Employees are judged "cowardly" when they do not comply with the company's 3 on-site regulations, is it worth it?

Duyên TrầnOct 24, 2021 at 23:08

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Recently, there was a stir on social networks with a thank you letter from a company in Binh Duong sent to its employees at the end of "3 on the spot" after the Covid-19 epidemic.

However, not only thank the staff and workers who came together to the company to work in the form of "3 on the spot". "Thank you to the brave people who stepped into 3TC, knowing the dangers to keep us all alive, helping the company stay productive through these c.razy days. After going through 3TC twice, it was not as good as expected, but then it gradually recovered", the thank you letter wrote.

Employees are judged "cowardly" when they do not comply with the company's 3 on-site regulations, is it worth it? - Photo 1

But most noticeable is the thank you "cowards" written in the thank you letter. Specifically, "Thank you to the cowards who ran away when needed, so that we can appreciate the silent sacrifices of those who stayed."

The content of the above letter, after being shared on social networks, quickly attracted the attention of the online community and received mixed opinions. The online community thinks that this is probably just a way to encourage and motivate workers after a long time of working, eating and staying at the place during the epidemic.

In addition, some people think that this company calling people who have to take time off work to ensure isolation and epidemic prevention as "cowards" is somewhat exaggerated. Because of the epidemic situation, it is not desirable for anyone to take time off work and stay at home to prevent the epidemic, but because of the complicated COVID-19 situation, it must be accepted to ensure the health of themselves and their families. At the same time, many people are curious about the name of the company that wrote this thank you letter and called for a boycott on social networks.

"The right to refuse work when realizing danger or losing benefits during a stressful epidemic is a legitimate right of employees. Staying in 3TC or not can't show cowardice or courage. Outside also If the disease is dangerous, it is very brave to stay in Binh Duong for a few months without m.oney to eat and drink, because they still try to hold on, when the epidemic is over, they will return and be the productive labor force for the locality. method", the AL account shared.

"I've also worked as a 3TC for almost 3 months, but I don't see any sacrifice or heroism. Those who don't go to 3TC are their business, their decision! Studying and writing a letter in the right way of a selfish dictator. When the country is at war and escapes, use the word cowardly, rather than taking a break from work to prevent the epidemic and calling people cowardly is too much," another friend shared.

Currently, the content of the above thank you letter is still a topic of discussion on MXH.

After the epidemic period, this time everywhere the bride and groom are busy choosing auspicious days to hold their weddings. But this is also the time when the central provinces have to suffer from storms and floods in succession. Therefore, in recent days, many weddings have been reluctantly held in the middle of the flood season.

Recently, the social network shared a lot of special wedding photos of a couple taking place in Quang Ngai. When the four sides were submerged in the sea, the bride and groom had to sit in a basket to cross the flood water. This wedding image quickly attracted attention.

Employees are judged "cowardly" when they do not comply with the company's 3 on-site regulations, is it worth it? - Photo 2

Worth mentioning, the two main characters' smiling expressions like flowers took up the entire frame. The bride sits in a basket, the groom wades through the water and pushes him behind. Wherever they went, the villagers were curious to watch, take pictures and bless the young couple. It is known that the identity of the bride - groom is Khanh Vy and Minh Ngoc, currently living in Ho Chi Minh City. Quang Ngai. After the epidemic was under control, the families on both sides were busy planning and preparing everything for the big day when suddenly met with flood.

Heavy rains from the afternoon of October 22 to the afternoon of October 23 have flooded many areas in Quang Ngai. Nguyen Lu Ky (SN 1995), the photographer who made a special wedding photo series for this couple in the flood season, said: "All the preparations for the wedding were completed, but this morning (October 24), I went to the groom's house, didn't think it would be so flooded. The water was half high. When I had a basket ready, I told the bride to sit on it. The groom waded through the water and pushed the basket behind. Although it was a bit difficult to move. but the bride and groom are also happy, relaxed, laughing along the way." According to Mr. Ky, TP. Quang Ngai rarely occurs such heavy flooding, often water rises in the countryside, low-lying areas. So this morning's wedding procession is a rare and unpredictable situation.

Under flood water, in the rain and wind, photographers had to roll up their pants and protect the camera to take pictures. But the wedding is still fun because the atmosphere is extremely busy, in the difficult times, everyone is still optimistic. Everyone who attended the ceremony and their relatives were all happy and joyful in the happy day of the young couple.

Employees are judged "cowardly" when they do not comply with the company's 3 on-site regulations, is it worth it? - Photo 3

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