 21, a leader of the People's Committee of Nam Tu Liem District said that the authorities were verifying information about the gir.l's deat.h at a building on Dinh Thon Street. Initial investigations determined that this person had died many days ago.

Dan Tri reported that on the evening of October 20, at lane 39 Dinh Thon, My Dinh 1 ward, Nam Tu Liem district, Hanoi, a young gir.l was found dead in a mini apartment. The incident shocked the local residents and attracted great attention from the community.

According to witnesses at the scene, the gir.l was found dead in her room by the mini apartment manager after many days of being unable to contact her.

The case of the gir.l in the mini apartment in Hanoi: People smelled an unpleasant smell 4 days ago - Photo 1

According to information from the leader of the People's Committee of Nam Tu Liem District, the authorities received a report from the apartment building manager when the incident was discovered. This person said that around the evening of October 20, while checking a room on the 2nd floor of the 9-storey mini apartment building, the manager discovered the incident. Immediately, the incident was reported to the authorities.

The case of the gir.l in the mini apartment in Hanoi: People smelled an unpleasant smell 4 days ago - Photo 2

Upon receiving the information, the authorities quickly arrived at the scene to block off and investigate. "Based on initial findings, there are no signs of criminality in the incident. The General Investigation Team, Nam Tu Liem District Police are handling and clarifying the case. The gir.l was born in 1998, unmarried, from Nam Dinh, and rented a room in this apartment building," informed a representative of Nam Tu Liem District Police.

The case of the gir.l in the mini apartment in Hanoi: People smelled an unpleasant smell 4 days ago - Photo 3

At around 11:20 p.m. the same day, a large crowd gathered around the area to watch the incident. The authorities tried to disperse the crowd to ensure security and order, but many people still lingered because they were curious about this unexpected incident.

According to some residents who followed the incident, that same evening, when the manager of this apartment building opened the door, he discovered a gir.l had passed away, in the process of decomposing, so he reported it to the authorities.

"My house is nearby, I usually pass by but I didn't notice anything unusual or smell anything strange. Until tonight around 10:00 p.m., I went out and saw a lot of people gathered here, I asked and found out that a young gir.l died on the 2nd floor of this mini apartment.

The case of the gir.l in the mini apartment in Hanoi: People smelled an unpleasant smell 4 days ago - Photo 4

Normally when passing by here there is no smell, but just now they opened the window, the smell was very strong," said Mr. H., a resident living near the scene of the incident.

At around 11:45 p.m., a few tenants of the mini apartment building returned home still unaware of the incident.

Many residents in the area said the gir.l lived a very peaceful life and had no conflicts with anyone. "Everyone was shocked to hear that the gir.l had passed away in such a state," said NTN (30 years old), who sells fruit next to the mini apartment building.

According to some people living in the same mini apartment building that discovered the incident about the gir.l, 4 days ago, they started to smell a very unpleasant odor.

"Four days ago, I and many other residents in the building smelled a foul odor. At first, we thought it was the smell of something dead, so we didn't pay much attention. A few days later, we reported this to the manager and asked them to come and check.

"I just came back from hangin.g out with my friends and found out that a gir.l on the second floor passed away," said Ms. H., a resident of the mini apartment building. According to Ms. H., she has rented here for more than half a year, but has never had contact with this gir.l.

The case of the gir.l in the mini apartment in Hanoi: People smelled an unpleasant smell 4 days ago - Photo 5

According to local residents, the gir.l found dead was from Nam Dinh. At 1:35 a.m. on October 21, authorities dispersed the curious crowd to ensure security and order.

According to Vietnamnet, after the authorities completed the legal procedures, the gir.l's relatives submitted a request to bring her home for burial.

Currently, the authorities are investigating and clarifying the incident.

The case of the gir.l in the mini apartment in Hanoi: People smelled an unpleasant smell 4 days ago - Photo 6

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