The movie with Le Bong ended up being controversial, h.ot Tiktoker was criticized for acting stiffly, crying "fakely"

Bút ChìMay 22, 2024 at 17:35

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The 44-episode journey of Missed Appointment with Green Day ended on the evening of May 21. In the last episode, Duyen (Le Bong) wants to return to take care of her grandmother, sticking to the place where she was born and raised.

She thanked Hiep (Huynh Anh) for being by her side and encouraging her. Seeing that she was about to leave, Hiep called Duyen back and suddenly hugged her. Duyen also returned Hiep's hug. Mrs. Thu Le and her husband ( Meritorious Artist Quach Thu Phuong ) went to meet Duyen's grandmother, told the truth about Duyen and Giang's (Minh Thu) background and apologized.

She understood the heart of Thu Le and her husband for Giang. Mr. Thang (merited artist Trinh Mai Nguyen) asked permission to let Giang come back and take her back, so that from now on she could have another grandchild.

The movie with Le Bong ended up being controversial, h.ot Tiktoker was criticized for acting stiffly, crying fakely - Photo 1

Mr. Thang also asked to adopt his daughter after many years of separation, offering to take Duyen's grandmother home to take care of her. However, Ms. That (artist Ngoc Tan) refused, saying that as long as the couple loved Giang and Duyen, she would feel secure.

Mr. Thang and his wife also frankly shared with Giang: "I love you very much. When you entered our lives, it was the happiest time that I always wanted to preserve. I want you to remember your mother." "I have loved, raised, and taught you for more than 25 years, even though you are not the c.hild I gave birth to."

Giang said she was afraid of losing her parents forever when she learned the truth about her background. However, Giang was happy when Mrs. Thu Le affirmed that she would make up for it and love them both. Giang also wanted to share with Duyen because she knew that Duyen suffered many disadvantages.

The movie with Le Bong ended up being controversial, h.ot Tiktoker was criticized for acting stiffly, crying fakely - Photo 2

Duyen received good news when her design project won an a.ward. Giang proposed that Hiep go to Korea to receive the a.ward with Duyen to nurture the two of them. At the end of the film, Duyen recounts her journey to becoming an architect, thanking her relatives and friends who have accompanied her. Hiep confessed his love to Duyen and received a nod of agreement.

The movie with Le Bong ended up being controversial, h.ot Tiktoker was criticized for acting stiffly, crying fakely - Photo 3

After episode 44 ended, many viewers thought that Missed Appointment with Green Day ended too quickly. Because only after the conversation between Mrs. Thu Le and her husband with Mrs. That and Giang, all the tensions and worries of the characters were resolved.

On the other hand, the love story between Hiep and Duyen during the last part of the movie was not mentioned much, but at the end of the movie Hiep suddenly confessed his love and Duyen quickly agreed.

Le Bong's crying scene every time she faced her biological mother or in the last episode, when she heard Mr. Thang talking to Ms. That, was not natural enough. Her expression was still f.orced and quite stiff. Or in the last scene when Hiep confessed his love to Duyen, both of their expressions were also commented as quite stiff, making the audience unable to feel that they were people who were in love with each other.

The movie with Le Bong ended up being controversial, h.ot Tiktoker was criticized for acting stiffly, crying fakely - Photo 4

Most audiences commented that the above love confession scene was weak, making a movie that was quite attractive at the beginning become exhausted in the final stage.

"The ending of the movie was so bland, I felt like there was something missing about Duyen and Hiep's love story. In the last episode, everything happened too fast, there was no c.limax. At the end, I still didn't understand what message the movie's title conveyed. ", the audience commented.

The movie with Le Bong ended up being controversial, h.ot Tiktoker was criticized for acting stiffly, crying fakely - Photo 5

One audience member also said that the script "Missed a Date with Green Day" is not really logical when the first part of the film is the love story of the female lead, but the second half of the film only focuses on telling about the background and the story of the parents adopting the c.hild. The film did not leave much of an impression on the audience, other than the well-rounded acting of the cast.

Previously, the film also received many mixed opinions when it "made some unrealistic mistakes related to the architect's work. Specifically, when asked why he did not like the design of the building, the character Duyen said vaguely: "Because it both has taste and doesn't have taste. There is a lack of a decisive choice."

An architect after watching spoke up on social networks because the concept of "taste" does not exist in architecture. The character's statement shows that the career learning process is not methodical.

"When architects talk about the design of a building, they will mention style, proportion, solidity, hollowness... or in general, design language, or the relationship between function and form. Just talking about taste sounds very vague," this architect said.

The movie with Le Bong ended up being controversial, h.ot Tiktoker was criticized for acting stiffly, crying fakely - Photo 6

In another scene, the main character is introduced as an architecture student (Hanoi University of Architecture), but the scene in the film is Hanoi University of Civil Engineering.

Previously in episode 4, the character Duyen refused to accept an advance payment for the project after instructing and finalizing the design plan for the customer. Not only architects, the online community also confirmed that this is an unreal episode.

The movie with Le Bong ended up being controversial, h.ot Tiktoker was criticized for acting stiffly, crying fakely - Photo 7

In fact, it is obvious that customers deposit and advance m.oney for the architect to draw up drawings and plans. Architect Le Trung Chinh confirmed that if the advance payment is not collected, there are many cases where customers request drawings and then "disappear", taking the architect's design with them.

"Perhaps it's because the screenwriter lacks advice from people with expertise in the field of architecture, making the content about this industry a bit corny, unintentionally spreading falsehoods about this profession," an audience commented. .

The movie with Le Bong ended up being controversial, h.ot Tiktoker was criticized for acting stiffly, crying fakely - Photo 8

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