Guests were poisoned, went to the emergency room after eating at a famous buffet restaurant in Hanoi

An NhiJul 04, 2024 at 19:23

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In the past few days, a series of articles about the quality of service as well as food at seafood buffet restaurants have caused people to stir up discussions. All of them are famous restaurants that are known to many diners.

On a group of nearly 900 thousand members, H.T. shared about the incident that she and her boyfriend had just encountered. After 4 days in the emergency hospital, she was able to reflect on this incident to warn everyone. The incident occurred on June 29.

Specifically, H.T. shared: "At about 7 p.m. on Saturday (June 29), my boyfriend and I ate a seafood buffet at Tran Phu establishment. At the restaurant, we ate many different dishes such as shrimp, crab, seafood, oysters, sashimi... but mainly eat shrimp and shrimp. However, I only eat crabs because my boyfriend doesn't like to eat them, and when I eat grilled oysters here, I do eat 1 oyster with a foul smell. At 8:37 a.m., we paid and left.

Then on the morning of June 30, I saw my stomach aching and writhing every time, and my mouth vomited and buried. When my relatives took me to the emergency room at the hospital, the initial test showed that the intestinal infection, the amount of white b.lood cells in the b.lood increased many times. The hospital asked me to stay in the hospital for monitoring for fear of further complications. Up to now, I have been in the hospital for 4 days, daily continuous antibiotic and water transfusions, and have to do more b.lood tests, X-rays, ultrasounds and endoscopy.

My boyfriend was not as bad as me, but after that day he also had a stomach ache and went out."

Guests were poisoned, went to the emergency room after eating at a famous buffet restaurant in Hanoi - Photo 1

H.T. also shared: "Even while I was in an emergency, the restaurant's customer service called to survey the satisfaction of the meal. But because the doctor came in at the right time to inject the drug, I turned off the machine and did not respond at all. Until 8:30 a.m. on Monday (July 1), when I had recovered, I texted the restaurant again and was replied that I had notified the manager.

About 1 hour later, the manager called to ask about his health condition and asked more about what he had eaten at the restaurant. However, the main purpose of asking through the loudspeaker is to confirm that their seafood is 'very fresh', the fact that I have to be hospitalized is because I eat food that is not suitable for my body."

Guests were poisoned, went to the emergency room after eating at a famous buffet restaurant in Hanoi - Photo 2

H.T. also shared that she used to eat seafood at other restaurants and also often ate dishes with raw fish such as sashimi and her stomach was always stable. The manager said he would escalate the matter to a higher level, but so far there has been no further explanation.

Guests were poisoned, went to the emergency room after eating at a famous buffet restaurant in Hanoi - Photo 3

With what he has experienced in the past few days, H.T. feels extremely frustrated.

"Firstly, I have trusted to choose a well-known restaurant, spend m.oney but in exchange for unguaranteed quality, affecting my health and life. My hospitalization for treatment both lost m.oney and time, and affected my work.

Secondly, about the restaurant's handling through loudspeakers, I see that they are disrespectful and disregard for customers' health. Try to ask if when customers have the problem of being hospitalized in an emergency and they handle it like that, are they responsible for ensuring the quality of food at the restaurant?" - H.T. was extremely frustrated with the quality of the food and the restaurant's solution.

Guests were poisoned, went to the emergency room after eating at a famous buffet restaurant in Hanoi - Photo 4

A few days earlier, this restaurant also caused a stir when customers accused the restaurant of disrespecting customers and kicking them out. According to Mr. D., on the evening of July 1, he ate very normally as usual, the crab initially ate normally. On the 2nd time, Mr. D. found that there were signs of crabs being declared, so he reflected to a female friend in a white shirt about this issue.

Next, a friend wearing a black shirt and slippers responded to this problem to Mr. D. that this is not a dead crab, this is a typical taste of crabs in different regions, so it smells different.

"I have feedback to you how to handle it because I feel that p.eeling crabs but not using them is very wasteful and I am also very shy, my friend said, "You just use it normally, if you don't use it, I leave it, because I'm using the buffet", Mr. D. narrated.

At this time, Mr. D. was very satisfied with this handling and continued to eat normally.

Guests were poisoned, went to the emergency room after eating at a famous buffet restaurant in Hanoi - Photo 5

After that, Mr. D. took 3 more crabs to the table to use, a male friend wearing a white shirt who looked like the restaurant manager came out and said to Mr. D.'s table as follows: "Please don't use crabs to help me, the food with me is not suitable for your taste, You get up to pay because the food with you does not meet the high demand of your brothers and sisters."

Before this statement, Mr. D. said that he was very upset about the attitude of this male friend. Therefore, Mr. D. stopped the meal and paid and left. Mr. D. himself also affirmed that he would not delete this post at all costs.

Guests were poisoned, went to the emergency room after eating at a famous buffet restaurant in Hanoi - Photo 6

After Mr. D.'s post appeared on social networks, it immediately received a l.ot of attention from the online community. Many people were extremely frustrated with the restaurant's behavior. However, there is also an opinion that everything needs to be heard from both sides.

According to the manager, two guests come to eat buffet on weekdays, so the price of each serving is 480,000 VND, excluding the price of drinks and taxes. "When we received a customer's complaint about the crab smelling good, we brought it to the kitchen for confirmation and learned that it was not a dead crab, it could still be used. Next, we invited guests to switch to crabs to be better served, but customers still continued to choose crab dishes," Mr. Quyet said.

Seeing that the customer peeled the crab and did not use it anymore and left it wasted, the manager went out to talk to the customer privately and could come to inspect the whole fish directly. In case the customer cannot choose any c.hild, the restaurant is willing to reduce the price. However, the manager saw that the guest was not happy and ended the meal. Customers go to the checkout counter at 20:21.

Guests were poisoned, went to the emergency room after eating at a famous buffet restaurant in Hanoi - Photo 7

Late in the evening of July 1, after reading the article sharing the feelings of guest D., the manager was worried and wanted to meet in person to send a sincere apology.

"From this incident, I learned a lesson that we need to be more careful with our words when communicating with guests. I am very sad because I have created bad emotions for customers, so I want to invite him back to the restaurant and experience it again," said the manager.

It is known that on July 2, the restaurant called the customer and wanted to apologize but could not be contacted.

Guests were poisoned, went to the emergency room after eating at a famous buffet restaurant in Hanoi - Photo 8

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