A tearful prayer ceremony for an 8-year-old b.oy who was abused by his "step-aunt", a mournful atmosphere enveloped him

Rosu00e9Dec 31, 2021 at 12:30

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Looking at the photo with the b.aby's innocent smile, many people present could not help but feel sorry.

The tragic and shocking passing of an 8-year-old g.irl in Ho Chi Minh City not only warns of the increasing situation of children being abused, but also a b.ig question about the responsibility of a father, mother, as well as the role of associations... in protecting children.

Recently, Venerable Thich Minh Phu - abbot of Tuong Nguyen Pagoda shared information about the ceremony to pray for the b.aby NTVA - a victim of abuse by "step-aunt" receiving great attention from the public in the past few days. Venerable Thich Minh Phu said that this is the aspiration of the family of A.

A tearful prayer ceremony for an 8-year-old b.oy who was abused by his "step-aunt", a mournful atmosphere enveloped him - Photo 1

Accordingly, the ceremony to pray for VA was held at 9 am on December 31, 2021 at Tuong Nguyen Pagoda, address 243A/46/9 Hoang Dieu Street, Ward 8, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City. Before that, along with information about the time and place, Venerable Thich Minh Phu also shared more pictures of the family and the temple preparing the ceremony to pray for the b.aby.

Looking at the photo with VA's pretty, innocent face, many people couldn't hold back their tears. Knowing this information, many netizens left a prayer for VA, hoping that my son's soul will soon be released. Notably, people living in the same apartment with b.aby VA also prepared moving pictures, candles, incense, flowers, cakes... to commemorate and pray for the b.aby to rest in the golden stream. There were many people in Ho Chi Minh City who came to light incense and commemorate the b.aby.

A tearful prayer ceremony for an 8-year-old b.oy who was abused by his "step-aunt", a mournful atmosphere enveloped him - Photo 2

A tearful prayer ceremony for an 8-year-old b.oy who was abused by his "step-aunt", a mournful atmosphere enveloped him - Photo 3

In the sad scene at the ceremony, the altar to move the b.aby VA's photo was placed in the middle of the main hall, opposite the Buddha statue for people to burn incense to remember and pray for the b.aby to rest in peace. Around the photo of VA, the monks at the temple arranged it simply but enough to cause grief.

The small, lovely face amidst the smoke of incense and white chrysanthemums makes many people even more indignant at the cruel behavior of the "step-aunt" and the insensitivity and callousness of the father. Currently, due to unstable mental state, NTH (the biological mother of b.aby VA) is still in Ba Ria - Vung Tau, unable to attend. VA's uncle is Mr. Nguyen Quang Vinh (SN 1982) from Vung Tau to Ho Chi Minh City to complete legal procedures.

A tearful prayer ceremony for an 8-year-old b.oy who was abused by his "step-aunt", a mournful atmosphere enveloped him - Photo 4

A tearful prayer ceremony for an 8-year-old b.oy who was abused by his "step-aunt", a mournful atmosphere enveloped him - Photo 5

Regarding the incident, most recently, the Police Investigation Agency of Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City issued an urgent arrest warrant and criminal detention decision for Nguyen Kim Trung Thai (36 years old, father). VA's intestines, lives in District 1, HCMC), to investigate signs of accomplices and help in the case of her daughter's abuse.

4 days ago, the investigating agency detained his fiancée, Nguyen Vo Quynh Trang, 26 years old, for the act of torturing others. At that time, Mr. Thai also admitted that Trang used rattan whips and wooden sticks to "teach" his daughter, but did not take drastic action to protect her.

A tearful prayer ceremony for an 8-year-old b.oy who was abused by his "step-aunt", a mournful atmosphere enveloped him - Photo 6

The Vietnam Association for the Protection of Children's Rights said that Mr. Thai's actions created conditions for Trang to continue to abuse VA, leading to the tragic d.eath of the c.hild at a very young age. From the above comments, the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Children's Rights proposed the Binh Thanh District Public Security Bureau to consider changing the prosecution charge of Nguyen Vo Quynh Trang to the crime of "intentionally causing injury, causing fatal consequences". " at Point a, Clause 4, Article 134 of the Penal Code 2015 as amended and supplemented in 2017; there are aggravating circumstances according to points d, i, Article 52 of the 2015 Penal Code.

At the same time, consider prosecuting Mr. Thai with the crime of "failing to help people in a state of danger to their lives" under Point b, Clause 2, Article 132 of the Penal Code 2015 and being an accomplice of Nguyen Vo Quynh Trang as a criminal. help.

A tearful prayer ceremony for an 8-year-old b.oy who was abused by his "step-aunt", a mournful atmosphere enveloped him - Photo 7

Due to the extremely serious nature of the case, which caused a stir in public opinion, Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh asked the Ministry of Public Security and the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City to direct forces to urgently investigate the case to strictly handle violators. crime, do not ignore the crime. The Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuracy direct courts and institutes at all levels to closely coordinate with investigative agencies to strictly handle cases related to c.hild a.buse and abuse.

A tearful prayer ceremony for an 8-year-old b.oy who was abused by his "step-aunt", a mournful atmosphere enveloped him - Photo 8

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