Quang Linh - Hằng Du Mục có mặt check in Châu Âu, Nhật Lệ liền dập tan ảo mộng

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In the midst of the noise of the vegetable candy incident produced by Quang Linh in combination with Hang Du Muc, suspected of not being used for advertising, journalist Hoang Nguyen Vu recently wrote a long and straightforward mention of the name of the male YouTuber suspected of criminal crimes.
Recently, the online community has had a fierce debate regarding the quality and advertising of candied vegetable products on the livestream sessions of Hang Du Mu and Quang Linh Vlogs. After that, these 2 TikTokers apologized for the noise of advertising the product's use.
In recent days, Miss Thuy Tien has also been "named" by the community for her involvement in advertising the aforementioned vegetable candies. She often appears on livestreams selling this product, posting advertisements on her personal page with 2.6 million followers.
Frustrated by the above incident, male journalist Hoang Nguyen Vu had a long post on his personal page, directly shouting Quang Linh's name, warning criminally. He wrote at length: "I used to love and admire Quang Linh Vlog, after watching her series of African clips. A bo.y with sunny and windy skin, with very special journeys and a kind heart, has enshrined a barren land in a strange land.
In recent years, Linh has returned home, and her journey to Africa has almost decreased. The image of the bo.y in that land every year seems to fade, instead of a "businessman" Quang Linh, more eloquent; The demeanor is also more connoisseur, it seems that he is always busy with work projects.
Well, the dream of being rich and working to realize that dream is something we need to encourage and should cherish the achievements they bring. That's why when I see Linh positive, I feel happy for her. We all have to work.
Several times Linh slapped her mouth, including the time "candy with a plate of vegetables", I didn't feel harsh. I just thought, Linh invested in the farm and made candy, Linh would know if it was "like a vegetable plate" or not, so people may not understand the reaction, leading to overreactions.
But there are also surprises in life that make us nervous! The inspection agency has proven that the box containing 30 "vegetable plates" has only 0.51g of fiber, less than 1/5 of the fiber of a banana. For a chil.d, it is necessary to supplement 15 to 30g of fiber every day, which means that those who do not eat vegetables must eat at least 30 jars of Quang Linh's vegetable candy.
If any mothe.r loves her and Quy Linh, but she does not eat vegetables or use Linh's vegetable candies, that chil.d will definitely be malnourished. So, Linh, Hang Du Mu and Miss Thuy Tien, who created this candy and did everything to lure buyers, were innocent or deliberately evil in this story?
There are 2 problems that must be clearly seen as "vegetable candies", first, they are producers, if they do not know what they produce, whether the nutrition is enough or not, but they still use the fame and love of the community to earn income, then they are certainly very irresponsible to the people. And earning that income is definitely a sign of profiteering.
And if they know that their products are very poor in nutrition but still do everything to deceive consumers with all kinds of tricks, it is a sign of deceivin.g people. The authorities need to clarify, because so far they have consumed tens and hundreds of thousands of boxes, with more than 8 billion VND. A large amount of mone.y is enough to criminalize.
Remember, this is not a joke, or "just a mistake", or that celebrities are protected by fans at all costs. It can't be like that!
That's "life", there needs to be fairness and fairness, and the law is a different story. With the law, there is no matter whether you are famous or not, there is no matter how many people's idols, how powerful they are on social networks, but only wrong and right. Violators must be held responsible."
Nhà báo khịa đĩa rau của Quang Linh Vlogs, sâu cay chế tên thành Hằng Du Đãng? Gia Nhi11:31:31 05/03/2025Giữa ồn ào sự việc team Chị Em Rọt gồm Quang Linh Vlog và Hằng Du Mục bị chỉnh đốn khi quảng cáo sai sự thật về viên uống rau củ, thì mới đây nhà báo Hoàng Nguyên Vũ đã chính thức vào cuộc, phát ngôn sâu cay, nghi khịa cặp đôi.
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