Hoang Nguyen Vu crossed out 5 lines teaching the trio of vegetable candies after the press conference, ending with a shameless sentence

Trí NhiMar 15, 2025 at 14:41

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After a series of days of being harshly criticized by the online community, on the afternoon of March 14, the duo Quang Linh and Hang Du Muc held a press conference to explain the Kera vegetable candy incident. Bowing their heads to apologize and admit their mistakes, they also announced their withdrawal from livestreaming, causing a stir among many people.

Being the most harsh person in the past few days, journalist Hoang Nguyen Vu continued to post about this press conference of the Chi Em Rot duo. He outlined 5 main points to teach both of them a lesson, and at the same time concluded with a "shameless" sentence that made the readers pale, showing his toughness and indignation at the previous false advertisements that both of them said to harm customers.

Hoang Nguyen Vu crossed out 5 lines teaching the trio of vegetable candies after the press conference, ending with a shameless sentence - Photo 1

Specifically, the male journalist wrote 5 bullet points: "Bo.w your head and apologize - be good! And from now on:

- Don't bullshit, don't say yes.

- Don't rely on your "god of war" power to live Vietnamese products and then cleverly steal other people's products.

- Don't buy goods from disreputable places like Ba Con Lamb to harm the people and the country and gain illegal profits.

- Don't produce anything without enough knowledge and, importantly, without a heart for the people.

- Don't be indifferent, take the good part and push the sour part to others.

And more If possible, don't be so shameless on the air.

Hoang Nguyen Vu crossed out 5 lines teaching the trio of vegetable candies after the press conference, ending with a shameless sentence - Photo 2

In the word "famous person" the word "person" comes first, use your heart to spell that word first then shout and bea.t your chest for the next word. Living contrary and deviantly drags along the whole crowd, clearly showing the contrary and deviant!

Just praising her for being good, apologizing isn't the end! But where is the beauty queen who harmed people? Is she busy tearing up paper?"

Hoang Nguyen Vu crossed out 5 lines teaching the trio of vegetable candies after the press conference, ending with a shameless sentence - Photo 3

Hoang Nguyen Vu's sarcastic post caught the attention of netizens and received huge interactions. Previously, at the press conference, Quang Linh Vlog shared that he has been selling products since 2022, and affirmed that he "is not commercialized".

"I think my terminology on live caused confusion about the product. I apologize to customers and the public for my incorrect terminology statements in the past, causing many misunderstandings on social networks with the public. Kera candy mainly supplements nutrition from green vegetables, this is the main ingredient."

Hoang Nguyen Vu crossed out 5 lines teaching the trio of vegetable candies after the press conference, ending with a shameless sentence - Photo 4

Quang Linh also said that immediately after the incident, he stopped livestreaming and announced that he would stop selling products for a long time to focus on his duties as a member of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front.

Quang Linh also said that recently he has been working to connect with the Fatherland Front of provinces, individuals, and units to support expenses for children in difficult circumstances... in Angola.

Hoang Nguyen Vu crossed out 5 lines teaching the trio of vegetable candies after the press conference, ending with a shameless sentence - Photo 5

"This is a big lesson for me. In the future, I will stop livestreaming to sell products. Once again, I apologize to consumers who have been affected by my misleading advertising," Quang Linh said.

Hoang Nguyen Vu crossed out 5 lines teaching the trio of vegetable candies after the press conference, ending with a shameless sentence - Photo 6

Responding to the question of whether Miss Thuy Tien will continue to accompany the brand after the recent scandals, while previously Thuy Tien said the product was her "brainchild", Mr. Tuan Linh - representative of CER Group - said that Thuy Tien only participated in the Kera vegetable candy project as a KOL introducing the product.

Hoang Nguyen Vu crossed out 5 lines teaching the trio of vegetable candies after the press conference, ending with a shameless sentence - Photo 7

"When we shared the product, Thuy Tien was very pleased because the product was developed from agricultural products. Thuy Tien said the product was her "brainchild" for fun, because she really liked this product," Mr. Tuan Linh explained. He also said that the beauty queen's schedule in the coming time is quite busy. However, Thuy Tien will still support domestic agricultural products to increase income for farmers.

Hoang Nguyen Vu crossed out 5 lines teaching the trio of vegetable candies after the press conference, ending with a shameless sentence - Photo 8

After the press conference, Quang Linh and Hang Du Muc were also found to have not been granted permission to organize the event. Accordingly, although they sent a request for permission, the Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports said that the content of Chi Em Rot Group Joint Stock Company is being considered and resolved by competent authorities, and needs an official conclusion from the competent authority and announced according to regulations.

However, at 2:00 p.m. on March 14, the event still took place and is currently being reviewed and recorded by competent authorities.

Hoang Nguyen Vu crossed out 5 lines teaching the trio of vegetable candies after the press conference, ending with a shameless sentence - Photo 9

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