H.OT: Step-aunt abused an 8-year-old g.irl with a mental illness to get rid of the crime, what is the truth?

Nam Phu01b0u01a1ngJan 13, 2022 at 17:02

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MXH was stirred by the information that the object of the a.buse of the g.irl in the apartment had a mental illness. Immediately, the authorities were quick to speak up.

More than half a month since the d.eath of an 8-year-old g.irl by her step-aunt's d.eath, public outrage. Currently, many individuals and children's organizations have taken action to request strict handling. At the Saigon Pearl apartment building - where the incident happened, parades and memorials are held regularly to regain justice for the victim's family.

Not only causing outrage because of the c.ruel behavior, many people also gasped when they learned that their biological father, Mr. Nguyen Kim Trung Thai (36 years old) also witnessed and abetted the abusive stepmother. Even the family revealed that, before being prosecuted, the biological father also texted the monk to stop holding a funeral ceremony for his daughter. Before that, many text messages showed that this father had a superficial attitude, trying to hide the crime of the 9x lover.

HOT: Step-aunt abused an 8-year-old g.irl with a mental illness to get rid of the crime, what is the truth? - Photo 1

While the investigation side has not yet officially concluded the case. However, many social forums suddenly spread information that Quynh Trang's step-aunt had a mental illness. This is considered a d.eath card to help the subject run away from the crime. On January 13, in private discussion with Nguoi Lao Dong Newspaper about the fact that the social network is spreading information that Nguyen Vo Quynh Trang (SN 1995, Gia Lai hometown) has a mental health record to escape crime, the leader of the Ho Chi Minh City Police Department confirm that this is false information.

HOT: Step-aunt abused an 8-year-old g.irl with a mental illness to get rid of the crime, what is the truth? - Photo 2

"Currently, the case is being urgently investigated, we have discussed with the media and public that we will investigate fairly, objectively, and strictly handle the offenders. This is a heartbreaking and pitiful case. will be the point," the leader of the Ho Chi Minh City Police told a reporter of Nguoi Lao Dong Newspaper. Another source confirmed that the leadership of the Supreme People's Procuracy had directed relevant professional affairs to appoint procurators to monitor this case.

HOT: Step-aunt abused an 8-year-old g.irl with a mental illness to get rid of the crime, what is the truth? - Photo 3

Previously, on December 22, 2021, the Police of Ward 22, Binh Thanh District received news about the d.eath of NTVA (SN 2013) at Vinmec Hospital.

The police investigation agency of Binh Thanh District Police conducted an investigation, thereby prosecuted a criminal case, prosecuted the accused, and ordered a temporary detention order for Nguyen Vo Quynh Trang for the crime of "tortured others" according to Article 140 Criminal Code.

On December 31, 2021, the Binh Thanh District Public Security Bureau issued an arrest warrant for Nguyen Kim Trung Thai (SN 1985, biological father of b.aby VA) for c.hild a.buse. .

HOT: Step-aunt abused an 8-year-old g.irl with a mental illness to get rid of the crime, what is the truth? - Photo 4

At the authorities, confessed about the reason of "physical impact" on b.aby VA - her husband's stepchild. The step-aunt, born in 1995, said that in the process of teaching, VA showed poor receptivity, so she yelled at her butt with a rattan whip and wooden stick. Residents of the apartment also reported that they often heard the sound of children crying, saw that VA had to throw out heavy garbage bags, bruised limbs. However, Ms. Tran Thi Thu Huong, Principal of Dinh Tien Hoang Primary School (District 1, Ho Chi Minh City), where VA studied from grade 1 to grade 3 shared, the school and teachers were shocked to learn. news of her passing in such a painful way. This shows that there is a complete contradiction between the testimony of the stepmother and the reality.

She said that on December 22, b.aby VA still studied online normally, on December 23, she was absent. Truong called his father and step-aunt but couldn't get through. The school went to the address recorded in the contact book (grandparents' house) and learned that the c.hild was not there, but lived in the Topaz 2 apartment building (Binh Thanh).

VA's principal said, "She is a very good student, cute, has a sense of learning, always does her homework fully, knows how to help teachers and friends, nothing makes her teachers complain. complain" according to VTC News

HOT: Step-aunt abused an 8-year-old g.irl with a mental illness to get rid of the crime, what is the truth? - Photo 5

The school representative added, after talking with 3 homeroom teachers (grades 1 to 3), they said that the b.aby was very normal, with no symptoms. During recess, sometimes I don't run to the yard, but stay in class talking with the homeroom teacher of grades 1 and 2.

Through an exchange with the Legal Reader, lawyer Tran Thi Ngoc Nu - who supported the family of the 8-year-old g.irl burst into tears recalling: The camera in the apartment captured the scene of the 8-year-old being brutally beaten. Recover deleted camera but also cry.

She was beaten for about 4 hours with a solid wooden stick, which she undressed to beat. But the heartache and concern that made her unable to sleep these days was why it hit the g.irl's private area so much.

HOT: Step-aunt abused an 8-year-old g.irl with a mental illness to get rid of the crime, what is the truth? - Photo 6

Regarding the fact that the father saw that his son was beaten but did not intervene, in order to suffer many bodily injuries, the female lawyer was angry: The aggravating circumstances for the father are despicable, because after the divorce, the father is guardian, but let the c.hild be tortured to d.eath. In terms of subjective consciousness, the father must know that his daughter has been beaten, and the father must agree before the other woman dares to hit his daughter.

HOT: Step-aunt abused an 8-year-old g.irl with a mental illness to get rid of the crime, what is the truth? - Photo 7

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