People's Artist Dao Dream Long: The stage star has many love affairs but still lonely all his life

Thảo MaiMar 02, 2024 at 17:51

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No one knows how many roles Dao Mong Long has played, he himself cannot remember, only that every generation considers him a talented artist who was born for the stage.

People's Artist Dao Mong Long was very passionate about theater, so at the age of 15, he packed An Lac singing everywhere. By the age of 18 he was already known for his lead double roles, touring from Hanoi to Saigon and through Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. At his time, there were artists of the previous generation such as Hai Huong, Tu An, Ba An, Seven Tu, Seven Van, Ba Hoai ... all were artists who contributed to laying the first stones for the Cai Luong stage in the North.

Peoples Artist Dao Dream Long: The stage star has many love affairs but still lonely all his life - Photo 1

In his memoirs, artist Pham Duy spent many beautiful words talking about the singing burden of Dao Mong Long, the time of touring in the South. Pham Duy wrote, although there are ancient Vong songs that the Northerners sing not as well as the Southerners, there are acting creations that fascinate the Southern people, causing them to spend m.oney to watch the Northern Luong Reform troupe. Southern artists such as Nam Chau and Ms. Seven Phung Ha all love Dao Mong Long's acting.

It was thanks to his lifelong roles in the hearts of the Saigon and Western public that Dao Mong Long escaped when he escaped to Saigon for medical treatment during the early resistance and was sheltered by Saigon reform artists to help him get documents to escape to the North. Later, artists Diamond, Minh Vuong and Thanh Tong still respect Dao Mong Long as their teachers.

Peoples Artist Dao Dream Long: The stage star has many love affairs but still lonely all his life - Photo 2

The role of Dao Mong Long is many, but many people talk about the bourgeois role of Govozodilin and the tragic third play of the Vietnam National Opera House. Even supporting roles in Conspiracy and Aftermath, Sea Storm, Harem Fire, Invasion... are so famous that it is difficult to overcome, it is difficult for any actor to replace.

According to Dr. Nguyen Thi Minh Thai, every role is played by People's Artist Dao Mong Long with great effort and aesthetic sense with the aim of establishing a separate way of incarnating. His acting has its own depth of thought and treatment, but it is not rigid but very vivid. Typically, the role of Siar in the play Liuba. Siarer was a very small role, but when he saw Dao Dream Long perform, Soviet director Vaxiliev embraced him and exclaimed, "Thank you. He was a great artist. In the Soviet theater, no one paid attention to this supporting role!"

Peoples Artist Dao Dream Long: The stage star has many love affairs but still lonely all his life - Photo 3

Dao Mo Long's life is intertwined with the stage. He is not only a favorite actor but also a talented director and composer. Because he loves theater and lives his life to the fullest, even at an age when he has to relax and relax, People's Artist Dao Mong Long still has many concerns with the stage. Sharing about the talented artist, People's Representative Pham Thi Thanh said, in the last days of his life, he did not see his face clearly, heard the opposite person's voice clearly, but his mouth still muttered the drama, the charisma was still like acting.

Still lonely even though there is no shortage of passionate love affairs

Like many other artists, Dao Mong Long's life as an artist is associated with love affairs. All of his love affairs were beautiful and poetic, but none of his women followed him to the end of his life. For the last few decades of his life, he lived alone, rarely talking about the word love, charm and women.

Peoples Artist Dao Dream Long: The stage star has many love affairs but still lonely all his life - Photo 4

He fell in love at the age of 17, and his daughter's name was Hong Lien, 3 years his senior. Hong Lien is a Hue digger with a beautiful voice and beauty "diving bird". Talking about the g.irl named Lien, People's Representative Dao Mong Long confided, she is very beautiful, white skin, phoenix eyes, bee back, everyone looks fascinated. At that time, Hong Lien's family was living in Laos, so she had to give up the burden of Hong Nhat singing to go to that side to live with her family.

The day Hong Lian left, he stayed in Vinh alone like a soulless person, thinking of her night and day, not wanting to do any business. Nostalgia makes the lovesick b.oy Dao Dream Long leave everything behind to find a lover. But then, when he arrives to face a grim situation, her parents do not accept the groom as "singing without species". So they parted in tears. His broken first love left a wound in his heart that could not heal.

The second woman who caused him a lot of suffering was Dao Lan Fang. Lan Fang was the maternal aunt of the once-famous female reformer Ai Lian. As an aunt, Lan Fang was much younger than Ai Lian's age. At that time, Ai Lien invited Dao Mong Long to join his singing company called Union Ban. Long - Phuong often paired together, so the love between them quickly blossomed. But then, once again, the affair broke off in the middle of the road because of the fierce opposition of the g.irl's family. Everyone thought that if he married Dao Mo Long, Lan Fang would soon be widowed because he had a slender b.ody, and he looked white.

Peoples Artist Dao Dream Long: The stage star has many love affairs but still lonely all his life - Photo 5

The third woman who had a great influence on the life of People's Representative Dao Mong Long was Thu Chung – an actress who specialized in starring in Phong Thuan in Bac Giang between 1938 and 1939. This was the wife with whom he endured much bitterness and experienced the ups and downs of his life. Thu Chung is a woman he will never forget.

Unlike the previous 2 loves, this time the love story of Dao Mong Long and Thu Chung was supported and cultivated by everyone. After a period of love, he and the talented digger became fascinated, so they became husband and wife. But then, living in the midst of turbulent times, due to circumstances, they had to be in one place each. After a period of separation, Thu Chung received the news that Dao Mo Long died, she was extremely pained, thinking she could not get up.

In the midst of this extreme crisis, Thu Chung was taken in by a kind man and after a while agreed to be his wife. Ironically, it wasn't long before Dao Molong returned. During a night of theater performance in a mountainous area of Cam Thuy district (Thanh Hoa), he met Thu Chung again. The reunion was so unruly that the two choked up, speechless. Putting aside the confusion in his heart, he advised Thu Chung to return to her current husband and the marriage ended.

After a wrongful marriage to Thu Chung, Dao Mong Long married a young actor 2 years his junior. That g.irl is People's Representative Pham Thi Thanh. She was only 18 years old and the c.hild of a noble family. Their love story was vehemently opposed by Pham Thi Thanh's family, but because the lovebirds were too determined, they still managed to get together. The thought that the marriage overcoming many obstacles will help the Dao Dream Long People's Party reach complete happiness but...

Peoples Artist Dao Dream Long: The stage star has many love affairs but still lonely all his life - Photo 6

After some time together, their marriage broke up. This is the last woman to enter the life of Dao Dream Long. Their marriage broke down, but they still cherished each other. Whenever they mention the other they still have many beautiful words to say, no one has heard a complaint even remote. When Dao Mong Long was bedridden, Pham Thi Thanh still came to take care of him.

In addition to the above women, Dao Mong Long People's People also had many other love affairs, but they were all short love affairs, a glimpse of love of the flower digging artist. The women came and went without leaving him any memories, so he rarely mentioned them.

Peoples Artist Dao Dream Long: The stage star has many love affairs but still lonely all his life - Photo 7

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